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How can we be noticed?


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I'm in a heavy metal band, 'Gasmic'. We're all 13 year old males who have been playing for about 2 years on our respective instruments. How can we get noticed? How can we get gigs? Are we too young? We've been together for 3 months and are bored with just playing practices. We have about 20 songs in our set, but have no where to gig these songs. Were can we play? I'm posting this in the Bass Forum, cause I'm the bass player and leader of the band. Oh, and how much does it $cost$ for something to record us all during one of our practices?
"If only I had HIS chops!"
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I would start at your school. Is there a talent show? Dances? Put a flyer on any bulletin board you find. Tell every person you know that you want to play an all-ages party. For that matter, host your own party and invite any one that will eat your food. Stay away from any club that wants you to pay to play.


As for recording practices, start out with a simple boom box that has a condensor microphone built in. No one has to operate it and they are cheap. The recordings won't be CD quality but you can get a general idea of what's going on.


I hope this helps.

Chris Hardin
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1. I'm with Chardin; recording your rehearsals is an excellent way of improving your band - a boombox is plenty good for this use, but expect it to sound like crap.


2. You'll probably have problems getting gigs - but invite people over and play for them. Get them to bring food and their friends. Call it a party.


3. If you want to be "noticed" by people outside of your friends/family/peer group ... well, welcome to the club.


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What now about a boom box? I have a Technics receiver. My friend has a tape deck, which has 1/4 inch inputs, and a record button, so i think that might do it. What's a condensed microphone??? I'm talking about something around $300-$400, kinda like a mixer, tape deck, and inputs all in one box. I've seen them, but don't know what they are called. :confused:
"If only I had HIS chops!"
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Hey man, you're on the right track. At your age, it's all about fun. Heck, at my age (44), it should still be all about fun (since I'm not making big bucks).


Parties are where it's at for your age group. Heck, we used to just set up on the front porch of the band member with the coolest neighbors (usually my house) and play. Instant party. We'd just play until the cops came by and told us to quit. Then, after they left, we'd play a few more :D


Main things to work on are grooves and vocals. As the bass dude...the grooves are a big part of your responsibility...so make sure you and the drummer think as one. Make sure you're doing tunes the singer can handle...because, at the risk of a lot of dirty looks from the folks on this here board, the singer is the most important. In other words, if your band can musically handle some intricate stuff, but the vocalist can't hit the high notes, you all will have to change your attack to play what the vocalist can sing well.


Recording? Use your imagination. Sure, a boom box will work. A heck of a lot better than those cheapie cassette dictaphone things we used to use. Just keep recording and critiquing what you play.


Hey, I'm kinda jealous. I remember all the fun times...first with yard and house parties, then graduation open houses...then school dances, then weddings, then clubs.


Keep us posted!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Metal_Boy13:

What now about a boom box? I have a Technics receiver. My friend has a tape deck, which has 1/4 inch inputs, and a record button, so i think that might do it. What's a condensed microphone??? I'm talking about something around $300-$400, kinda like a mixer, tape deck, and inputs all in one box. I've seen them, but don't know what they are called. :confused:

Anyone going to answer this???
"If only I had HIS chops!"
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metalboy13 i would check your local pawnshops for a recorder i have seen older style 4-track TASCAMS go for around 75-100bux,as far as gigs,your ages i would play school functions and parties or play gigs where where your band could be the "opener" for older aged bands .good luck :thum:
i know alot but dont know everything.. :D
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Originally posted by Metal_Boy13:

What now about a boom box? I have a Technics receiver. My friend has a tape deck, which has 1/4 inch inputs, and a record button, so i think that might do it. What's a condensed microphone??? I'm talking about something around $300-$400, kinda like a mixer, tape deck, and inputs all in one box. I've seen them, but don't know what they are called. :confused:

A "boom box" with a cassette player and a built-in microphone for less than $100. Very "low-fi" but very portable and very easy to use. Only one piece of equipment that probably runs on batteries. Put in a cassette and push record. Sony, Panasonic, and Radio Shack make them. Check your local Walmart, Target, or Radio Shack. Here is one example of a cassette recorder from Panasonic.


If you have the money and another person willing to work the faders, by all means get a minidisc, hard disc, or SmartMedia recorder. Tascam, Fostex, Boss make great entry level units. Take a feed from your mixer and record direct to stereo. If you want to get into home recording, check out the incredible Home Recording website. They have a great bulletin board with a section for newbies.

Chris Hardin
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I know this really doesn't apply to this forum, but hey, 'I am a bass player'. How could I get my parents out of the house so I could have a decent party??? I'm 13 years old, remember. The band I'm in needs a party to play at so we can get our names out there. Any and all, and I mean ANY AND ALL suggestions are welcome...any plans that were succesful at some of the elders' youth ages are also very welcome.
"If only I had HIS chops!"
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Whatever you do, DON'T SIGN ANYTHING until your folks have spent REAL MONEY on a REAL MUSIC INDUSTRY ATTORNEY who can tell you if you're about to get screwed. - May I say screwed to a thirteen-year-old? Heck, I read 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' at that age and learned every word ever INVENTED. ;) - Watch out for anyone who promises stuff that sounds too good to be true. It ABSOLUTELY is a con.


As far as recording goes, a boombox will record a stereo mix of the sound in the room. That's okay for your own "reality checks," but not good enough for a demo tape. Do you have a computer available to you? If so, you might be able to use that along with some auxilliary equipment to make a recording. Alrernately, a stand alone recorder like a Korg D8, D12, or D16 or a Roland VS880 would give you a lot more control over the sound of your tapes. Of course, you can always try to find a friend of a friend who can "do you a favor." Recording gear can get expensive in a hurry and it takes a while to learn how to use it to its best advantage.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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find some other metal bands from your area and see who has the best house for a gig...

i dunno about america, but in australia we have a few different organizations that put on underage punk/metal gigs all the time.

have you got a website for your band?

and now all the mofos who posted stuff to this thread now of you too.

- roses on your breath but graveyards on your soul -
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As far as parents go, mine weren't very welcoming. We never played at my house. Hopefully someone in the band has parents cool enough to support you (either at an open mic night or for a party). Think hard about partying without somebody home. You've got a house and your equipment, and if some maniacs come in drunk, there's a lot to loose. Your objective is to play to screaming fans. Parents that are home (but elsewhere in the house) don't stop that, but the do make it tough for "unwanted" types to get in.


My daughter was part of a big group of friends (about 15 - 20 kids). They would go to a different house every night in the summer. They were loud, but not horrible. They didn't break anything. About half of the parents welcomed them (at least I knew where she was). The rest couldn't be bothered, and I don't know why - they always left at 11:00 !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Before gathering a crowd with great expectations, I'd get someone, or preferably a few people, that you know & who will be honest with you, who understand music as well as the kind of music you're playing, and so on, and play for them & see what they think. If they say, "Good, but not quite there yet," that's a GREAT thing to know--you don't just want your names out there, you want your names out there *in a positive way!* (I mean, heck, Jeffrey Dahmer got his name out there, right?) ;) You might be miffed if someone says you're not ready yet, but that's a LOT better than playing to a crowd when you're not ready. Of course, maybe you *are* ready, & maybe you've already done this; it's just a good idea.


Tom's right about NOT partying without parents around (it's not enough just to have "adults"--you need *parents* around). Here's a true horror story: a friend of mine bought a house near the U of Arizona a few years ago, & had rented it out to a couple of graduate students while he lived in the guest house out back. He went out of town one weekend, & the renters decided to throw a party--not a great big deal, but they wanted to fill the place & have a blowout (they printed flyers, etc.). Long story short, among the unknown folks who showed up were some characters with guns, & a guy got killed. That obviously sucks, but it happened on my friend's property, so it became his problem...Serious, serious stuff can go down at these parties, and you can't really plan for it not to go down--your best bet is to have some heavy authority figure types around. Heck, invite ALL your parents!

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I still dont know about the parents... If it was one of us (one of the band) that had the party, it would only be a 30 maximum people party. We would have a strong authority figure around, my brother. He really supportive of our band, and is 17. I think he can discipline the drunk, and stoned. And I never did say anything about the alcohol. Yeh, so there probably will be some there, but only the band and like 5 other people would drink, and none of us are the "Lets get wasted!" type. It 'should' be a controlled party. Plus me and my bandmates have lockable guitar/equipment cases, 'just in case'. I do very much agree with the whole "have a few friends over before to tell us how we sound" idea. We will definitly do that, whether or not we are going to play at a party. As for the parents, I just want them outta the house for one reason, and its not because I want to have beer at the party, etc. Its because ever since the Columbine Incident happened, the word 'unsupervised' hasn't been spoken by a single parent in Colorado (I live 15 miles south of Littleton). If they we're to be at the house while the party happened, they would be right next to us, in the same room as the party, the whole time! That's just unfair. We're 13! We can't have that happening. That's basically a suicide mission. Any suggestions still open......I really do mean any suggestions.
"If only I had HIS chops!"
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Originally posted by Metal_Boy13:

Any suggestions still open......I really do mean any suggestions.

Do you have a web site yet? Why not build a really cool web site with lots of fun things to do. Get the word out at school, at your cousins' schools, and your band mates cousins' schools. C'mon, guy, this is a no brainer! And it's FREE except for you time. If you don't have the skills, I guarantee that some of the guys in your school do.


When you get a tune recorded, rip an MP3 and put it up there. Put it on the free MP3 hosting sites like http://www.artistlaunch.com and others, too. You've got a POWERFUL tool at your disposal.


P.S. I don't like the house party idea. Unless your neighbors are REALLY cool or you live in a remote part of town, the police are likely to shut it down and cause trouble for your folks. Yeah, I know, it's hell to be young. Just remember, being OLD is no picnic, either. ;)

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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