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Lull vs. Sadowsky

_Sweet Willie_

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Oh you just HAD to go there, didn't you?


You already know I'd take my Lulls any day. This may turn into a west/east coast thang. Damn. Can't we all just get along? :D


Really, honestly, I've played at least one bass from all the 'major' luthiers in the 'elite/expensive' arena and I've never played a bass that sounds as good, or plays as good as a Lull. My main bass before playing Mike's basses was a Spector NS5XL, a very, very nice instrument that I loved dearly. When Mike gave me what is now my personal M5 to play (while my Spector was being worked on), I just fell in love with the instrument. I'm sure I've said all this before in other threads on which bass to buy, or which is better, or whatever. I just truthfully love the way the Lull basses play and feel. They are that perfect instrument that feels like I can do or play anything on. If you ever get the opportunity, I highly suggest checking them out. I own two right now, with a third in the works.

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Bumpcity wrote: "I've played at least one bass from all the 'major' luthiers in the 'elite/expensive' arena and I've never played a bass that sounds as good, or plays as good as a Lull."


I was wondering : you must have played an FBass. If so, how does it compare to the Lull?

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I can't pick one. I've played some basses that didn't suit me. I've played too many that did. PJR's Lull felt like heaven. At Roger's shop, I picked up a few I would have gladly taken home.


Then there was this Read Custom, the Dammann, the Citron NT5, lots of MTDs, the Sterling, the.....




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I've never had the opportunity to try either one, and it's not likely that I ever will in Kentucky. Only thing I'm not particularly keen on is the headstock on a Lull. But that's a very little thing in the overall picture. I have no doubts I'd be proud to own either.



...simply stating.
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I gotta admit, I really started this thread as kind of a joke. I actually subscribe to PJR's point of view on the issue :thu: , but I've never been quite as aggressive about instrument trading as he is :D .


Lull vs. Sadowsky? Da' Bears! :thu:;) (OK, maybe not this season. :( )


BUT, since this has become semi-serious as a thread, these two pretty much make their business off of developments on classic Fender J and P models -- but they each have their own "modern" version as well, going just a little further from the vintage or traditional "mystique".


That said, there are several luthiers/builders who clearly stick to the Fender foundation in their work. Here are a few:





Hot Wire-burg


Then there are some who offer traditional Fender designs in their line-up:



Lakland-land (Osborn Avenue)

Lakland-land (Glaub Way)

Citta\' Frudua (Via GFJ-VO)

Modulus City (VJ Lane)


Interesting, n'est-ce pas?! :cool:


Discuss amongst yourselves... :D



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Sadowskys are great. They sound great, they're light, they play really easy.


But there's something about the way every Mike Lull bass has ever felt in my hands. The neck just invites all of these wonderful left-hand articulations.


Personal preference on my part, but I'd go with a Lull if I had the cash in my hands to choose. They're just incredible...

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Originally posted by Dr. Zarkov-Capasso:

I can't pick one. I've played some basses that didn't suit me. I've played too many that did. PJR's Lull felt like heaven. At Roger's shop, I picked up a few I would have gladly taken home.


Then there was this Read Custom, the Dammann, the Citron NT5, lots of MTDs, the Sterling, the.....



:D x 1,000 ;)
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