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opinions on the DeArmond Pilot Deluxe 5-string

Jay J.

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I just noticed that these guys are going for real cheap ($395 for neck-through) and they look like a real good base for the price, I don't have a shop that has any near me so I can't play them, just woundering about what people think of them. and how they stack up to the competition in the under $600 bracket:

Spector/Schecter/MTD Kingston/Ibanez BTB, if they are just as good as some of these guys then it sounds like a real sweet deal.


curious about peoples opinions on this


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just to let people know I am not post crazy, my buddy uses my comp and he also plays bass a little and he discouvered the forum today and posted this question under my ID, he got his own now. He is looking for a new bass in the around 500 dollar price range and he's thinking about getting this one, I've never seen one before so I'm not much help. anyway peace!
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I jammed on one one night at a GC. The guitar player said he owned one and used it in a cover band that he played bass. FYI for the jam, he was playing some 4 digit Gibson Les Paul reissue - the guy was good.


I thought the bass was pretty good. Neck-thru, light, and very playable. There's no mistaking it for an expensive item, but I liked it. More like a Dean than a Fender in feel. My only negative was that I didn't care for the finish - it seemed too thin (was it oil?).




Acoustic Color


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I'd say go for the MTD. I just picked one up recently & it's incredible. To be fair I'll qualify that by saying I haven't played the DeArmond, but it's hard to imagine it'd be much better than the MTD. The Kingstons have alot of great design features I don't see on basses in that price range too, although the 35" scale is becoming standard for a 5-string. It's got a zero fret so open strings sound similar to fretted notes, an asymmetrical neck, good woods, sound construction, and it's very upgradable, although the pickups in it now sound fine. You should be able to find one of them around town, and I think GC may carry them too... not sure. Also, check out the Heir, which is a Kingston with a single coil Jazz pup at the neck... adds depth & warmth to the tone, I love it.



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the MTD looks pretty nice, the bass I really want is a music man stingray but I can't afford that. this looks like is pretty close as far as design and feel goes. I'm woundering if I buy one is the electronics cavity larege enough to upgrade the electronis and mabey add a knob or two.
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I think you're safe as far as the control cavity goes. It's pretty darn big for just 3 pots. You should be able to add a preamp, and more pots and/or switches if you like no prob. It looks to me like Tobias made a well designed bass where you could easily upgrade to premium electronics if the onboard stuff wasn't good enough (which it is for me, but active it ain't!). Go play one & see what you think! The MM pup on it has some good, chest-thumping punch, and good depth too... maybe not an authentic Musicman, but it's sure no slouch! Really, it's a different bass altogether. It has the MM pup, but it's not trying to be a Musicman.



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