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The inevitable: entry level retro basses?

Tedly Nightshade

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I have a friend, as 70's as can be, a woman if that matters (maybe it does, lots of ladies shredding the bass with a certain classic something in common), who has a couple hundred to spend on a bass, preferably less as it'd be nice to budget some for setting it all up sweet.

Any consumer reports on the entry level new stuff?



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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How about a Danelectro? They're very inexpensive, uber-retro hip, & folks have actually had good things to say about them. :cool:


Another way to go besides getting something self-consciously "retro" is to get something timeless & classic, e.g. a sunburst Jazz (& variants)--good specimens at low prices are not too hard to find. They look old school/traditional, but will never be "dated."

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Hey Ted,


Does she play currently, or is she just starting? If she plays, what instrument is she using?


I agree with dcr that Danelectros are an interesting choice, especially if you are "weight conscious". The spacing is smaller, so if your friend has played Fender P basses, this may not work. Ibanez and Fender make nice products, but you have to be sure that everything works right, and that the construction was done properly - there are manufacturing variations that can cripple a bass. Also, look used - Carvin and many others are available fairly cheap, and are a great value (the GC near me has an old 4 for 475 that plays great).


Also, if you search our forum, this question comes up frequently (as you can imagine). Take a peek at our past !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Got my Essex Jazz bass today and I'm really happy with it. The quality is very high especially considering the price.


I've been playing it for the last 4 hours or so (my fingers hurt)and it's great. Punchy sound, slim neck, good finish, everything is very nicely finished. Tight neck pocket.


I did need to change the strings though. The ones they put on were old and not very good. I put on some Dean Markley's and it improved right away.


I'll upgrade the pickups to some Carvins or Bartolini's soon. The stock ones are cool, I just want more sound.


I'll give it an 8 out of 10. I would buy another one. :D





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ok, though i know better to post to threads like these...


if she's honestly looking for a vintage instrument on the cheap (?????), remember that at one point squier did actually make a quality instrument. and they were quite '70's fabulous. i believe i mentioned in an earlier thread a girl i knew getting a 1970-something squier with a brass pickguard in a used shop for about $200 or something and i was a bit envious as it rocked profoundly please don't flame me over this run on sentence.

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Originally posted by ERIC31:

Tell her to check out ESSEX BASSES from http://www.rondomusic.com

They have really nice P bass and J bass copies for amazingly low prices. They got good reviews from lots of people on Talkbass.com


I've ordered one myself.


Good luck! :D

How do they even make money!!! Those guitars are so cheap that it's hard to imagine that they're making a profit off of them. They look really nice in the pictures too. How is it you can get a fretless jazz for under 200$!! I might just order one because I can!!!

Double Posting since March 2002

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Ended up with a Yamaha from the pawn shop- $89. Looks to be pretty good.

Thanks for all the advice!



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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