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Looking for advice about buying my next bass

Jay J.

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I currently have a fender standard jazz bass (mexican) I have been looking around for a new bass. I have played many different kinds and am having a hard time making a decision. the ones I like the most so far are musicman stingray and the rickenbacker 4003. I tried many warwicks and liked the thumb but it is a little too pricy. I would like one around/under $1000. musiciansfriend is currently selling the rick for $899. if anyone can coment and mabey recomend one of these basses, or give me a different kind to try.


my only concern with the rick is that it does not have a wider variety of tone but the tone that is does have is awesome sounding. not sure if this would hurt me in the long run.


the music I like to play is jazz, blues, rock and punk.


thanks for any advice.

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You may want to look into an Ibanez SRX series. They've got the Stingray tone but are more versatile.


Spector NS/2000s are also great basses.


I personally really love 4003s but I agree they don't get as wide a variety of tones as other basses. I find that with a good active graphic EQ pedal you can make them much more flexible but still retain that great Ric tone.

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I'm a Ric guy as well, & I recommend it. It's a rather unique bass; it plays, feels, & sounds like nothing but itself. You can get more sounds out of it than people give it credit for. Criminy, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "Roundabout" have *totally* different bass sounds, but they're both played on Rics. Plus, the Ric just oozes style. And $899 for a new Ric is an incredible price; the next lowest I know of anywhere else is $999 (Bass NW), which is still great.


At the same time, if I had the $ to get another bass, I'd snatch up a Music Man so fast... They're really great. The StingRay is the popular model, but imho the Sterling is a real prize (but 4-string only); slimmer neck, lighter body, has 3 pickup modes (& hum cancels in all of them)--it's just a real sweet bass. They usually run $1050-$1300.


Carvin is also in that price range, & is *defintely* worth a look: www.carvin.com Their bang-for-buck factor seems unbeatable.


You've chosen excellent candidates! Can't go wrong. :thu:

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Sorry--should've pointed out that if you dig the Jazz bass thing, the MM Sterling totally nails it (& beats the Fender, imho); ditto for the Precision bass & the MM StingRay. The Jazz ties with the Ric for my favorite bass in terms of playability, & so the first time I picked up a Sterling, it was love... :love:
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