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Are there any 25 inch speaker cabinets on the market?

If so, who makes them? How much? Where are they sold? Please answer these questions as complete as possible.

I've ask this question many times in other threads, but no one answers! :mad:

"If only I had HIS chops!"
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EV used to make a 30" woofer, and I've seen 21" woofers around, but neither were for bass guitar/musical instrument use. I believe eighteens are the biggest speakers you'll find that are purposed for musical instruments.

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Just out of curiosity, why would you want such a thing?

If you do a little research on transducer physics, you'll find that once you get over 15", you run into the law of diminishing returns. 18" speakers are on the edge of usefulness, and are only effective when used in conjunction with a cabinet and crossover circuit that is very carefully designed to match that particular transducer.

-Matt M
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let me get this right... you're friend has a 25 inch speaker in his van? and you want to know if there is such a thing as a 25 in speaker cab? :confused: what does he keep his in? you can make a cab for anything- .. so he has a 25 in speaker in his car?.......

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He's got a 25 incher in a ported box. It's a custom from Rockford Fosgate. The box is just sitting between the two front seats. Not that big of a deal. He's got a 5000 watt amp running through it. Wait...so could I possibly buy a 25 incher custom made for car stereos and through it in a heavy duty box and hook it up to my stack???
"If only I had HIS chops!"
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Ho boy...I'd recommend wearing earplugs in that van!


Honestly, though, I doubt it would be that useful. It'd be fine as a subwoofer, but it wouldn't sound that great as a bass cabinet, since the mids and highs, which I've stated before are what really makes a bass cut through, would be very weak. If you're really into that much bass, I would get an 8X10 cabinet and a bass bin, and then find a really powerful head to drive them.


Oh yeah, and borrow your friend's van often...with those heavy cabinets you'll need it!

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Sweet fancy Moses!! :eek::eek::eek: And I've got an 18" cab!


I suppose you can try anything...but from what I've been able to tell, those humongazoid subwoofers are basically meant to give rumble--usually an undefined mass of low frequencies, making things vibrate a lot. I don't see a lot of *musical* potential in this. (And are you ready to pay for 5000 watts of bass power amp?) As someone has suggested, driver size does not equate to intensity of bass frequencies; an Ampeg 8x10 cab, for instance, can shake the earth with bass. There was a good thread you might be able to find about 15" vs. smaller driver sizes; depending on configuration, etc., smaller really can deliver more in some cases.

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Why don't you find out what the pros you admire are using and buy a similar rig. I know of no bassist who is using a speaker larger then 18 inches. There's probably a reason for that. Do you want to spend a lot of money and then find out that you wasted it on a crappy sound? Something like an SWR Henry the 8x8 (or comparable product) would give you all of the lows you could ever want. After a while, it all turns to mud. Bassists love to pump through big speakers, but the engineers cut all of the extreme lows out with filters anyway, because those frequencies are useless from a practical standpoint.


If you're bound and determined that you have to be the only guy in the world with a 25" speaker, be my guest. Just don't say I didn't warn you that it could end up being a total waste.

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Well, no. Bigger isn't necessarily better when it comes to speakers.


The larger the speaker cone, the more energy the voice coil (the magnet that turns electricity into movement) needs in order to move it.


Imagine this:

You have a box of 50 10lb. weights that you need to move up a hill. If you have one person try to move it all at once, it's going to be very difficult. You would need a _very_ strong person and it would probably take him quite a while to get up the hill. It would be a better idea to have 25 people carry two weights each, or even 50 people carry one each. Each individual person wouldn't need to be as strong, and the weights would get to the top much faster.


Since the 25" speaker cone (and the amount of air that it's trying to move) is so large, it can't move very fast. It needs a whole lot of energy to make it move, and it wastes a lot of this energy flopping around trying to keep up. Sound-wise, this results is a mushy, indistinct "whump" or dull rumble instead of a solid chest kicking "bump".


If you want to play around and experiment with car-stereo speakers, knock yourself out. It should be fun, and you'll probably learn something. But if you want a good bass guitar tone, almost all of your options involve 10" to 18" speakers.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to discourage you from experimenting, but a whole lot of very smart people have been refining the art of bass amplification for several decades now. If giant speakers were better, we would all be playing through 30" cabs.

-Matt M
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i never understood why people put such huge systems in their cars. i can't imagine the structural integrity of such a vehicle lasting under those conditions. in college we put the beastie boys through 9000w and they heard us fine 8 miles away. for that matter the biggest cab we used was a 2x20 horn. bear in mind that this was an OUTDOOR show with a draw of 10,000. i seriously doubt you're ever going to need that kind of firepower in your own personal on stage rig no matter how big you get. and are you sure you're friend isn't tacking a zero (or two for that matter) onto the wattage rating of the power amp in his car?
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I think AccuGrove has a cabinet with a 21" speaker in it. I've emailed Whappo to take a look at this thread and respond if it is in fact true that he's making a 21" cab.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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what's the speaker exactly? make & model, watts, ohms, etc.

what amp are you using with it?


i've never heard of a 25 inch cabinet, but anything can be custom made. there's probably a guy within three miles of your house that makes those carpet-covered cases and cabinets. it could be cool, but really only because no one else uses a 25-incher. :D


one thing though- if your bass is through the PA too, this could be weird. the soundguy (or club PA) has big speakers too, and he needs to be able to control the low end. every soundman i've talked to says 1 or 2 4x10s is the way to go.

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Seriously, I put my Jazz thru the system at church, which has 18" subwoofers. Plenty of low-end rumble; I turn up and the nails start coming out of the floorboards...


But great godamighty, a 25" speaker - in a VAN...we need to think seriously about whether in later years we want to be senior citizens with great hearing, who still play, or deaf ex-musicians...I've opted for hearing myself...



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We have indeed designed & built a 21 bass guitar cabinet. Why? Because we are always trying to stretch the limits of what can be done to meet the needs of bass players, myself being one. (Plus, its fun being a little crazy)


I would agree with 99% of what everyone said. Not only are many 18 cabinets floppy & incoherent, many of the 15 cabs are marginal as well. Therefore why build a larger cabinet if you are just asking for more of the same. This is one reason why 10s are so popular, theyre punchy & clean.


However, heres the other 1%. Although no one is currently building a larger driver, does that mean that it cannot be done? We designed a driver & then built a cabinet to insure it stayed clean & punchy for a sub-woofer. Granted its not a stand-alone cabinet, so youd use it to compliment other cabinets.


The bottom line is that many larger speakers & cabinets are not very well designed & of limited use. Larger speakers, as others have stated, are also generally less efficient & more power hungry. Plus, they are limited on what role they can function in. However, can it be done correctly? We proved it could.


Although weve done a great job with our 21 Whappo Grande, it may never see the production line. This is not due to sound quality, but rather cost, size & limited interest. Most players wont want to invest in a sub cabinet the size of an 8x10 that you would still need to use with your other boxes with.


Check out our web site to see our 21" woofer.




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Thank you everyone for your help. I feel I will most likely just go with one 4x10 and one 1x18 (probably SWR). That sounds like the way to go. I could go with 8x10 too...hmmm?

By the way, what do you guys think about Warwick cabinets?

"If only I had HIS chops!"
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Originally posted by Metal_Boy13:

I've heard one 25 incher overpower four 12 inchers in my friends van.

that shouldnt be true. they have roughly the same surface area(the 25 inch calculates higher in theory, but im assuming that it follows the current trend in car audio of using an oversized surround....in which case it has less s.a.), and given that the 12s have 4 magnet assemblies driving them they should be louder if all else is equal(power, proper box size, etc)

Originally posted by Metal_Boy13:

[QB]He's got a 5000 watt amp running through it. QB]

ok, not to call you a liar, but....

5000 watt car audio amp operating at 80% efficiency(ie- 20% of power dissipated as heat) would require in excess of 500 amperes flowing down the wire at full power. how the hell is he providing power to the amp?

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Very Valid Point there Cory......

...I was waiting for someone to pick up on that.. :)


Bottom line on the 25" er.....

...while not physically impossible..... (ala Whappo 21" er) .....it would be very impractical.


Good advice given here.... Stick with a good 4-10 and add a larger 15" or 18" later on...and you should be set for most any gig situation !!


...now which 4-10 should the lad get ??..... hmmmmm



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