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Quality vs. Quantity

Wally Malone

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Is it just me or have you also noticed the the quantity of post have risen over the last week but the quality has taken a nose dive. I signed on to this forum in February and have enjoyed this forum, believing it to be one of the best. Hey all, how about cutting all the BS.
I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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In general I believe the topics have been great. I enjoy reading everything about the bass and the music business as well. I don't always have the time to post but try to when I feel I have something to contribute. I don't feel above others even if their begginers since I feel I'm always learning and also like to help others out if I can. I felt compelled to say something because I felt a trend swaying away from what I have become accustomed to on this forum, but Ed is right about "free speach", although I feel he has done the right things as our moderator in deleting certain post. This free speach has allowed me to vent my feelings on this matter. Thank you all for listening even if you don't agree, you are entitled to your opinions as well.
I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Hi Wally,


I've made a small statement addressing your concerns in the title addressed to the new members coming over from HC. If you could read it, I hope it alleviates some of your concern regarding us.




Sorry mate, but no, we don't all live in America. In fact, a number of the people who've joined you recently from HC are European based, and I believe there are also a number of South Americans and Australians. This may be a general statement, but, from the experience I've had on HC, they contribute as much, if not more, than a lot the American members there. Plus, again a general statement, but it would appear to me that a lot of the flamers over there are young, American males. When I joined your forum, I didn't notice anything saying 'Americans only'. Have I missed something?


Cheers, bassaussie.


This message has been edited by bassaussie on 10-19-2001 at 07:02 AM

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Mr. Bassaussie:


I'm sure you know that no offense was meant. It's no secret to anyone that there are plenty of non-US posters on this board. Mr. Friedland knows that very well.


Shall we all continue to avoid meta-posting (posting posts about posting posts), please?




Mr. Wise Man (somewhere in Germany)


This message has been edited by Mr. Wise Man on 10-19-2001 at 07:36 AM

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Originally posted by Ed Friedland:

Wally, I have to agree. As moderator I feel an obligation to read through every folder and every post. It seems like I'm working harder for less content these days. But hey, we live in America, freedom of speech right?


Mr Friedland and others.

I would like to say that ALL of the HC forum members i have seen posting on this board this week happen to be very competent and intelligent musicians ( i know, i have heard a lot of their playing). We do tend to go off topic and engage in friendly banter, but i can assure you I have learnt a great deal from these people and they have brought a lot to the HC forum in the way of advice and discussion.

If you feel we belittle your elite little group, then fine.

I'm outta here


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Wally, I can appreciate your concern. I spend some time perusing various internet forums and there's a different distinct aura to each one. With diversity comes change, and my observation has been that the ones who hate change the most are the ones who have the highest level of comfort with the tradition of the forum, whatever it may be. Will this forum change with the addition of new members? If they like it well enough to stick around, then it definitely will to some degree. But change is not always bad.





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It's not about fear of change, it's not about being American, it's not about being a good player. To me, this forum is about exchange of information, ideas, opinions - bass related preferably. Idle back and forth chit-chat is fine, but to my way of thinking, better carried out in a chat room or instant messaging. That's just my opinion.






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Here I suggest this:


1)Look at your bass on it's stand in the corner and say "It is just a bass"

2)Look at yourself in the mirror and say "I am just ANOTHER bassplayer"

3)Log on to the forum and say "This is my time, I'll read and reply to only those posts that I find amusing/interesting"

4)Look at your life and say " Could it be that what's missing from my life has nothing to do with music?"


And stop taking yourself so seriously...

"Word to your mother"
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There is only so many topics to go around. I've seen the same/similar topics get reposted by different individuals (I may even be guilty of this myself). The fact is that there are those with interests and questions to be answered. What's meaningless to myself or others, may be beneficial to somebody else. Learning is a constant, no matter what level you are at. Beginner to Pro.
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