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_Sweet Willie_

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Well, some of our northeast and midwest brethren here in the US are undoubtedly off-line because of the blackout. From the news, it sounds like power is on the way back. Pretty unbelievable situation. (Erik, my mom in NYC is fine -- I know you were thinking of asking. ;) )


I hope those of you who were affected made out okay. Let us know how you're doing when you get back on-line.


I guess you got some time to woodshed on acoustic bass -- URB or ABG! ;):D



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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We were only out of power for about 3 hours here in my part of Buffalo yesterday. There were rumors that it might go out again overnight, but I don't think it did here.


I'm interested to hear how things are in NYC this morning.



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Lessee...while they are gone, we're in charge of the forum, right?


Okay, quick...let's suspend all the rules and do a lot of cussin' and cuttin' people down and stuff like that.




Actually, I'm so gratified, while watching the pic's on TV with all the potential for stress and violience, that everybody is co-operative and patient.


Bully for y'all


One of the big stories here in the Dallas area is a stabbing...road rage. They've been playing the 911 call here...some guy is acosted by 2 other drivers who had road rage. He dialed 911 in time to record his own dead...now they are looking for folks who recognize the voices of his murderers...


But as far as we know, you guys up there are toiling away up there with patience and aplomb.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Originally posted by davebrownbass:

One of the big stories here in the Dallas area is a stabbing...road rage. They've been playing the 911 call here...some guy is acosted by 2 other drivers who had road rage. He dialed 911 in time to record his own dead...now they are looking for folks who recognize the voices of his murderers...



Every time I start thinking that I should move down to TX so I can study with the great and knowledgeable Dave Brown, out comes another story about crime, violence, and destruction in TX.


That's a real shame, Dave, about the road rage killing. Something similar went down in Chicago recently, but without the 911 tapes. A biker got hit by bullets from a road rage inspired shooting.


Thankfully it seems like the folks enduring the blackout are getting by okay.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Okay, my lights are back on!


Luckily, I was working in NJ yesterday instead of my usual Manhattan location. I walked down to the pier here in Hoboken (across the river from Manhattan, on the NJ side of the Hudson). From there, I gazed upon BLACK silhouette of the NYC skyline. Eerie.


I played acoustic guitar for 3 hours last night in my 100 degree, 3rd floor apartment. I came up with a couple of nifty progressions. Well, they might have been nifty, or I may have been hallucinating. That bottle of Merlot might have caught up to me at that point and joined forces with the excessive heat.


Regarding the road rage, that's horrid. I cannot understand what could possible drive a person to that point. Part of the reason I sold my car and moved to a mass-transit friendly location was due to events like that. Speed, traffic, and the average moron on the road are too much to deal with. I wouldn't single out Texas on this one; come to my part of the world and check it out. Sit at the George Washing Bridge for 2 hours and try not to freak out.


I'll sit on a subway or a ferry and read or sleep; much better than dealing with traffic. Thank god for iPod's! :)

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No black-out for me! But there is that hainous virus going around that completely messes your harddrive up. That's why I leave my comp off and use my brother's ;) . Don't worry, he'd leave his comp on no matter what.
In Skynyrd We Trust
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I tell you what is horrible, it's only the first week of school here in GA (atleast in my part) and we've just had a stabbing in one of the schools nearby. I think that is nuts! Kids need to learn to cool out and just let it go. I'm tired of these kids, when are they gonna learn?



Still working on it...

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Last night at religious services here in California, the rabbi was talking about the power outage and having us pray for the people in the northeast.


Then she said, "we should be thankful that we didn't live in New York last night....actually every day we should be thankful that we don't live in New York."

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Originally posted by jeremyc:

Last night at religious services here in California, the rabbi was talking about the power outage and having us pray for the people in the northeast.


Then she said, "we should be thankful that we didn't live in New York last night....actually every day we should be thankful that we don't live in New York."

Ha! You guys are just jealous. Seriously, I mean, where else can you spend thousands of dollars a month in rent for a 600 square foot studio apartment? Oh, wait, San Fran. Never mind! :D


Totally off topic, but when I'm out of town for my day gig, I often end up in some strange places. I run into people who make 1/3 the salary I do out in the middle of nowhere, yet they own a HOUSE, a CAR, and they have satellite TV, central air, etc. All kinds of creature comforts. As I sit in my 600 square foot, walk-up apartment in a pre-war building OUTSIDE of Manhattan, without a car or central air, I wonder; WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?!?


Well, I guess it's for that fantastic skyline view during my morning jog, eh?


Of course, the reason I have to job is because I don't have a car... VICIOUS cycle!


Actually, one of the main reasons I like living here is the music. No one can ever take Detour on 13th St. near 1st Ave. away from me. Live jazz, every night, no cover. Proof that God loves us. Or how about Prohibition on the West Side? Or the jukebox at No Idea? Or that one waitress at Dewey's Flatiron... can we turn the lights back off? :D

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Originally posted by getz76:

Originally posted by jeremyc:

Last night at religious services here in California, the rabbi was talking about the power outage and having us pray for the people in the northeast.


Then she said, "we should be thankful that we didn't live in New York last night....actually every day we should be thankful that we don't live in New York."

Ha! You guys are just jealous. Seriously, I mean, where else can you spend thousands of dollars a month in rent for a 600 square foot studio apartment? Oh, wait, San Fran. Never mind! :D


Totally off topic, but when I'm out of town for my day gig, I often end up in some strange places. I run into people who make 1/3 the salary I do out in the middle of nowhere, yet they own a HOUSE, a CAR, and they have satellite TV, central air, etc. All kinds of creature comforts. As I sit in my 600 square foot, walk-up apartment in a pre-war building OUTSIDE of Manhattan, without a car or central air, I wonder; WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?!?


Well, I guess it's for that fantastic skyline view during my morning jog, eh?


Of course, the reason I have to job is because I don't have a car... VICIOUS cycle!


Actually, one of the main reasons I like living here is the music. No one can ever take Detour on 13th St. near 1st Ave. away from me. Live jazz, every night, no cover. Proof that God loves us. Or how about Prohibition on the West Side? Or the jukebox at No Idea? Or that one waitress at Dewey's Flatiron... can we turn the lights back off? :D

Hehe...Only in New York! :thu:
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