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Gear review: 4+ hours w/ high-end goodies

_Sweet Willie_

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Hey y'all!


First and foremost, three points:

  • A warning: This is kind of a long post.
  • A qualifier: These are my own subjective opinions. Other players will obviously feel differently about the gear described here.
  • Another qualifier: I played a lot of stuff today. I do not remember all the details about woods, neck construction, etc. I will do my best to insert the bits that I do remember.

I spent over 4 hours today visiting with Dan Lenard at the Luthiers Access Group (LAG). Here's the website: LAG website . I have had some very pleasant e-mail exchanges with Dan in the past, and I was happy to be able to arrange this appointment to visit LAG.


Dan is a gracious and knowledgeable host. He represents his builders well, especially in his ability to present gear from "competing" builders in an unbiased fashion. What does that mean? That means that Dan let me play and form my own opinions about the different basses and amplification, never ever suggesting that one or another item was better or worse than another. Dan was able to answer all my questions about gear that I played. He also generously allowed me to play some of his own personal instruments at the end of my visit. Dan did not "hover" and the environment was very relaxed. There was absolutely no pressure to buy anything, and Dan seemed to care sincerely that I learned as much as I wanted and as much as I could about the various amp/cab and bass builders.


I could put up links upon links after this veritable gear orgy, but it would take too much time. Some information about most of the builders whose gear I played today is available at the LAG website, where there are also links to some of the builders' own websites. If there aren't links or info at LAG, you can use Google or a similar search engine to find out more about these builders.


Bass amplification

I brought my own Music Man StingRay5 fretless today to test out some different speaker cabs. Dan had a Phil Jones M-500 amp out for me to use and four cabinets: a Phil Jones 8T (8x5), an AccuGroove Tri-112, an Epifani 1x12, and an Epifani 2x10. In a thread about Phil Jones gear I complained about graphic EQs. I take it back :o . I used the graphic EQ on this head with great success while testing cabs. I tested cabs for about 45 minutes, and I've presented them here in the order in which I played them.


PJB-8T: Lots of punch. Clear sound. I can understand how an array of these 5" speakers could splatter audience members against the back wall of a venue. This cab, and probably its larger brethren, would probably cut thru well in a rock/funk situation.


AccuGroove Tri-112: Fullest sounding of the 4 cabs. Great range. Best bass response for low notes on the B-string. Warmth and clarity.


Epifani 1x12: Another great cab. Warmer than the PJB, not quite the depth of the AccuGroove.


Epifani 2x10: I liked the low B thru this cab better than thru the Epi 1x12. A little punchier, but not as much as the PJB. Not as warm as either of the 1x12 cabs, but definitely nice clarity.


I then played the AccuGroove 1x12 and the Epifani 1x12 one more time each.


In my humble opinion, all of these cabs are terrific. I liked the AccuGroove the best, but if anyone mailed me any of the four as a gift, I wouldn't turn it down ;):D !


Basses, basses, and mo' basses!

Here is the list of instruments I played today:

Jerzy Drozd (Spain) -- fretted 5 and fretted 6

Heins (Germany?) -- two fretted 5s

Stambaugh (New Hampshire) -- single-cut fretted 5, single-cut fretted piccolo 5, fretless 2 (yes, a 2-string!)

Vadim (Canada) -- fretted 6

Leduc (?) -- headless, fretless 6 w/ "floating" top and hollow/chambered body

Kenneth Lawrence (Calif.?) -- Brase fretless 5

Fodera (New York) -- single cut, fretted 5


My reference rig for all of these basses was a Glockenklang Bass Art head into Glockenklang speakers. Yowsa! :thu: The "backup" reference rig was a Glockenklang Soul head into an AccuGroove El Whappo. I did not use the "backup" rig today...a shame, really.


Some highlights:

I liked the Stambaugh fretted 5 the best of the fretted basses w/ the Drozd basses close behind. These are outstanding instruments, folks. The tonal quality was rich and full. The Stambaugh 5 was neck-thru, sported Bart p'ups and an Aguilar OBP-3 preamp. The Drozd basses were also neck-thru w/ Bart p'ups and Bart preamps. The Drozd body style isn't my favorite in terms of looks, but it hangs comfortably from the strap and hugs your body. The Stambaugh is also very comfortable.


All three fretless basses I played were terrific. The Leduc is a wonderful instrument and has a really unique fretless sound. Passive electronics with two controls -- overall volume and a pan between the single magnetic pickup and the piezos. Very lightweight. The Kenneth Lawrence bass (alder body, maple set-neck) balanced wonderfully and sounded great. The "unique bass of the day" award goes to the Stambaugh fretless 2-string! It is a single piece of purpleheart, headless, shaped a bit like a paddle, with neck dimensions similar to a short broomstick. There is no attached fingerboard and a single pickup (1/2 of an EMG P pickup); the tuning pegs are located at the end of the body beyond the bridge. It has a great, bright sound, and forced me to really think about bass differently, given it only had two strings (I believe an E and an A).


The Fodera 5 was the weakest of the lot (although still a lovely sounding and looking bass). However, I have played one other Fodera in my life, and today's Fodera 5 did not hold a candle to the Fodera 5 I played several months ago.


The Stambaugh piccolo bass was fun to play, but it was my first outing on a piccolo bass, so I felt a little clumsy. I don't feel like I could give a valid opinion about this bass. Piccolo probably isn't really for me, or at least not at this point of my bass life.


In conclusion...

I had expected to be at LAG for about two hours. Slidey-Chair Capasso laughed at me when I told him this over the phone last week. I think I dragged myself from the premises after about 4 1/2 hours. However, Dan is not to be held unaccountable! As I would turn down the amp and begin to take off what I thought would be the last bass of the day, he would say, "Oh, wait, I've got something else you should try!" How could I say no?! :D


I invited Dan to visit with us here at the LDL. He said he probably would, but if so, he might lurk awhile first to try to pick up some of the norms we have here. He certainly has some concerns about participating as an instrument and amplification dealer, and I explained that we have a couple of folks here who are in the same position and manage to keep the business separate from their contributions to the discussions. Hopefully sometime in the future we will hear from Dan, when his busy schedule allows.


I am happy to discuss any of this in greater detail. Ask questions soon, though, before my memory fades any further. I hope that my memory has been accurate about what I reported already.




(BTW, in case you hadn't yet guessed, I have wicked GAS right now! :( )



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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So, Willie...here's your fairy godmother.


And you will have your wish for this new gear.


That is, if the following numbers win a lottery in which you participate:


4 10 16 17 23 + PB 43


Now, you must play these numbers twice a week for the next 40 years...and hope and dream.


And it will take your mind off the GAS!!!!! :D


Thanks for the review! An 8x5 array? HUMMMMPH!

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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ok so do you think the PJB is worth the money? think about if you had the 24x5 with the 8x5. would it blow the house down? would the low B rattle bones and would the high G cut glass? by the way what do you think about the El Whappo? do you think it can really replace a 4x10 and 1x15 combo like the web site says? thanks for the great report.
I didn't come here to play. I came here to make babies.
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orphan w,


Is the PJB gear worth the money? I'm not sure. I was pleased with the tone I got from the M-500 head thru all 4 cabs that I played.


I only tried the 8x5 PJB cab, and had no interest in trying the 16x5. I was really focused on more portable gear. The 8x5 on top of the 24x5 would probably be something akin to a 2x10 on top of a 6x10 -- essentially a really punchy 8x10. Based only on my impression of the sound from the 8x5, I would think the combination would be loud and punchy enough to knock someone on his/her ass. I would guess that the sound would be strong, but possibly one-dimensional. However, this is guesswork based only on my positive impression of the 8x5.


I did not play the El Whappo today, but I played one at AccuGroove a couple of weeks ago. I did not play it at gig volume, so I won't try to assess whether it gets as loud as a 4x10 and 1x15. However, I will say that the fullness of tone and range of an El Whappo, in my opinion, is greater than a 4x10 and 1x15. There is a richness of tone to the AccuGroove cabs I've played that I don't hear in other cabs I've played.


If I were regularly playing large gigs, and wanted a strong bass presence on stage, I would probably love to have an El Whappo and a Whappo Grande 21" sub -- both run full range.


Based on what I played today, which matches my playing situation better, for small to medium gigs I would prefer an AccuGroove Tri-112 over a PJB 8x5.


Don't sleep on those Epifani cabs, though. They are also the real deal...sweet sounding!





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by BenLoy:

...and now you've got me jonesin' for a Ken Lawrence Brase! Grrrr.



That Brase fretless was really lovely -- well-crafted; lightweight and really comfortable to play on the strap; great tone (hard to describe the tone, different than other fretless basses I've heard -- beyond "mwah" :cool: ).


Sorry to have reintroduced you to Mr. Jones. :(:D



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I envy you!!


I need to take a day to try out some gear soon. It's time to retire my old rig now that I've gotten somewhat serious about music. Lately all I'm using my rig for is smaller venues or stage volume for the larger places.


My rig did black out there for a little while during a show at a very large club. I had to have the bass cranked to carry the room. She didn't hold up. So I guess I need something that can do it all!!


...and now you've gone and wet my whistle!!! :mad:


GASp!!! :D

Double Posting since March 2002

Random Post Generator #26797

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Originally posted by orphan wells:

i can't believe you actually got to play that Jerzy Drozd!

Yup, all 28 frets worth of birdseye maple fingerboard joy! I'm sure you can understand why that was the first bass I picked up. And you'd better believe that I made sure to play a couple of notes up above the 26th fret! Why? Cause they were there, dammit!


Really an exceptional, carefully and well made bass. (However, 24 frets are more than enough for me.)



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Thanks for a great report. I told ya about these trips ;)


I've wanted to try a Drozd, because I suspect the body wouldn't suit me either (I like small body basses...), but they do intrigue me. Glad to hear it's as solidly made as they look. I like some of his darker-wood models..


I am one of those old dinosaurs that thinks a graphic EQ is useful. sometimes I think it's because the complex parametrics confuse the heck out of me.


When are you going back? It doesn't seem like you tried EVERY bit of equipment, and we want to know...


(I'm such a stinker, ain't I?)




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

When are you going back? It doesn't seem like you tried EVERY bit of equipment, and we want to know...




I'll go back when you come visit Chicago. :D


No, I didn't play everything. I didn't play the AccuG. El Whappo cab or the Phil Jones 16x5 cab. I also didn't play any of the Bolin basses. Nor did I play the bolt-on Drozd 6-string. Nor did I play the Hanewinckels that Dan expects sometime this week. Egads, man, do I have to go every weekend?!?! :eek:


It was a great time. You simply have to get your boss to get you a consulting gig out this way! ;)





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Brian, I've had a Taylor acoustic bass on loan for about a week. (It will ship back to Taylor in a couple of days)


If I could afford it right now, I'd keep it in a heartbeat. It has wonderful playability, incredible sounds, excellent electronics & looks fabulus. They will be comming out with a thinner body version by the next NAMM show.

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  • 6 years later...

I deleted them. :grin:


Besides - you're supposed to bring back last year's cab-purchase post that included Robb for his helpful ears and me for my superior negotiating skills.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Besides - you're supposed to bring back last year's cab-purchase post that included Robb for his helpful ears and me for my superior negotiating skills.


Think I remember that one !


My drummer has hinted at a visit to Cologne's Music Store (in Germany, where I ordered my WAV) but it has not materialized yet. Good thing, cos they have these lovely Mayones basses in stock that cost too much and make me want them. But first I am thinking of a preamp for the WAV (could I have one built into the thing?) and a new amp for everything else ...




SW, did you ever go back to that store?

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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In a thread about Phil Jones gear I complained about graphic EQs. I take it back :o . I used the graphic EQ on this head with great success while testing cabs.


this was my experience with the single experience i had with a PJB M500. i was not as impressed with the cabinets, but that graphic EQ was exceptionally musical and useful for tone shaping.


i've been getting the urge to buy a new bass, but then every time i play the cirrus i'm at home. i played for a

recently with my band and got complements from a couple players i know locally through talkbass as having the best tone all night.


it's like i want something new, but then i can't remember why.



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