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Passed over on a soundtrack deal...I can't catch a break man!!

Chest Rockwell

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Its only a "B" movie but it was an "in" for my solo elctronic stuff -and I'm out. A friend of mine turned me on to the deal and it would have been a good opportunity to start a resume but, no. I won't mention the name of this flick but its a horror sci-fi piece and the trailer used instead of mine literally sounds like someone ate and shit out a copy of the soundtrack to Halloween. Same piano melody- with a little more modern recording and some low bass. Its really revolting!!


What gets me is that the original demo sent in was listened to, totally loved and then lost. This was followed by the producer/screen writer who is connected to my friend calling and literally begging for another demo and saying how much he really dug the stuff that was sent. So, at this point I'm really feeling good about this but my friend tells me that this producer is one of 3 on the team and has to ok it through these other producers. So I think....ok...uhoh...well I shouldn't worry too much. But alas, the cards can't fall my way and I'm voted out. I'm really bummed.


The thing is, I'm trying to get decent gigs for my band right now and I'm having to jump through hoops and over these cock-blocker club-owner ass-clown booking people and thats brutal enough. I just can't seem to catch a break. I have a lot of friends who believe in me but I can't seem to get beyond this.

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Hey there, very tough break man. Auditions and demos can be devastating. I know about that one, anyway.


By the by, though, you might want to consider editing your title of the topic you posted...moderators here tend to let profanity slide (when it's used tastefully), for the most part, but having it right there on the front page of the forum might be a bit much, since there's no content warnings or anything, and I wouldn't want your topic deleted.

unkownroadband.com - step into the unkown :-)
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Hey there, very tough break man. Auditions and demos can be devastating. I know about that one, anyway.


By the by, though, you might want to consider editing your title of the topic you posted...moderators here tend to let profanity slide (when it's used tastefully), for the most part, but having it right there on the front page of the forum might be a bit much, since there's no content warnings or anything, and I wouldn't want your topic deleted.


Thanks dude. Well, hopefully they'll just let the title be. It truly reflects how difficult and painfully frustrating this business can be. Thanks again.
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if your attitude and use of profanity is any indication!!?diplomacy and tact my good man.

i myself have felt like ripping the head off a producer.and club owners?hell torture's too good for some,but all in all you have to sell the band or yourself.so do like the rest of us,bite your tongue and be tactful. you know the old chestnut,you can catch more flys with honey than you can with vinegar.

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I imagine that it's a pretty tough biz, lots of rejection, lots of people saying "We love it!" and then dropping you without explanation or insisting on ludicrous last-minute changes. From what I gather, that's what you have to learn to expect. That's what you have to learn to LOVE.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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I know this won't make the rejection any easier, but, we've all been through it. I have been up for some major bands, but, because I'm a big dude, I don't get the call. I always get "The Look" speech.


I've even gone through similar situations in studio work. I have a lot of friends in the industry and it has helped out a lot. But, some higher-ups have their loyalties, too, and it's not me. I know nothing I say will make it any easier, but, music is a brutal business. I wish it were so simple as to be about the music first.

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Chest, calm down. Board moderators are not sadistic, nor are they shits. They are doing their job to make the forum appropriate for all age ranges and sensitivities. We understand that you're angry, but going on a rampage here and against our very capable and pleasant moderators is no way to win sympathy.


Sucks that your demo got dropped. I've been dropped from a band or two in favor of someone who was a worse player just because that person was a friend of the band or something. Don't worry, much like finding a rebound girlfriend, you'll find yourself a rebound gig soon enough that will make the hurt subside. :)

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Yeah, you're pissed - we got that.


Sorry about the soundtrack thing.. it's never fun. Unfortunately, that's part of the game. If you can't learn to turn rejection into something constructive, you've got alotta disappointment ahead bro.


FWIW - threatening some "f***er" that may have changed your title will only get it shut down faster.



...simply stating.
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1)It is a Christian School.


2)If you spent at your days around children as a responsible adult and role model, you would understand my position.


3)Students who use curse words are given detention.


3)Students who listen to music (in the computer lab) with cursing in the lyrics lose their internet privileges.


4)All school rules are spelled out in writing and I have signed a contract to abide by them. There's no fear involved.


5)You seem to have a "wanna fight about it" attitude which is not the best way to advance your career.


6)And if I somehow offend you with my comments, I will ignore any responses.


7)This thread has gone completely away from your original intention which I think was a plea for sympathy.


8)You have my sympathy...you were led to believe that you had a deal and then someone else got the gig. Sorry that happened to you.

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Originally posted by Chest Rockwell:

I often read this forum in between classes. If someone comes in and sees me reading something with the word in your thread title I could be fired.


Sounds like grounds for a lawsuit. Don't live your life in fear.

I had a roommate that thought like this. I hope he finally grew up.

...simply stating.
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Originally posted by Chest Rockwell:

Ok Ok. Rant mode off. But nobody changed the title in the SSS forum and it irked me that one of my fellow bass players decided to censor me.

Asking (or even demanding) that thread titles be appropriate is not censorship.


Censorship is when the government silences your political or religious opinion...not when free entities (such as the people who own and run this forum) decide that they don't want a particular word on the forum that they own and/or run.


Between your thread title and faux threats on Bush's life, sounds like the SSS forum is an insane place. Guess that's why I never visit it.

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