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First Gig at a Yacht Club


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Well, I am looking for some advice. Tonight is my band's (Carpe Cervesa)first paying gig. We are playing at a yacht club that is memebers only in Rochester NY. Any good advice for me for tonight? We have a solid set list down including Floyd, Incubus, DMB, Pearl Jam, Oasis, Neil Young, Kenny Wyane Shepard, and many other covers and originals. I guess I am just going through the pre gig jitters!

Why steal the hub caps...take the whole damn car instead!


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Ignore the guy who keeps yelling "Freebird".


Ignore people who come up to request songs while you're playing.


If you really don't know it, don't try to fake it unless your band's really experienced at it (or if it's REALLY easy).



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Well, we were picked due to the good mix of music. People aged 6-60 should find something in there that they like. Others we include are the Cult, Tragically Hip, BNL, and Tom Petty. Our sound is great with 1, sometimes 2, acoustic guitars, 1 lead electric, occassional harmonica, drums, and of course me on my Yamaha RBX 264 using my Fender M-80 combo.

Why steal the hub caps...take the whole damn car instead!


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Just remember the immortal words of Judge Smails:

"It's easy to grin when your ship comes in and you've got the stock market beat, but the man who's worthwhile is the one who can smile when his shorts are too tight in the seat."



"Gambling is illegal at Bushwood."


Oh yeah, when it's time to get paid, cop a Carl Spackler (but don't let 'em pay you like the Dalai Lama paid him.)

"And I say, 'Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.' And he says, 'Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consiousness.' So I got that goin' for me, which is nice."


Seriously... Just have fun.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Well, the gig rocked! As we were setting up, an older member came over picked up an Ovation 6 string guitar and played some old folk stuff. He was great! After that we played for over 3 hours. Due to Tornado watches, yes even in Rochester NY we have them occassionaly, we had to play indoors. It stunk on the fact that I had to tone the volume way down on the bass as to not "overpower" the rest of the band. Can't wait till our next scheduled gig on the rooftoop of a local dance club. Last band I heard that played there....Blues Traveller. I feel like my band is actually getting someplace now.


Thanks for all the advice above!

Why steal the hub caps...take the whole damn car instead!


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Which yacht club did you play? Is it the one across from Charlotte by the river outlet? I live in Rochester & didn't know they had any gigs at any of 'em. I'm in a mostly original band but I'd throw together a cover group to do places like yacht clubs if they payed well enough!



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Arrive early set up sound check. Hit the mens room stall and change into your tux.

Hit the bar for a drink of your choice, catch your breath and relax




Its too late to worry about anything in the sets or the material so dont waste your energy.....



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Yes it is the yacht club that is in Charlotte...right near the Coast Guard station. Usually the person who is throwing the party brings in the band. We got hired for a very minimal fee, food, and drink. We don't mind since it was during our normal practice time...so any money is bonus. The crowd was coming in from some rigotta(sp) races.

Why steal the hub caps...take the whole damn car instead!


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