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contour vs. EQ


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My amp is a Crate BX-2115L. I do a lot of EQ-ing and the like on my GT-6B floorboard, so I am not well-versed in the capabilities of my amp.


Anyway, it has a 9-band graphic EQ and something called a "Contour" knob, which can be switched on or off. The contour knob allegedly changes the "shape" of the wave, but I really don't know what this means.


Increasing the knob one way definitely gives more treble, and a more "open" sound. What I want to know is, how is this different from EQ? What parameters of the sound is it changing?

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I don't know the Crate you have, but I will guess (and probably be right) that the Contour knob is patterned after similar knobs first seen on SWR and Eden amps. They typically change the EQ to imitate a frequency contour that would be reflected by a U shape if you were to try to emulate it using your graphic EQ. It's the often termed "modern" bass sound with cut mids and boosted highs and lows, especially aimed at slap play. The knob probably increases the boosts to the highs/lows and cuts to the mids as you rotate it.


That's my educated guess, anyway.

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Originally posted by Bob Gollihur (bob@gollihur.com):

I don't know the Crate you have, but I will guess (and probably be right) that the Contour knob is patterned after similar knobs first seen on SWR and Eden amps. They typically change the EQ to imitate a frequency contour that would be reflected by a U shape if you were to try to emulate it using your graphic EQ. It's the often termed "modern" bass sound with cut mids and boosted highs and lows, especially aimed at slap play. The knob probably increases the boosts to the highs/lows and cuts to the mids as you rotate it.

So, ultimately, you could say it's somewhat redundant with the graphic EQ that's already on there...but a convenient shortcut?
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That eq idea is a classic...the "smiley face." Of course, it's purpose is to give the bass both bottom and definition.


With contour knobs, you're trusting an engineer as to the parameters of the eq...and some are better than others.


I'm lazy, I quess, but I generally dial in a sound with the contour and bypass the eq entirely. Then I do song by song adjustments with my bass eq.

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I copied the following exerpt from the Crate website about their contour control on the BX series under FAQ's.


-What is the Contour circuit?

This is an effect that will adjust the midrange frequencies, both in terms of midpoint and level. "Shifting" them up or down, players can dial in a wide variety of tones more quickly than setting each individual frequency.-


I have the pushbutton contour on my amp, not the rotary type like yours, which made me curious enough to look it up. Yeah, the pushbutton does make the 'smiley' face type eq setting, and according to a couple of amp manufacturers, this is what we bassists want for slap style bass. Hmm...ok. One site said contour is good for giving bass boost at lower volumes.


I've not used it, as I normally keep everything (shelving and eq) pretty much flat anyway.


Anyway, hope this info helps.

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