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Which bass setup is better?


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Yeah. Which of these two is better? I play metal and I use the Line 6 Bass Pod.. I have a 5-string bass.


Ashdown MAG400 head 400W


Ashdown MAG 410T-300 cab 350W




Ampeg B-2R head 350W


Ampeg BSE-410H cab 200W


I know that Ampeg is great but i think that Ashdown is just as good. I also know that with the Ampeg setup I'll get only 200w out of the amp, but our rehearsal place is so small it shouldn't be a problem.


Give me your opinions.



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Well, you need to consider the volume of everyone else in the band. How many watts do the guitars have? It has been discussed on this forum extensively that a minimum of 350-400 watts is needed for a loud rock band, unless you have a good p.a. backing you. I'd say go with the Ashdown and lose the Bass Pod. I'm against modeling pedals, though.
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Yep, it depends on personal taste. You will need at least 350w in my opinion. Look into Carvin also. They have nicely priced amps and cabs,have many features, and are very powerful.


If your gonna sell the Bass Pod call me. :D

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I agree with Capasso -- go with whichever sounds better to you (especially if it can keep up with the volume of your band).


Also, the MAG 400 head puts 500W into 4 ohms. Does it put 400W into 8 ohms? What's the impedance of the MAG 410T cab?





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Oh, yeah.

I didnt notice that it (MAG400) has 500w..

I dont know how much does it put into 8 ohms.

Our bands guitarist has a 200w amp.

But of course i can get more out of the Ampeg if i just buy a bigger cab, because the amp has 350w. And the same applies for Ashdown.


Ashdown MAG400 head 500W -> 4 Ohms


Ashdown MAG 410T-300 cab 350W -> 8 Ohms




Ampeg B-2R head 350W -> 4 ohms


Ampeg BSE-410H cab 200W -> 8 ohms


Tell me which amp's sound you guys like more.


Don't eat yellow snow.
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I think people are reluctant to give an opinion on this. Your ears need to do that. Plus, most of us may not have heard that exact combination of components. For example, I've played thru a B3, but not a B2. I've played some Ashdown heads, but not the 4x10 cab.


If I had to choose, I'd take the Ashdown. I like their sound better than the Ampegs that I've heard. But I'd still want to hear them first !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Go try them both out!


BUT, while I've played Ampeg and Ashdown products I like, I'd probably lean towards the Ashdown. The sub-harmoniser kicks some major tail. Remember, also, that you can mix'n'match heads and cabs -- you may like the Ashdown head w/ an Ampeg cab or vice versa. Sometimes it's nice to stay with one brand in the hopes that somehow a company optimizes its products for use with others of its products, but that is not always the case and by no means any kind of "rule" that I'd live by. :D



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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okay fine...


i'd go with the ampeg because i like them. although lately i've been likin those aguilars...


yeah, i said it. lately i've been liking aguilar. what? you got a problem with that? it's still tube!

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Originally posted by Bastid E:

...although lately i've been likin those aguilars...


yeah, i said it. lately i've been liking aguilar. what? you got a problem with that? it's still tube!

Yeah - I got a problem with that !! You're the guy that always claimed you could get good quality gear without having to sell body parts to pay for it. And Aguilar is not on the inexpensive side of things. Hmmmm - seduced by a good amp along with power, brushed chrome and retro knobs? Where's your self-respect?? ;):D:P


(sorry Bastid, I couldn't resist...)




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Yup, E, a nice Aggie DB750...I wonder where one could go play one of those! (Coppolo's, Coppolo's, Coppolo's...) Yup, TC, it'll cost more than a couple of body parts -- maybe even a first-born.


Hey, I went to one of my fav music shops in Chi-town today w/ my MM StingRay 5 fretless and had a ball with an Ashdown MAG 250 and a Peavey 4x10. I'm really diggin' the Ashdown stuff. The MAG series heads are solid state (no tubes, unlike the preamp tube in the ABM series heads), but are ridiculously warm sounding. And, I was able to re-verify that the Ashdown "sub-harmoniser" is pretty damn kick-ass (pardon the mildly colorful verbiage, but that's the truth, y'all) and a lot of fun to fool with.


I am not familiar with the Ampeg B2R, but I think it, like the Ashdown MAG heads, is solid state and not tube (?maybe?). I know that I dig the Ampeg SVT-3 Pro, with multiple tubes in the preamp, and a "gain stage" tube, but that's a little more expensive and puts 450W into 4 ohms.





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

Yeah - I got a problem with that !! You're the guy that always claimed you could get good quality gear without having to sell body parts to pay for it. And Aguilar is not on the inexpensive side of things. Hmmmm - seduced by a good amp along with power, brushed chrome and retro knobs? Where's your self-respect?? ;):D:P


what about ampeg isn't expensive or retro? okay, so the chrome is pretty, but i've never made any secret about my prefered guitar amp being that hella-chromed mesa/boogie dual rectifier.


besides, my ability to recognize quality in a different amp just speaks to the crediblity of my ampeg lauding. :D

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out of those two I would go with the ashdown rig. I have played their stuff and like the sound. I love ampeg but the B-2R is not my favorite. if you were saying you were getting an SVT or something I would have a differnt opinion. amp stuff is hard, you really need to figure out what you want and then try to match that with the amount of money you have in your wallet. obviously most of the time you have to comprimise, but see if you can hear them both. now on the pure features side of things the ashdown has more going for it, so I think that would be a good route to go if you like the sound you get from it.
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Originally posted by Tuomas:

Ashdown MAG400 head 500W -> 4 Ohms


Ashdown MAG 410T-300 cab 350W -> 8 Ohms




Ampeg B-2R head 350W -> 4 ohms


Ampeg BSE-410H cab 200W -> 8 ohms

I'd just like to point out that in both cases the power rating given for your amps is for a 4 ohm load, but you plan on playing through a 8 ohm speaker, which means the power will be approximately cut in half. The Ampeg head will yield approx. 175-200 watts into that 8 ohm cab, and the Ashdown should yield 250-300 watts into its 8 ohm cab.


You mentioned that you guitarist has a 200 watt amp, which probably means it's a solid-state amp ... not a tube amp. A tube amp would be louder (actually it would just have more usable volume), but you'll still probably need to go with the ashdown rig to match volume with the guitarist.

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A bit off-topic, but I'll go for it anyways. Like Tuomas, I'm also from Finland, and the problem is that the markets here for good bass stuff are A LOT smaller than in the States.


That leads to music stores having small stocks of gear mostly from a few different brands (Hartke and something else usually). So it's extremely difficult to go around and test different stuff unlike for you guys and gals living across the big pond. Sure almost everything can be ordered, but as the markets are quite small it makes no sense for the retailers to fill their shelves with high-end stuff people wanted to try out but didn't purchase in the end. Also one thing affecting the markets is the option of ordering stuff directly from Germany. This makes for better prices and usually more options but on the downside there is usually no real way of testing the stuff beforehand. Sure you can return the stuff but the refund does not include the postage (which for example a head and a cabinet can be quite high).


To make some kind of a point, I guess what I'm trying to say is that the people living in the States should be grateful for their possibility of trying different stuff out. And another point is that a board like this where people can ask for opinions about different things is really valuable for people like me and Tuomas. Keep up the good work :)



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That's tough in terms of your market situation regarding basses and bass gear. You have my sympathies. I don't really think about how easy it is for me to pop out to a music store or six and try all kinds of different gear when I feel like it.


Finland, however, is the world leader in wireless communications technology! Perhaps some of that tech leadership will transfer over to wireless instrument development...



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Pernax and Tuomas,


You are right. Here in New York, I sometimes wish I had access to equipment that isn't sold here (yes, there is stuff you see advertised in Bass Player that's not here in NY). I haven't wanted to "try, then return" either, and for the same reason - shipping costs. But we do have plenty of choices, so I can't complain....


I guess you guys have to do everything you can to meet other players and see/hear their gear.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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