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Now for some really nasty oneliners, I could start talking about singers!
Ooooh...I've got a great one...


A jazz quartet is setting up for their weekly cocktail hour gig when the singer asks what tune they should start with.


The pianist says, "How 'bout Autumn Leaves?"


The singer agrees and asks "Should we do it in E or in G today?"


"Well," the pianist says, "That's good question. I was thinking we'd stretch out bit and do it like this: We'll start off in E, but modulate to G after two bars, then to Ab after another couple bars. Also, when we get to the end of the bridge, let's stick a bar of 7/8 in there to turn the time around, and then give the horn player a solo that's exactly 3 and a half choruses before coming back to the melody, and then let's tag the ending 1 and a half times. Whaddaya think? Pretty hip, huh?"


"Geez," the singer replies, "That sounds pretty complicated...I don't know if I could sing it like that..."


"Whaddaya mean?" the pianist replies, "That's how you sang it last week!"


*Rimshot!* :D

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I've been exactly there!

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Well, thanks to 57pbass, I can tell you that the bass I learned on was defenestrated from my cousin's bedroom into the pool numerous times. For better or worse, the bass seemed no worse for it's adventure....


My keyboard player showed up the other night for rehearsal with an accordian to do the sax part in Van Morrison's "And It Stoned Me". It sounded spot on !! I don't think I could take it as the main instrument, but this "color" use worked pretty well.


What an educational place this is !!



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Today a subject came up again in my european history class. the subject= DEFENESTRATION.



"Cliff Burton (the "Major rager of the 4-string mother f***er", from Metallica)" Direct quote from Wikipedia (censored out of respect for the forum)
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