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URB and Accugrooves

Wally Malone

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In the introduction thread Joe Kyle asked if anyone in Northern California was using Accugroove cabs with URB's. I had an opportunity last night to give it a try, and took my 1/2 size Kay to a wedding gig. The father of the bride played URB and flew in from Dallas for the wedding. We had it worked out that I would bring my URB so that he could sit in on a few numbers. I took one of the Accugroove Tri-110 cabinets and used my GK800RB. When he sat in I stayed on stage next to him and played my six-string and did some soloing, melodies and comping. Even though I didn't use a preamp for the URB it sounded pretty good. I had to turn the master down on the GK to about 3 o'clock, I usually run that full-up with my electrics. On the last set of the evening I plugged the Tri-110 into my Eden Metro and we got to rock out and I could turn it up a bit more. It sounded great. I'm starting to feel like it would be great to own one of each size cab since each one I've tried worked great in the particular situations I was in. I've now tried the Tri-112 which I own, the El Whappo, the Whappo Grande (21"), the one with 2-12's (not remembering the name) and the Tri-110, and the

trouble is I can't win the lottery because I don't play. :D


Attention Dave Brown: Dave the father of the bride is Don Goodwin and I mentioned you and he said that he knew you. He said he had stopped by the Lowdown some time back.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Sounds like it was a blast.


I've heard the name before, Wally, but I can't place where or when. I'm more in the Ft. Worth side than the Dallas side, though.


Does Mr. Goodwin play any orchestral stuff?

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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