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Do you have (or had) problems with tendonits ? Do your arms or hands hurt when you are playing bass ??

If you already had this problem, you obtained to be cured? What you have made to prevent pain ?

Do you know about famous bass players who had this problem ?

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I have problems like this also. I see a chiropractor. It might sound silly, seeing somebody to adjust my wrists, hands, and fingers, but if I didn't do that, I don't think I could keep playing stringed instruments. (This fellow has been doing my neck and back when they flare up, and I've learned to trust him.)


One thing to bear in mind though, all chiropractors are NOT alike. Some are excellent; others ought to find another line of work.


I found that chiropractors are much better at explaining what you might be doing wrong to cause discomfort. They also can give you practical and effective exercise techniques to prevent injury/lessen discomfort. In my experience, MDs are too quick to attribute problems to age or "occupational hazard." They give you a pill then, or refer you to a physical therapist. Therapists aren't trained to make adjustments, and in my experience, that's been what's needed.

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Hello Brazil!


I feel I am an expert on this subject since I had to move from Piano/Bass to just bass 8 years ago due to repetitive strain Injury (RSI) caused by my bad Piano techniqueback then.It took me 2 years of treatment to get better for 6 years of injury induced to my neck an wrists.


If you are suffering from this right now, trust me it WON'T just go away. Seek help immediately and reduce the amount of playing and any typing that you are currently doing. There is a lot of literature on the web regarding this issue and it is the "hot topic" item amongst chiropractors and othopedic surgeons.


Another thing...Check out the wrist bands that I use know for playing bass at www.wristreleve.com. Thay have worked for me. Take care of your neck and drink lots of water when you are peforming (specialy living in a hot paradise like brazil)all your body tissues neeed extreme lubrication when submitted to extreme use.


Hope you get better, I truly simpathize with anyone having these problems right now.



"Word to your mother"
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After playing for 20 years now, I just ran into some problems after gigs where my wrist (right hand) was aching for days. I'm now warming up before each gig, stretching, and turning up my amp so I don't have to play as hard. This helps.


-David R.

-David R.
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Thanks a lot for your answer Zujo ! I think that you really know how a person with this problem feels !


After 2 months with fisioterapia, ice, etc... and without playing bass (what´s terrible) i´m getting the control over this pain.


What kind of therapy did you do ?? Was "wrist releave" good ?

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Like I said I know you don't want to hear this but, what worked for me may not wok for you. I am not a 100% helathy right know (8 years after)but just being aware of the condition helps a lot.


I went through chiropractic adjustments, electro therapy and comlete abstinence from the offending activities for at least 8 months. I know I can never go back to Piano profesionally and I do gig on bass semi-pro only.


The wrist releve help me to remind me to keep good posture and the compresion pad open up the carpal tunnel so the nerves don't get irritated while at work. I jug down two 1.5 litter water bottles when I gig.


All I can say is that even though I dont live from music I live for it

"Word to your mother"
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I have found that the position that I hold the bass in can result in pain either in my left or right hand. I am very particular as to how the strap is adjusted so that there is no sharp bend in either wrist. Not only does this alleviate pain, but it also allows me to play crisper and quicker because of how relaxed my hands are.







bari man low



"50 million Elvis Presley fans can't be all wrong" - John Prine

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We talked about this privately, but for the benefit of others, my relief of this problem came from physical therapy, ultra-sound, strengthening the supporting muscle groups, body awareness, posture change, warming up, stretching, icing my wrists after playing when inflammed. It's a tough road when you're in pain. Don't get too reliant on Ibuprofen, it messes up your liver.




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I used to get tendonitis but haven't had aproblem in a few years. I would strapp my wrist after applying some liniment (rubbing alcohol) as soon as I got a tingle. That would head off any further inflamation.

Abe Laboriel sufferd from carpal tunnel syndrome as well.

One of my students insists on wearing his bass low for the look. I try to warn him but teenage arrogance (remember that?) raises it's ugly head.

Good health to you.

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