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I love mine. It's an AKG unit that works and sounds great. I was commenting about it in the "Mirror" thread about hearing yourself out in the audience.


I can go out during sound check and hear how my stage rig sounds and how I sound through the PA.


It's not necessarily that I play big stages or run around a lot. Sometimes I stand in about 4 square feet for the whole gig. I like not having a cord hanging down, getting tangled in my feet, etc. I like the convience. I like that I can wander around if the gig/venue is condusive to it.


I know there are a lot of cord only guys out there, but I love and use my wireless all the time.

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I didn't vote.


I don't hate them, I just think they're a frivilous expense for anyone playing on a small stage. And the cheap consumer level ones don't sound nearly as good as a cable.


Expensive wireless units made by Sony and Shure sound great, but they cost too much if the largest venue I'm playing is Irving Plaza.

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Like BenLoy said, I can't justify or even see the need for one as most of my gigs are small to medium venues. I guess it would be cool to have, but 'cool' costs money.


I think they're great, I just can't put it into the 'need' category for myself.

Bassplayers aren't paid to play fast, they're paid to listen fast.
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I've never tried one. It seems like a good idea and appeals to my "gadget" side. I play in churches, and would like one so I could assess my sound around the room. Thing is that even the cheap ones don't seem worth the money. Maybe after I get a good amp and another Berg...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Dr. Zarkov-Capasso:

... Maybe after I get a good amp and another Berg...



Do we need to send up a warning flare that Mrs. Capasso can see?! :eek::D


I have never used a wireless. I can definitely see the benefits of a reasonably decent quality unit, but I've definitely managed well with my instrument cables. Low priority on this player's GAS list... :)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I don't hate them but I don't see the point. It's not as if having a cable is particularly constraining and if you play an active bass even 30' of cable will sound better than any wireless. Saying that, I wouldn't want to use a 10' lead for gigs - I like to be able to walk out into the audience for sound checks and get down onto the dancefloor and join in with the dancers mid-gig.


I like knowing that I'm plugged in - there's something awfully TOTP/miming(ey) (oooh, interesting new word!) about a bass or guitar with no lead attached.



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I posted this in the "mirror" thread, so I guess I'll just paste it here too:


The best one I ever heard was the X-Wire which of course went out of business.


Supposedly the new Sennheisers have the same technology.


I have a Nady 201 which plays havoc with your tone. But it does help with a basic sound check to see if the band is balanced. And it helps if I am leading a wedding or bar mitzvah gig because I can run on and off the stage to talk to the client or lead the kiddies in games without having to take off the bass. I can also run across the stage and turn pages in the book which is easier than shouting across the stage.


But I rarely use the wirelss because I don't like the sound and where can I go anyway? Most of the time I'm singing harmony so I'm standing in one place in front of the mike, just forward and to the left of the drummer.


And even though I own some expensive cables, spending big bucks on a wireless (which after all is basically a cable) doesn't seem worth it for me.

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I have an X-Wire. I haven't used it in over a year. I originally bought it when I was playing in a funk/soul cover band. We were playing a lot of really big venues/corperate parties with HUGE stages (like 30' x 60'). It was nice to have the freedom to move around when I didn't have to sing backups.


Using it on small stages in clubs is just stupid. I don't see a point in it. Even if I played a really large stage with Yogi & Half Zaftig, I wouldn't use it. I'm too busy switching patches, turning effects on/off, singing, doing the hokey pokey, etc...


I'm actually thinking about selling it. I know they are in high demand. The thing sounds as good as a cable.

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There was a band that played before us tonight, and the bass player had some wireless unit, and I could notice the considerable lag between him and the rest of the band. Especially the Drums.


It looked like a POS thing, and it was a POS band too. They didnt have a drummer, until some random guy from the audience or another band went and improvised. They actually didnt sound that bad...

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I go wireless at every live gig I do, even on small stages. It lets me check on the sound out front during setup and run the stage freely without the worry of inadvertantly hanging a cord up on something else onstage. Also, since we run our own IEM system everywhere we play, including our own monitor board, always running it saves me from adjusting my monitor levels from gig to gig, as it sends a significantly hotter signal to the board than a cord does.


Originally posted by jeremyc:

The best one I ever heard was the X-Wire which of course went out of business.


Supposedly the new Sennheisers have the same technology.



Sennheiser bought them out Jeremy, and that's exactly what I use. They're hands down the best wireless system available for the money, IMHO. As to sound quality, there isn't really a discernable difference between a high quality digital wireless system and a cable in a live sound re-enforcement setting.


It all comes down to personal preference, really. Are they a must have for everyone? Definitely not, but as for myself I love mine.

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