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Welcome New Lowdowners

Wally Malone

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I just wanted to extend a welcome and greeting to all our new Lowdowners. I don't ever remember seeing so many first time posters in one week. Just curious, but maybe some of the new members could tell us how they found out about the Low Down Lowdown. :wave:



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Originally posted by Wally Malone:

I just wanted to extend a welcome and greeting to all our new Lowdowners. I don't ever remember seeing so many first time posters in one week. Just curious, but maybe some of the new members could tell us how they found out about the Low Down Lowdown. :wave:



Well I was walking around on the internet one day in the Bass Players section and I tripped over this dude named 'Wally'...he was like hey watch it you little.... Oh wait that was something else...haha, I just went to bassplayer.com and found the message board. Playing bass it's always cool to talk bass, music and etc with fellow musicians.
"But she dies.....just like suicide"
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i was looking for the bassplayer magazine website, and i got here, and clicked on the forum. i have been a lurker here for a couple months now, and i ahv noticed that most of you arent brainless 15 year olds, who seem to be on other boards (no offence to any 15 year olds out there). I am a totaly beggining bassist, and i just masterd my first song,a dn played it for someone. it feels so cool!
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I was reading my brothers Guitar Player Magazine. I asked him, "Is there a Bass Player Magazine?". He was pretty confident there was. So I looked through the Guitar Player Magazine, and found a Bass Player Magazine Subscription. I ordered it in a heartbeat. Then I realized that because there is a kinda chain-magazine thing going on with all the Music Player Magazines, the must have a website. The rest is obvious. :wave::thu:
"If only I had HIS chops!"
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:confused: I don't really know how I got to this site, just stumbled across it by shear luck. I Read the responses to some of the questions asked, and was impressed. Then I saw that Mr. "Building Walking Bass Lines" Ed Friedland was a contributor :idea: , and that did it. :thu: I signed on and have enjoyed every minute I've spent here. Thanks for a great site guys! :D
just makin dem wood chips hea in South Texas
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I originally came here when I saw a post by Ed Freidland on The Bottom Line (TBL) newsgroup that he was now moderating a new forum called Bass Station, an earlier name of this forum. A little Lowdown history for the newcomers, when Ed decided to leave he approached Tom, Bob and I about moderating the forum.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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:wave: Hey what's up while taking a break from practicing on my bass I was looking at my search button on my browser and decided to see if there was a website(a Good Website)for bass players. As a result of the search under top 10 websites yours was #1.
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Welcome to all our new friends :thu:


dtermn, we think we're number 1, but we also think we lead our bands, are critical to the mix, and that we have the best musicianship at our gigs !! I guess we are number 1 ;)




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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And because we have such stellar moderators here, this forum gets MORE visits that the Guitar forum...for those wondering, Craig's SSS is #1 (by far), then George's, Roger's, then this forum and the Keyboard forum duke it out...
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Dterm said it. First sight on google. I've been readin this forum for like 3 hours now and I can't stop. Good stuff in here. Good threads, good advice. You can tell there's a lot of experience goin around.
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Just a reminder to everyone - the search facilities that were "under the weather" for a while are OK now. Please make use of the search - it may help you find answers to your questions !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by kudyba:

And because we have such stellar moderators here, this forum gets MORE visits that the Guitar forum...for those wondering, Craig's SSS is #1 (by far), then George's, Roger's, then this forum and the Keyboard forum duke it out...

...I guess we'll have to do something about that !! ;)


...I've been a member here for some time now.....


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Hello to everyone, Ive been lurking here for about 6

months. :thu:

Figured i would eventually see a message along these lines.

I lurked on the tabcrawler site for quite sometime but i couldnt get past the fact that it was a bunch of angry competitive 15 yr olds posting. :confused:

not that that is a problem, just not worth the conversation.

Anyway i have learned more than you can shake a stick at by reading the lowdown and anderton sss.

Double what we got o mr. roboto




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Well, I've been on a different forum for a week or so, but there didn't seem to be a lot a bass going on. Then I did a search for information on one of my amps, the GK mbe 150, and found this site...Seems much more focussed (like a good bass line) than other sites out there.


And it's nice to see name brands on the moderator/contributor list.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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thank you for the welcome,

i was over at active bass,and decided to look something up for someone else,so my first stop was bass player .com,and i noticed it has a new look so i started to look around and here i am,i was searching for a diagram of a bass showing all its parts and components,this kid over at ab is doin a report for school,just tryin to help the kid out and he don't even know it.

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Thanks for the welcome. I found this site following a link from the spector website.

I just bought my first bass...a spector 4 string holoflash. My hubby has a Kramer holoflash and thought it would look cool playing together.

We have a band together and trying to get it all together.

Any suggestions for learners. I have the "Bass guitar primer" book and CD and it is working really well for me. I have problems right now trying to pick out the bass lines from songs and knowing which note is which.

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I registered ages ago when i was visiting the studio tech forum after buying my Digi001... I was only a guitar player then but now I'm a bass player. I'm getting tired of waiting on the other members of the band I'm in though! I'll have to seek other playing opportunities! Gear wise I've Hartke HA3500 head (and a PV mark 3 I'm selling) and a PV 410TX. I've also a Bass Pod Pro (and Pod Pro) for my studio rack.

Bass wise I've the OLP mm4 that's halfway done in modifying and a PV 5 string (I can't find it on the peavy.com site so It's probably just for export) I'll post a link :


Bass Page

Here's a pic of some of the rest of the clutter where i work (and some of my GAS purchases)


The Mess


Sixpence Studios


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Greetings from the still frosty North!

So last Nov I found the current issue of Guitar Player just abandoned at my post office and with no mailing label in sight it was in my frozen mitt in a flash.

Found the Musician's Friend ad and within two weeks I had sufficiently bribed the Mrs. to let me order a bass from them, it being her credit card and all. Rogue 5 string, not fancy but it really does play well, honest. 20 years since I last played in high school but I finally had one in my hand in time for the holidays. (I still wash my hands before every 'session', wife and kid think I'm a nut, yup)

I not really interested in playing in a band, just love to finally play some of those great Geddy Lee riffs I've been listening to since gawd knows when. I can't wait to graduate from my headphone amp to a real window rattlin', gut bustin' amp then the neighbours will finally under pay for making me listen to their blankity blank snowmachines all winter.

Anyway, I finally got around to entering Fab Four giveaway this January which led me to Musicplayer which led me to more giveaways (where am I going to put all those cool toys when I win?) which led me to BassPlayer online which led me to Lowdown which has kept me up too many late nights. As the wife says 'at least it's not porn'


Rush Rules Eh!



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i kind of backed in here while looking for a head to replace my ampeg svt-lll- it seems to lack headroom. cool site. anyone know abt these amps (not 3pro)? how abt suggestions for a head to go with my 58 bassman cabinet. i'm a late bloomer but having a blast playing with a cajun band.
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I'm new here. This should even be my first post! :D I bought my bass in February as a birthday gift for myself. I got myself a Fender P-bass standard (midnight wine) and a little Fender Frontman 15B amp since I'm not in the business of playing in a band at all. I'm still pretty awful at playing...my technique is in desperate need of help...but I'm going to be taking lessons starting in May. In the mean time I've been playing from tabs and trying to remember how to read standard notation.
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  • 1 month later...
thanks for the greating, i was just looking up all things bass and found the forum through the bass player website. i have found some realy usefull information in the lowdown, thanks everyone.
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I was doing research for a bass purchase, so I did a Google search for bass reviews. That took me to Bass Player's website. The "forums" link brought me here.


I am a moderator on the biggest golf forum on the web. (www.4gea.com is one of our addresses -- the shortest anyway.) I commend the management here on the great job you do. Great forum!

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I was just looking for a bass player chatroom and found this. It seems to be a pretty open minded group. I was afraid it was going to be lots of snobby bassists like Anthony Jackson. You know the type that think if you don't have a $3000.00 bass and play jazz that you aren't worth anything.



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