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pablo picasso interesting quote


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hello eneryone.i came across this interesting pablo picasso quote and i thought it would be a good idea to share it with all of you.


"What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who has only eyes, if he is a painter, or ears if he is a musician, or a lyre in every chamber of his heart if he is a poet, or even, if he is a boxer, just his muscles? Far from it: at the same time, he is also a political being, constantly aware of the heartbreaking, passionate, or delightful things that happen in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. How could it be possible to feel no interest in other people, and with a cool indifference to detach yourself from the very life which they bring to you so abundantly? No, painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war."

Pablo Picasso

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Picasso did talk some shit, didn't he? :D


Seriously Hertz, he's one of my favourite artists (not that I'm all clued up on the art world mind you!) and the quote offers an interesting insight into his mind!



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Let's raise the level of this conversation.


Below you will see a painting by Picasso from his blue period called "The Old Guitarist".


Upon seeing this painting, the poet Wallace Stevens wrote his epic poem, "The Man With the Blue Guitar".


This poem goes on for many pages but you can read a few excerpts here.


The poem was one of my inspirations for my current blue bass guitar fetish.


The other inspiration was Blue Guitar by Ken Vose which you can check out here.



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That's a beautiful painting.


One of my favorite Picasso works is a painting called Three Musicians.


---> Click here to see the painting.


Jeremy, I have a bass that will make your heart flutter. I'll post a pic when I get a chance.


"When I work I relax; doing nothing or entertaining visitors makes me tired." - Pablo Picasso

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Picasso... I've never been so simultaneously filled with contempt for an artist's work (his cubist stuff, urrggg) and jealous at his prolific and obvious talent (can't beat the fame either ;) ).


That quote was great though. In fact, just reading it made me wish I had a bass nearby. Don't know what to make of the Wallace Stevens poem. I'll have to reread and think about it. Any insights Jeremy, or was it merely a cosmetic influence?


Anyone ever see "Surviving Picasso" with Anthony Hopkins? Great little scene involving a meal with guests.

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I first read that poem about 34 years ago, way before I bought my first blue bass.


The poem always had a strong effect on me, not that I know what all of it means.


The Blue Guitar book spoke to me on a cosmetic level, The Man With The Blue Guitar spoke to me on a spiritual level.


The first two blue guitars were "accidents"---the instrument I liked happened to be blue..the third one was a conscious choice....and it was custom made to look the way it does....one of the pictures in Blue Guitar served as a model. The fourth one was ordered in blue, because, well just because.


The poem has been a part of my subconscious since I first read it. And I wish to publicly thank the poet Claudia Menza for giving it to me as a gift in 1969.

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Coincidentally, as a teenager I had a reproduction of that painting by Picasso on my wall - one of those small woodcut reproductions. Later I read for a doctorate on a modern poet (Ted Hughes) so I needed to read a lot of modern poetry, including Stevens of course. You don't even need to know about the direct influence of the painting on the poem to make an immediate connection. My Yamaha Nathan East is also blue, although I didn't consciously buy a blue one for those reasons.
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I was always more impressed with Matisse's work. His work always spoke to my eyes.


There was a fantastic exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York a couple of months back: Matisse-Picasso. They displayed their contemporary works side-by-side and had some fantastic analysis.

Matisse-Picasso book for sale at Amazon for those that have a interest. I own the book, it is superb. It is a fixture on my coffee table.

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It took me a long time to understand Picasso and his cubist style. For years, I considered it rubbish. Seeing his works in Madrid, particularly the HUGE and disturbing Guernica, which they have to keep behind bullet-proof glass for political reasons. That painting changed it all for me.


Eventually, I caught on to the point of cubism, and I've loved Picasso's work ever since. I've had parallel experiences in music where it took me weeks, months, even years to appreciate some works. But when you finally GET it, you realize that the wait was worth it.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by jeremyc:

Let's raise the level of this conversation.


Below you will see a painting by Picasso from his blue period called "The Old Guitarist".


Upon seeing this painting, the poet Wallace Stevens wrote his epic poem, "The Man With the Blue Guitar".


Wallace Stevens was a total badass. He was an insurance salesman who became a posthumously celebrated poet in his spare time.


He wrote one of the creepiest poems about death called "The Emperor of Ice Cream".


Doe anyone know where I could find the picture of Piccasso where he's sitting at a cafe table with 8 dinner rolls as fingers?

"For instance" is not proof.


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I used to have a copy of the Old Guitarist on my wall.


I have a love hate relationship with Picasso too. I actually liked his cubist period but preferred Braques cubism more.


Picasso's one of those larger than life characters. Great artist and complete asshole. There are a lot of them smattered about. Picasso's one of them.

All the best,


Henry Robinett

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Doe anyone know where I could find the picture of Piccasso where he's sitting at a cafe table with 8 dinner rolls as fingers?

Never mind...here it is http://rhee.net/picassobread.jpg

"For instance" is not proof.


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as an interesting sidenote, picasso's birthday is coming, october 25th (born exactly 100 years to the day before mine) while picasso would be 100 saturday, he is dead. please send memorial contributions to me, because damn it, its my bday to and im alive at 22
Insert inaccurate quote here
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  • 2 years later...
Originally posted by jeremyc:

Let's raise the level of this conversation.


Below you will see a painting by Picasso from his blue period called "The Old Guitarist".


Upon seeing this painting, the poet Wallace Stevens wrote his epic poem, "The Man With the Blue Guitar".


This poem goes on for many pages but you can read a few excerpts here.


The poem was one of my inspirations for my current blue bass guitar fetish.


The other inspiration was Blue Guitar by Ken Vose which you can check out here.



I know a girl from new orleans who has that picture on her telecasters pick gaurd. Her sis bf but it on a pickguard and covered it with something, so she has a picasso for a pickguard.

I knew a girl that was into biamping,I sure do miss



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So this is the thread where Jeremy's infamous "Let's raise the level of this conversation" quote stems from !!!


The one thing I never liked about art was all the so-called connoisseurs trying to explain what I'm supposed to see, feel and experience when looking at a painting.


Friend of mine's like that. We'll both be staring at a painting and I'll go "cool" and leave it at that whereas he's all "this is so typical of this painter's style, the way he manipulates his brush to get a certain effect" and all blah blah ...


Of course I'm like that when it comes to music :freak:



"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Here in Ft. Worth we have one of the best unknown museums in the nation, the Kimball Art Museum.


It plays host to many touring exhibits, including an extended host to the Barnes collection from Philadelphia. The most comprehensive collection of Impressionism paintings in the private world.


I got to see that exhibit, which contains several Picasso, as well as Matisse, Van Gogh and others.


All I have to say is, if you get the chance to see one of these paintings in real life rather than book form, go. It changes your life.


To whet your appetite, check out THIS LINK, which displays 32 of the 181 major works.


The first, Toulouse-Lautrec's "Rosa La Rouge" blew me away. I immediately fell in love with the model (long since dead) and I hear so did poor old Henri! This site is selling reproductions of a few of the paintings; no Picasso or Matisse.


Research the Dr. Albert Barnes and how he acquired and maintained this museum, and you'll find a fascinating story. Several books at Amazon can get you started.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Unlike music from the period, the impressionist and cubist art never seems dated to me. I recently visited MoMA and Guggenheim and the excitment surrounding Matisse and Picasso pieces was very evident.


My favourite though is Paul Klee. His work always stimulates my creativity.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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FWIW, the Picasso Museum in Malaga is also well worth a look if you are in that area of Spain.


You can walk right up to the works - there is no barrier, unlike some other museums.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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The girls would turn the color of the avocado

When he would drive down their street in his El Dorado

He could walk down the street

And girls could not resist his stare



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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