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Mid Summer madness


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I've never been to a large music festival but think they are wonderful. They are on ongoing connection to the beginnings of rock music back in the 60's and provide some traditional continuity. No slick stage show,no studio tricks,just bands getting up and rocking. The bands may play well or may suck it doesn't matter,it's REAL.
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Cup, love the summertime as well, plenty of festivals here in Northern California. Some years back we had a drummer from England and after playing with us for a few months he asked if we ever played indoors. :D



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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I couldn't agree more Humabass and Wally, festivals are fantastic. I'd never thought of the connection to past rockers but it makes sense to me.


Some people simply detest large out door events, complaining of the bad sound, the lack of ammenities and on and on. Though I can agree on some points I think they're missing the point. Music is only half of the whole experience.


You're meant to live like a caveman at least one day of the year.


BTW The flaming lips are my main attraction this year. They're simply amazing!


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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Hi Cup!


My only experience with music festivals is the Jazz & Heritage Fest down here in New Orleans. The two aspects I really love ironically, are not the music, but the food and the artisans.


The music is great, but you have to stake out a spot in the grass and sit in the (very hot) sun while you wait for the band to start, and then you are surrounded by tons of people, so if you want to split for a while to get something to drink or something, you have to climb across all of the people.


Boy, do I sound like an old-fogie! Hundreds of thousands attend every year and they love doing that.


So what I like to do is get my food and drink and walk around and look at crafts and listen to whatever I can hear. I stop here and there when I hear something that grabs me. Playing at the Jazz Fest is a really big deal, so we will get acts like Sting, and Bonnie Raitt sometimes.


The Fest also features large night-time concerts and all kind of bands perform at the local clubs during that time too, cause there are so many music-lovers in town.


When I was young (I am 44 now)... they didn't have music festivals around here that I know of. We would go to "concerts" which involved one opening act and the main act.


Some concerts I attended were: Three Dog Night, Chicago, Grand Funk Railroad, Alice Cooper, Creedence Clearwater Revival and THE OSMOND BROTHERS!!! There... those all really "date" me! (There were probably more, but I can't remember. My memory cells are shot! Too many people smoking POT at all of those concerts, and I had no choice, I had to breathe it in!!! )


All of the above made for a great time.


Hope you TOTALLY enjoy your festival! :thu:


... Connie Z

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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Connie I simply can't wait. I've no holidays planned for the summer (barr a stag weekend in Amsterdam in Sept and that's not summer) So I'm gonna go nuts at Witnness.


The music is important, but meeting loads of friendly folk is great too. Your New Orleans festival seems a bit more relaxed than festivals over here. We have stalls etc....but they all seem like they're trying too hard. The food is mostly noodles or fried crap (check out the Irish's terrible diet and heart attack stats!). For me it's music, people and warm and over priced beer. In whatever order they present themselves.


Cheers. Cup :)

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I did Glastonbury 3 years on the trot, '97, '98, and '99 - two very very wet years and one gloriously sunny one. After that I vowed never to return.


Over those 3 festivals the best bits were: Radiohead, Roni Size/Reprazent, Faithless, Skunk Anansie and Headhunters (reunion with the Thrust line-up!) and of course lots of random bands on the Jazz/World stage (including the awesome Mr Shri).



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Alex, you stopped going after the really sunny one? Surely not for the weather, probably due to the fence climbers and thieves. Apparently the new security fences have stopped a lot of the trouble, some reported the death of the Glasto spirit, but if that equals getting your gear nicked and your face punched....who cares.


Cup :freak:

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I'm not a fan of attending big outdoor festival shows as a spectator. First off... they're outside. I hate being outside. Bugs, hot sun, smelly drunk people. Nah, not my thing. Second of all... they're all frickin' day long. Man, I don't care who's playing... I don't wanna hang out in the summer soupiness all day. No way.


Having said this... I like playing them. Yeah, we played a couple of giant field shows, and they're fun as shit -- especially if you get to play at night. There's something cool about that experience. The lights look awesome, and the photo opportunities are great.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I've gone to one of the largest Christian music festivals the past couple of years. This year they (Cornerstone) just celebrated their 20th aniversary. Every year they have several hundred bands playing every musical genre known to man. It's like 5 days and most people camp on the grounds, I've enjoyed it so much.


This year however thanks to my stupid job and because of what CMDN mentioned "I don't wanna hang out in the summer soupiness all day(week)" I only went for the fourth. I didn't see a lot of the bands in the lineup that I wanted to see, and friday had a good deal of the ones that I did want to see.


Anyways we got there around 1 and sweated until sundown and then sweated some more because we were dancing like fools. I got to see my favorite band that's breaking up after this year five iron frenzy, so it was all good.


Sorry this was so long I just happen to love music festivals.

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Fantastic! The whole weekend was great. The crowd was so peaceful, I didn't see one arguement or fight...pretty rare for a collection of drunken Irish.


Musically, The Music and the Flaming Lips were the best thing to me, the dance tent was reserved for true mentalists, so I stayed away.


Roll on next year.


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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Chicago is home to many a summer festival -- blues fest, gospel fest, jazz fest, and the "Taste of Chicago" (which is built around restauranteurs presenting their dishes, but has a very significant live music component).


There are always plenty of smelly, sweaty drunk people (amen, CMDN), but everyone really seems to have a good time.


This doesn't begin to count the various touring festivals that come thru town -- Smokin' Grooves, Lollapalooza, OzzFest, etc. I'm looking forward to ending my summer with an outdoor hip-hop concert (Liquid Mix Tour) featuring Talib Kweli and the Roots, among others.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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good choice on the flaming lips. did you know they released an album called zaireka(on warner brothers) that had four c.d's on they were designed to be played simultaneously on 4 stereos. A rare occurance where lyrics are so damn good it hurts.
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Gord, I'm only starting to get into the Lips since Yoshimi, but I have heard the Soft Bulletin too. I read on their website (which just so happens to be the best band site I've ever visited!) something about the mad concept L.P you talked about, it may take me a while to get the whole catalogue, but I MUST own all their work.


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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