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Off-brand bass cabinets


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I am trying to find a cheap 1 X 15 cabinet to add to my 210 combo...have you guys ever used an off-brand cabinet...


This one, for instance, peaks my interest...My plan is to play through this until I get the rest of the money to replace the driver with something like an Eminence Kappa and maybe a high quality crossover..




Do you guys know anything about the company? Quality or no?

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never heard of them but one thing bothered me about the ad. it states that it has 2 ports one for each side of the woofer. I've built many cabinets, have studied cabnet design, even did a science project on how speakers work in high school and nothing i've researched that it is any better to port on both sides of a woofer.


You may want to look at www.avatarspeakers.com I've heard good things about them at reasonable prices

Rock-n-roll junkie
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Seismic is not an unknown fly-by-night operation, if that's what you are worried about. Porting like that is probably neither and advantage or disadvantage. So it's nebulous as marketing mention - but they really make no claims beyond a simple mention ANYWAY.


Basically the box is a good buy at the price. It's not the driver you may want later but it's a servicable one that will indeed work to add some decent low end. Note that the box is MDF - heavier and just durable enough)


It's a bargain, and can work better for the price than much else out there. It won't be hard later on to swap a higher-rating woofer into there; those tube ports are easy to retune. So for people who only can or want to spend $119 now, it's worth doing.

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Actually there have been a lot of brands that due to being poorly marketed and distributed have kind of sunk in significance, and some of them are still making stuff on a smaller scale but using eBay as their outlet. They are all pretty simple bang for the low budget buck operations and there is nothing inherently wrong with their products AT THE PRICE POINT.


This is essentially how Avatar got some visibility, and also the grounds for the improvements in Avatar components. When they started out they were using cheaper drivers too.


If someone has serious budget contraints that absolutely can not be risen above, this cab will actually do better than some cheapies that are out there with more recognizable brand names.

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Originally posted by reachjkh:



go there.



I actually have a 1x15 from Avatar. I tend to like the sound of the 4x10 better though. If you are looking for a subwoofer low, a 1x15 isnt it. Now the Whappo Grande is a sub. lol 21" speaker.


If you really want a 1x15, Avatar is the way to go. $240 +42 s&h and $9 for casters. Cant go wrong.

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Here's a couple of makers that do a good job.




This one is an incredible cabinet. It has a 4-way crossover to spread the spectrum to 1 tweeter, 2X8", 1X12", and 1X21". Yes, folks, that's a 21" speaker that runs like a sub woofer!




Just go to



They have some pretty neat cab designs. You'll have to find a local outlet or have them ship (ouch!), but it will still wind up being a great deal.

Asking why I need 7 strings is the wrong question. Instead, ask yourself why you don't.
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Hey 7strings : }


The Hydra is somewhat like what I mainly use: an Ampeg 1832 Extreme - 18" (firing at 45 degrees into a quasi-horn), 2x10, 2x6.5, and a horn above 5K slanted like a Marshall cab. It's a compact but heavy cab that really deals well with 1400 watts and a low B or #F.


I've heard enough about Madison's drivers being inconsistent in manufacturing tolerances that I've not yet been tempted to recommend them. But maybe that's becoming less an issue...

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It's amazing how we are willing to pay twice the price (or far more) for a "name brand". The funniest illustration of this is women's handbags. A company like Yves St.Laurent will make a pocketbook and price it at $795.00 (yes, you read that right), and someone will make a knockoff and sell it for twenty bucks. Functionally alike, similar patterns.... but somehow the YSL tag is worth a 4000% markup.


What sheep we are.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Yea, I looked into Madison with some excitement when I first found out about them and then read some stuff that scared me. I have never found out if they were legit or not. I assume they are, but I'm not locked up tight with confidence yet. I hope that Madison turns out to be a good deal too, but unfortunately a few bad reports out on the web can put a scare in you. That was a while back though, so we'll see.


I like the transparancy of how Dave does business at Avatar. He offers a great product at a reasonable price, you call him, he answers, you get exactly what you ordered, if not then he fixes the problem for you so you are happy. Beautiful.


I love my Avatar 2x10. I'd rather have an Acme though. That would be what I'd buy if I were to go up a notch to "high end gear".

Hey you white boy there

Go play that funky music

"ok...what's it pay?"


first smoke, then silence

your very expensive rig

dies so gracefully

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Avatar's first cabs didn't have the drivers they have today. Now they are worth considering. There's been quite a few Avatar-type companies over the years. Sonic, Bullfrog, Horizon's sideline, etc. Similar designs and aimed at affordability, and some of it worth considering over more-known brands. Where Avatar has distinguished itself is in its canny use of the internet and eBay.


It's really pretty easy to tool up to make average bass and guitar cabs. Simple crossovers, off-the-shelf hardware that is super easy to find these days, decent drivers at lower costs, real simple boxes that can be made quickly, and designs that have been around for decades.


That's why players who've played a lot of gear and have experience are willing to pay prices that to some seem ridiculous. Because there IS a difference in sound quality, durability, power handling, efficiency, innovation, etc.


For bassists, companies that work in intermediate price ranges that are able to provide a combination of those qualities that actually are markedly superior to the affordable stuff are somewhat rarer.


The affordable companies like Avatar have kind of shown what's wrong with the pricing and design of what other companies have been getting away with.

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Originally posted by coyote:

It's amazing how we are willing to pay twice the price (or far more) for a "name brand". The funniest illustration of this is women's handbags. A company like Yves St.Laurent will make a pocketbook and price it at $795.00 (yes, you read that right), and someone will make a knockoff and sell it for twenty bucks. Functionally alike, similar patterns.... but somehow the YSL tag is worth a 4000% markup.


What sheep we are.

There's a happy medium. The bags on Canal St. don't exactly scream "quality" and the bootlegger is pretty much stealing the design without paying for the rights.


I bought Acme cabs not only because they sound fantastic, but at $481 delivered, it's a steal.


Off-topic: Kate Spade and Coach bags are nicer anyhow (in my tastes), and a bit more reasonably priced. I had a Coach briefcase that lasted quite a while and looked as-new even 5 years of heavy use. It got swiped when my car was stolen some years back. For the $350-400 you'll pay for the Coach bag, it beats the 7 or 8 knock-offs you could buy; point is, I'd rather have one good cabinet than 8 mediocre ones. :)

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That thing will sound like crap. Don't buy it. IT's made of 5/8 particle board. I doubt it would even support the weight of your 2x10 cab. 5/8 particle board will not cut it for a speaker cab. Save a litle money and get an avitar. For the money you can't beat them. If you keep looking on EBAY, Bag End makes a 1x15 that pops up frequently. They usually go for less than $350 and sound killer.
I didn't come here to play. I came here to make babies.
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