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Away from the Lowdown

Wally Malone

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I'll be away for week and most likely will have no web access. I'll be at the George Meany Labor Center which should prove to be a good learning experience. I don't even think they have TV's or phones in the rooms. This will be the longest period I've spent in quite some time without a bass. I'll definitely have a Jones for that lowdown thing we do. I am taking a CD player and some great CD's so at least I'll be able to go to sleep at night. I just completed my last moderator duty before leaving by deleting the post on the money making scam (totally unrelated to bass). I leave you in the good hands of Uncle Bob and Papa Tom. :thu:

Have a great week, I'm sure I'll have plenty to catch up on when I get back. :)



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Hi all, didn't know they would have a computer lab here at the Meany Center. First time I'm using a computer other than a Mac. If I can get in here another time or two before coming home I won't have so much to catch up. I can at least get up to date for now.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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The AFM has an officer training program at the George Meany Labor Center. They have a lot of the new officers of locals come to these but also pick someone with experience in organizing (that's me)to share experiences with these officers. I'm really enjoying it. There's a great campus atmosphere and a lot of camaraderie. Tomorrow following a shorter afternoon session we're going to D.C. for a tour and dinner at the Democratic Club.

Tom, Windows actually is a decent copy of the Mac OS and not that hard to use. The screen appearance isn't as good as the Mac. :P



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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