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Thoughts on Epifani and Bergantino 1x12 cabs


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During the past year I have become a convert to the 1x12 bandwagon, mostly due to the enthusiasm shown by Ed Friedland. I have had a pair of Epifani T-112s for a while and just bought a Bergantino HT-112 and EX-112 pair.


These speakers like a lot of power. I am using a Stewart World 1.2 in bridge mode, for either one cab or a pair. Before that I was using a bridged QSC PLX1602. The extra headroom of a high-powered amp really does open up the sound of these cabs. With this much power you can drive one of these cabs to ridiculous levels, to the point where the vents start to make farting noises. The Epifani puts out a bit more overall sound before it reaches this limit, but the distinction seems pretty academic, since this is no way to treat a speaker in actual use. I tried this briefly just out of curiosity.


These are great speakers. The sound of 12” speakers works well for my fingerstyle playing – a bit punchier than 15s, a bit more solid than 10s. The review in Bass Player seems accurate to me. The Epifanis are punchy and clean, and put out a lot of sound in the lowest octave. The Bergantinos are very smooth, and the bottom octave is all there, but not as big and round as the Epifanis.


Where I part company with the Bass Player editors is in their stated preference for using one of these cabs instead of a pair. I play acoustic folk and moderately loud rock and blues, and after trying it both ways I like the sound of a pair much better. Maybe it's just my aging ears or my old rocker roots, but a pair fills a room in a different way than a single does, and I like it better. The idea that one driver is a more coherent source certainly has merit, but in some of the rooms I play in the room mode and boundary effects don't seem to care much if the source is coherent or not. If I only had one 1x12, I would probably be happy using just one, but since the others are sitting there, it seems a shame not to use at least two. In my experience, one of these cabs can keep up with a moderately loud rock band, at least for practice, but two do it better. At the other end of the scale, for my uses two 1x12s is plenty, to the point where I haven't even tried using them three or four together.


Since I do tend to use them as a pair, lately I have been mostly using the Bergantinos. I like the tweeter and crossover in the Bergantinos a little better, and they are significantly smaller and lighter and easier to carry around. I can carry a Bergantino and something else in my other hand at the same time; for me, the Epifani is just enough larger and heavier to be a trip in itself. The Bergantinos fit in the trunk of my Honda Civic; the Epifanis have to go in the back seat.


Bottom line: I would recommend either brand of these cabs wholeheartedly, but for me the pair of Bergantinos gets the nod.

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Interesting Ben...


I have to say I really enjoy hearing reviews of gear from regular average Joe users. Afterall, who knows what kind of biases are introduced into magazine gear reviews, by which company spends the most money in advertizing dollars, etc.


What you're saying about the 'Pif' 1x12s stacked as a pair seems to make a lot of sense, inlight of the glorious sound their 2x12 cabs produce. Seems to me that a pair of 1x12s is a far more flexible set-up, however, because for low volume acoustic gigs and rehearsals you can just grab a single and go.


All this talk about 1x12s really has me thinking, after lugging my 4x10 plus 2x10 stack to an electric rehearsal last night. In and out of the Jeep twice, and up and down a VERY long flight of stairs. Oh my aching back!


Do you think a my G-K 1001RB would have the balls to adequately drive a pair of 'Pif' 1x12s?

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I haven't gotten to having two cabs yet, though I'm considering it. For me, I'd not use them quite the same way Ben (and Ed F) use them. I need to point something at my drummer, so I'd probably stack them and point one to the drummer, and one to the audience. Either that, or put one behind and to the side of the drummer pointing forward.


I've probably said this before, but I took my one Berg 1x12 to a practice studio with my classic 6 piece rock band (2 guitars, keys, drums, percussionist). Driving it with a 200 W junk head, I had no trouble being heard. I'm still loving mine...


As to power, that junk head has driven my 1x12 and a Kustom 2x12 at a gig without any problem (vol knob around 4). I haven't tried lots of cabs, so I can't rate their efficiency in relation to other cabs.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I still haven't had the opportunity to play through the Bergantinos but this weekend I'll be trying out the Accugroove 12's. On Saturday with the bass band I'll be using 1-12 along with my Eden Metro and on Sunday will be playing with Lady Bo using 8 pieces. I did this gig last year and used my Metro plus an extra Eden 210XLT. This time I'm going to try two 1-12's under my Metro. I'll let you all know how it works out.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Edendude: yes, the GK1001RB will drive a pair of Epifani 1x12s, I used mine that way a few times. The GK seems to deliver a lot of peak oomphf. But driving it with a high-powered PA amp gives a bit cleaner sound - nothing earth shaking, but I could hear the difference. (I kind of miss my GK and am waiting to see what the new preamp section will be like, due out later this year.)


Tom, with regard to having the drummer hear, I also play drums in one band and wear 12dB earplugs when I do. On two different occasions, once at rehearsal and once at a gig, when I was playing drums and the bass player was using my 2x12 stack, I actually had to ask her to turn down. I couldn't hear the rest of the mix. The first time, both Epifanis were pointed at me from across the practice room, maybe 10 feet away. I could feel my chest vibrate.


The second time, a stack of one Bergantino on top of one Epifani was in front of me and off to the side, and pointed diagonally toward the front, so I was not in line of sight to the tweeter. Outdoors, no less. I was quite surprised. In this case the little stack was about 7 or 8 feet away. So I don't worry about pointing one cab at the drummer any more, as long as the stack is within a reasonable distance.

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I have to say that now, after some experimentation and use, I'm finding the G-K 1001RB to be a bit of a one trick pony....


As you say...balls like a bull...but it seems to be one of those amps that's all brawn and no brains, in my opinion. Maybe I'm just spoiled by the Eden front end, but I am of the opinion that it's one cold sounding mother-f_cker of an amp.


I've been doing a bit of A/B comparing with my Eden WT-300 and the G-K through the 4x10, and the results in the tone department are sorely lacking form the G-K. Headroom galore, but lifeless, truly lifeless!

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