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Outdoor Gigs

Wally Malone

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I did three outdoor gigs this past weekend. The first two gigs were on different days but on the same stage at a festival. I used my Eden Metro on both days but on the first day I added my 210 Eden and on the second day added my 410 Eden. It was like night and day. It wasn't bad the first day but the second day pushing the extra air made a lot of difference. This wasn't just my opinion but of the other band members as well. I did another gig on the second day with a different band that was also outdoors and used the Metro plus the 410 cab. Both gigs had me through good systems as well, although the Eden plus the 210 is adequate the added 410 was worth lugging. In most cases I've always gone the bigger route outdoors and this weekend just reinforced the justification.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Did you also run a DI line from the Eden to the PA? Or was your stack the only source? What about monitors? What was the reacation from the crowd on both or either rig?
Chris Hardin
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Outdoor low end response is a real challenge, especially if the stage has no back and side walls, and corners. We are used to often hearing the lowest frequencies reinforced by the coupling, and that makes for a fuller stage sound.


For SR FOH it is even more obvious. You need mutually coupled subwoofers and power galore to even have half the TRUE low end you get used to in indoor venues, all because of the lack of boundary effects from walls/corners, and the room resonances that one would normally live with and leverage.

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On the two festival gigs a mic was used. I have done this festival for a number of years, the soundman has been there the last couple of years and this is the first time going this route. He seemed to think it worked well for him. We have always been the headliner on this festival and the crowd is totally into Lady Bo. On the Sunday show we did almost all original material and some tunes that we had contributed to the arrangements and recorded with Bo Diddley. I had a friend video the Sunday show and will get to see it tonight. The second gig on Sunday was a wedding with another group and the feed to the system went off my Eden Metro. I was backed up against my amp so it was great having the stack. I could hear myself with no problem, not sure how it sounded out front, but I'm sure it was OK.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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I love seeing bands outside and also playing outside. There's just something about playing under the sun that is just so much fun. Sound considerations aside, of course. For the last few years I have been going to the REGGAE IN THE PARK shows in Golden Gate park SF. and it has been lots of fun. Plenty of Bass needless to say. ;)



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In some ways sound reinforcement outside is easier to work with. You don't have all those reflecting surfaces and room modes making for uneven inconsistent response and muddling up the intelligibility. But you do have wind and humidity effects ; }
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