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So... you think you can play the blues???

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OH YEAH? REALLY? WELL GOOD! Then you are cordially invited down to the Guitar Forum to add your blues solo to an original blues backing track that include bass, rhythm guitar, drums and Hammond B3 [a 1959 EBONY B3 which I found in a church basement for $100.....WITH a 122 Leslie - pics and story in the thread] If I have caught your interest, just [url=http://www.musicplayer.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=19;t=002043]CLICK HERE[/url] to be magically transported to where WE BE HAVIN' SOME REAL FUN... So if you are cool :cool: then c'mon down.... and if you don't I guess you just can't play the blues [aww.. poor baby :cry: ] either that, or you must be a big fat chicken [bawk bawk] :D Dennis
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Hi Tedster... A promise then it is! And if you don't, we will have to think of some suitable punishment... like making you listen to that new Kenny G, Yoko Ono and Michael Bolton trio CD -- "Together At Last" for a few hours straight :( Dennis
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[b]Ok i put my self up for humiliation there. Lets have some more players ok. There are lotsa guys(Alpha and KHAN, Frank, Steve etc) and gals(LEE!!!) who can play the blues here. Lets hear some licks Ya'all.[/b] Humiliation???? Halljams laid down some killer licks which I fully intend to steal... I, I mean learn. VERY cool playing Halljams. Dennis
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Damn right I can play the blues. I have a personal rejection letter from the president of Alligator records. He said I needed to do some serious wood shedding before I even thought about recording. What the hell he know? I can play that shit. Where's my guitar? Turn that up. I can sing it too. That's right I can sing the blues. White boy grew up in the suburbs but I damn well know what the blues is about. I can talk the talk and I can walk the walk. People be playing bluegrass and saying it's the blues. That ain't the blues! I'll show you what the blues is. Where do I upload this shit. I ain't lying.
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Wewus spoketh: [b]Damn right I can play the blues. I have a personal rejection letter from the president of Alligator records. He said I needed to do some serious wood shedding before I even thought about recording. What the hell he know? I can play that shit. Where's my guitar? Turn that up. I can sing it too. That's right I can sing the blues. White boy grew up in the suburbs but I damn well know what the blues is about. I can talk the talk and I can walk the walk. People be playing bluegrass and saying it's the blues. That ain't the blues! I'll show you what the blues is. Where do I upload this shit. I ain't lying.[/b] Wewus, I know you are not lying. I knew that. What is wrong with you that would make you think I didn't know that? Show me what the blue be... I be waitin' Slick! One question.. What the hell IS a Wewus? Dennis
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I took he bait! Many, Many thanks to franknputer for hosting my attempt. I passed it about 10 times, and kept the last one. It was played on a Charvell, into a J station, through a Summit TPA-200B pre into a Fairlight. I thought about comping together the best bits of a bunch of takes, but this one says enough. http://franknputer.complexero.com/music/Spigotblues.mp3 Frank
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Spigot Frank.... Wow!!!! That is some GREAT playing! Thanks for putting up the tune!!! I especially loved your use of silence in between phrases, and also the way you played around the Hammond solos. Could you describe how you played the fast trill during the Hammond solo at around 1:45 into the song? [Dennis rubs his hands together maniacally... "MMMMWWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA.... me plan to steal the best licks in the land is working just as I knew it would"] Oh shit... did I write that, or just think it? Dennis
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[quote]Originally posted by dturner: [b]Spigot Frank.... Could you describe how you played the fast trill during the Hammond solo at around 1:45 into the song? Dennis[/b][/quote]Thanks for the compliments. It was fun to do. I think the part you're talking about is an Eddie trick, where you mute the strings with the back of your right hand, and hammer-on/pull-off on one string, usually the g string, at the 5th and 3rd frets. That would make it C-A#-G. Start slow and work at building it up fast. Another thing Eddie did alot was to run his right hand up and down the strings in between the bridge and fret board while doing this kind of hammer on stuff, creating a series of constantly changing harmonics. He did that alot on VH II. And, Wow, what a GREAT track to play against. The B-3 stuff and the groove are fantastic. Have a great week, Frank
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