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Jack Daniels and Bass


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Okay, so has anyone seen commercials for that new Jack Daniels Hard Cola? One of them involves music and the bass. Allow me to recap.


A partial band is on a stage, in front of a restless crowd. A band member says something to the effect of, "He's an hour late!" The singer turns to the crowd and asks if anyone can play the bass. The crowd groans.


Back in the kitchen, an older, gruff-looking cook rolls his eyes, grabs a JDHC, leaves the kitchen, and walks to the stage, sets down the JDHC, and picks up the bass. He starts laying it down the whole place rocks out. Cut to the slogan, something about how JDHC is an original, just like you are. (Personal commentary: an original, just like everyone else! The empty philosophy of punk music lives on! Sorry. Back to the topic...)


But back to the music aspect, I have a few comments...


(1) Since when is the bass player the one an hour late, and not the guitarist or lead singer?!?

(2) Why is the bassist's gear there?

(3) Girl on drums = cool.

(4) At least they made the cook kind of cool, so I can't really complain too much.

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Dang, Brakka beat me to it. I was going to post just that. As I read the subject, I recalled a similar thread in the near past, but then remembered that it was still happening. A slight out of mind moment, I suppose. I do wonder how this thread will fair with those who might get mad about how redundant this forum gets. Let's find out.
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I do not thoroughly search this site before I post a topic. "My new hero" didn't grab hold of my interest, so I didn't read it.


Plus, that thread devolved into another pick vs. no pick discussion, then went into something about hippies.


My points, I think, were somewhat different. Does it justify a new thread? I dunno. But the thread title at least says exactly what the thread is about. I think it's unnecessary to harp on the fact that it's already been done and either respond to my points...or just ignore it.

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Originally posted by Adamixoye:

...I think it's unnecessary to harp on the fact that it's already been done and either respond to my points...or just ignore it.

If I'm harping, you'll know it ;)




Seriously, I don't think anyone meant to criticize you. I think it's a pretty cool ad, as I said.

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Originally posted by Adamixoye:

I do not thoroughly search this site before I post a topic. "My new hero" didn't grab hold of my interest, so I didn't read it.

Threads go where they will sometimes, and since mine was not a specific question that was looking for answers, that's fine. If you had found it first, your "redirection" and comments would have been welcome. The only advantage to that would be to reduce the overall number of threads. Keeping one thread per topic makes it easier to navigate, but it often happens (see the multiple musicman threads).


So, my topic wasn't interesting enough for you to look at ?!?!?! :D:D:D I prefer to twist things a bit when I can (hence the thread name is not as specific as yours). Glad you liked the commercial as much as I did !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

So, my topic wasn't interesting enough for you to look at ?!?!?! :D:D:D I prefer to twist things a bit when I can (hence the thread name is not as specific as yours). Glad you liked the commercial as much as I did !!

Ha. Yeah, I guess not. Maybe I be more thorough in checking out threads with vague subjects. Or perhaps someone should post a subject along the lines of, "I saw Kirsten Dunst playing a 6-string Hohner." I'd read that.


I would also point out that sometimes people are more likely to read a new thread than wade through everything on an old one...


Hmm...does anybody feel like commenting on my two JD commercial points that actually relate to band experience?


(a) Why was the bass gear already there?

(b) Who is NORMALLY late in a given band situation?

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The bass gear was there simply because the bass player was, as usual, early.


But a fiesty bartenderess who'd previously been the drummer's main squeeeeze had grabbed up his Bootsy Tooth™ when he laid it down on his amp to cinch his pants back up above "plummer's height" for the sixth time.


Then, she used the gold-encrusted picking device to entice him into one of the "staff recreation rooms" for a little "morale". And that's why there is no bassist around - and why the hired help from the kitchen got another shot at The Glamorous Life.


...And if you listen between sets you can kind of hear some groaning coming from a room nearby. But it's not what you think. Actually the bassist is just recovering after getting knocked upside the haid with an empty JD bottle for locking the drummer in his convertible again.


And that's why the drummer is usually the late one. The whole band is pissed about this reoccurring prank but can't figure out how to put a stop to it.





<-- greenboy ---<<<<    from Life On The Road (Mostly) With The Toads - Houghton/Mifflin 2001

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Originally posted by greenboy:

But a fiesty bartenderess who'd previously been the drummer's main squeeeeze

It is undoubtedly foolish to mention this, but did you read the original post and/or see the commercial? The drummer happens to be a girl...
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I'm one of the "so responsible that he chastises the rest of the band" kind of guy, so I'm usually carrying my stuff and the PA too. But I can imagine circumstances where you have a commitment and the band gets you set up and ready. You walk on and play, arriving late from whatever. You also buy drinks for the band all night, and single-handedly do the load-out. ;) It happened to a friends' band two months back. And they set his amp up on the "wrong" side of the stage. There's a thread about that somewhere....


As to the "normally late", I've found that the chronically late have varied from band to band. In my current band it's the keys guy and not related to any "star" attitude at all.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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It is undoubtedly foolish to mention this, but did you read the original post and/or see the commercial? The drummer happens to be a girl...
Did you happen to notice in real life that many times the sexes do not do what TV-land would like little minds to believe? (Hey, all you married guys: got twin beds side-by-side to sleep with your wives?)


Read the FIRST THREAD on this topic and maybe you can understand some of the humorous continuity. I might add that it doesn't matter whether I saw the thing or not.


<-- greenboy ---<<<<    my whale of a tale was here before your whale tail

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Originally posted by Adamixoye:

Or perhaps someone should post a subject along the lines of, "I saw Kirsten Dunst playing a 6-string Hohner." I'd read that.

I would too. Bad images abound. Things my girlfriend would not want to know about. Anyone here seen Spiderman? Yeah, that rain scene really gets the creative juices flowing, eh?
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I dunno about all this other stuff... But ya know, I really like Micheal Anthony's playing. Seems to me he's a pretty underrated player with seriously funky feel and a lotta taste. And the JD bass is fucking hilarious.


Oh yeah, BTW, we had a BUNCH of shows where we brought the bass rig (and bass!) to the venue and set it up before the bass player arrived. And there were also quite a few where we wound up breaking down and loading the bass rig without the bass player helping out as well. Why? Because the bassist in question (we're now referring to him as #4) was a self-centered asshole who looked for any opportunity to skip out on anything that required real work. We're a lot better off without him.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Well, I just meant Kirsten Dunst is really cute, I didn't mean anything more than that, seriously...


And greenboy...frankly, I skimmed the old post and got bored once the pick/no pick discussion started up. Perhaps I'm being too picky about trying to get people to directly answering my question instead of making jokes that I don't get. Oh well.


I also don't understand your point about TV and stereotypes. The drummer in the commercial was a girl...at the least, slightly changing an implication of your story. That was all I was pointing out...for no reason in particular.

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Maybe the questions aren't especially worthy of being taken seriously (were they even asked with any expectation of serious discussion?). Anyway, that would kind of open the door for humor, yesno?


But each to their own...


Actually the drummer being female and having a girlfriend wouldn't change the implications much at all, would it?

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Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret:

I do like Smirnoff's raspberry flavored vodka mixed with Minute-Maid fruit punch. Quite exceptional beverage, I might add.

what are you, a girl? do you put jolly ranchers in there too? :P


ahhh, i kid you. i only know two people man enough to shoot jameson with me and one of them is a woman.


i go to parties and see people putting grenadine in smirnoff ice. i thought that crap was sweet enough already.


what does all this have to do with playing bass? ever see me play? ;)

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Oh, but Bastid, you've never seen me drink. I can probably outdrink my dad, and he's an alcoholic. Ok, so maybe not outdrink, but hold my own, yes. I once drank almost 2 gallons of beer at a kegger, but I don't think I can drink like that anymore (that was this summer).


Anywho, I do like Southern Comfort (100 proof) with Dr. Pepper. Talk about sweet, like candy. And candy makes me dandy.

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Starting from a topic intimating that drinking a whole bunch is a glorious way to keep corporate coffers, uh... coffing, I suppose it was inevitable that we'd soon have frathouse pukeathon boasts in our future.


I don't especially want to find out that you are following in the footsteps of dear old dad (if that is true), or just waiting to become a self-made victim of substance abuse. I don't care if it's legal or not. Not my concern. But the signs are there, if anybody is reading them. It tends to run in families. Read up, be aware. Word.

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Everybody loves to boast about their drinking skills, but be careful about living up to them. Greenboy's comments are very true, but think about this:

Musicians as a bunch like to party heartily, but be careful about doing that in the company of other musicians, as your gear might be in danger, along with your life.

...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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Actually, to be frank, I don't like my dad at all, and have no plans on ever being him in my lifetime. He is a womanizing bastard son-of-a-b*tch that needs to be put in his place.


I just got caught up in the moment (refering to the last post). I don't drink regulary enough to become an alcoholic, so there shouldn't be any chance of that happening in the near future.


Hopefully I'll keep this mindset and never become like this terrible monster of a person.

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Wait... I'm confused... :idea: I'm just way off base here, and it was Dave Pomeroy makin' some sweet, deep-fried soooooulful bliss, with Sheila E.... :P

"Suppose you were an idiot ... And suppose you were a member of Congress

... But I repeat myself."

-Mark Twain

http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/63/condition_1.html (my old band)

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