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I'm sorry what i said about Fenders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

slap master

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im sorry, i was talking about the cheap fenders like the $100-$250 range. i wasn't trying to diss any fender users, i like the high end ones but i just think that they could make the cheaper ones with a little better quality. im sorry that i didnt say this in my first post, im just venting a little, im not usually like this. please accept my apology.



slap master

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Well, in defense of the cheap Fenders, I had a great Mexi-Jazz fretless (I just sold it to raise cash for a move). It was a great sounding bass, I did change the pickups and the bridge, but even with the improvements, I was into it for just over $500. The axe was worth more than that in terms of it's intrinsic value. I also bought a really cheap Squire Bronco for my daughter to learn on, not only does she like it, but I love playing it too! It's a good sounding little bass! Hey, Fender ain't perfect, no one is.


I'm glad to see slap master has adjusted his attitude a little. Let's face it, this place is a little different than most forums, and it might be totally normal to bust in with a topic like his anywhere else. He'll get in the Bass Station groove. Welcome!




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It's cool dude....Being cool is what it is all about Man...


Having been in this Industry for over 20 years....well you just do not know how good anything is until you have lived with it 2 or 3 years...


Vibe is vibe and you can hang with the cool cats here and have some fun.


I just joined this forum and this is for real...none of the garbage stuff and slamming peoples chops over some things that we all get upset about ya know...


Have some fun...their is so much for all of us to learn in this short life on this space station we call Earth...


Cool deal Man!

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Two of Mr. Wise Man's pet annoyances appear in this thread, so please indulge me, folks:


1. Please don't open a new thread when you're simply replying to someone's comment. There's really no reason for three threads to be open here.


2. It's not "all good". That phrase ignores the existence of economic injustice, death, war, disease, the Backstreet Boys, and Boss tuners.

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I have to second what Ed said about the Mex. Jazz Bass. I just bought one (w/frets) and it's the bomb. I spent time going over the neck, no real dead spots to speak of; frets leveled and crowned; workmanship thru-out very good. It's nice and light, and plays like a dream! I feel almost like a real bassist when I play it, and my only problem is that it sounds so good I don't know how a new bridge and pickups (recommended mods) will make it better! Can't wait to find out, though...



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Yeah slap,

This forum looks similar to Harmony Central's - just this one is owned by a respected publisher and moderated by a professional. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

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"...and moderated by a professional."


Absolutely! This isn't the wild west, like many other forums are (and where "busting in" is respected, in a peculiar way). There's definitely a bassist's groove here. Things keep moving forward, positively. You can feel it, and that's what makes it so nice.

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No problem , Mr. Slap. We are really a nice group of bottom feeders, once you get to know us.


Problem with low end fenders is inconsistancies. Some of them feel and sound great, while some, ummmm, float well in water. That's whay I am always amazed at people who buy instruments from a catalog without playing first.


-David R.

-David R.
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I have noticed inconsistencies in the lower level Fenders. I myself, have a Mexi Fender Jazz. I love it. Sounds great. Good workmanship. I have seen some that are of lesser quality though. If you get a good Mexi Fender, I don't think you can beat them as far as price. Fenders are good, but not the best, in my opinion.


In an act of shameless promotion, I ordered a custom bass from Mr. Ken Francis, founder of Sonic Designs. I have not received the bass yet but he has sent pictures and mp3s of it. It sounds amazing. Looks stunning also. If any of you are shopping for something a little different that is hand built by a great guy, I'd suggest checking out www.sonic-designs.com


Sorry for that but I feel that more people need to check him out. Hope you guys(and gals) don't mind.




Don't ask me, I'm just the bass player.
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Thanks for all the nice comments about the forum, I appreciate all of your contributions. As far as modifying your Mexi-Jazz, there is a thread on the mods I did somewhere. Basically, DiMarzio DP149 UltraJazz pickups and a Gotoh bridge. Made a BIG difference!




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David R., it has been my experience that all the good ones are gone in a store. So, you might get lucky with one fresh out of a box from ordering online. You can't order from a store without putting money down. How do you get your money back if it's a dud?
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"Two of Mr. Wise Man's pet annoyances appear in this thread, so please indulge me, folks:

1. Please don't open a new thread when you're simply replying to someone's comment. There's really no reason for three threads to be open here.


2. It's not "all good". That phrase ignores the existence of economic injustice, death, war, disease, the Backstreet Boys, and Boss tuners. "



Mr. Wise Man,

I agree, but wonder why you didn't mention "Kenny G.".



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