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Bass only or Bass + Combo?


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Hi bass players,


I am a semi pro guitar player that occasionally plays the bass but quite simple lines because my current level is not so high on the bass, but I prefer the real sound for my recordings rather than the midi sequenced bass ...


My budget would be maximum $800. Maybe a reasonable budget if I lived in the US, but not much here in France where the music gear is a bit overpriced. Worse yet, I am lefty, so not much gear on the second hand market either.


What would you do in my case :


option 1 : buying for instance a Squier P. Bass special (the one with the Jazz bass neck) for USD325, and purchasing a set of Seymour Duncan Pickups for $100 + a small bass amp combo like the Ampeg BA100 or the Fender bassman25 for around $ 400

(total : a bit more than $800) ?




Option 2 : Keeping the $800 to purchase the best bass available for the price, and play it direct in the mixing table or with a direct box, or whatever preamp, but insisting on the quality of the bass first.


As already said, the main use of the bass will be at home for recording, or training on records, maybe sometimes a jam or two (but these small amps have a direct out that allow them to be plugged in a PA for example).


The advantage of the 1st option is of course that I can play anywhere without headphones, the advantage of the second is to set the priority on the bass istself. What is the wisest solution ?


(BTW : any suggestions of the bass I can choose? I want versatility but also character .. )


Thanks for your input



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If you are just recording, you don't need an amp. Many wonderful recordings have been made by recording direct into the board. If you are overdubbing the parts yourself you will be able to hear yourself over the studio monitors. In fact, I like the sound of my bass coming out of studio monitors more than through any amp and speaker on the market.

For practicing, you can buy something used or really tiny and not blow half your budget on the amp.

You could even get a headphone amp, some headphone amps allow you to plug in a cd player.

As far as what bass to get for your studio, your best choices are Fender Jazz or Fender Precision. If you buy a Mexican model you can upgrade with Seymour Duncan Antiquities pickups.

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I'd get a bass that costs around $500 and an SWR LA15 or just get a really nice $800 bass and wait a month or two and save for a decent amp. I'd prolly do the ladder. I'd look for a used Warwick. Some of the best basses you can get. Or an American Jazz bass.
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