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Guilty Pleasures

Ed Friedland

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Hey, we all have them. I've come out publicly as one who lusts after Gibson Ripper basses (unconsumated at this point). The Dude has his well documented love affair with Kiss live action figures and spandex/hair bands of the 80's. So, what are YOU hiding? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif We're all friends here, any secret (bass) desires or embarrassing bands you listen to on the freeway you'd like to get off your chest?
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Shhh...Don't tell anyone, but I have a Kiss Alive cassette that I keep safely hidden under the dashboard for the occasional guilty pleasure fix. Nothin' like Cold Gin crankin' while your flyin' down the Highway.


Other guilty pleasures...


Spinal Tap

Beatle Basses

Frank Sinatra

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I swore I never would tell anyone this... but here goes.


Sometimes I like to crank up Christina Aguilara's "Come on over" and just bust out singing. One time my guitar player even saw my CD of it. I just said that it was something that my wife listens to once in a while.



I need help, man! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif

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Well I hate to admit it but at one time I actually owned the (gulp)

Kajagoogoo album. For those of you who don't know they were a one hit

wonder 80's hair band whose single was Shy, Shy with a phasey/flangey bass line hook.


Geeze... I don't believe I actually admitted this in public.



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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BTW Dude - I fellow bass playing friend at work collects Kiss "action figures" also. A couple of weeks ago we check out the local music store and buys a Marshall "stack" practice amp and sets it up as part of the Paul Stanley figures stage setup at home. Talk about a KISS shrine.


What a hoot!!!!



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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RobT posted:


>Well I hate to admit it but at one time I actually owned the (gulp)

>Kajagoogoo album. For those of you who don't know they were a one hit

>wonder 80's hair band whose single was Shy, Shy with a phasey/flangey >bass line hook.


There's no shame in that! I love that bassline, although I suspect that it might have been played on a keyboard.. Can anyone verify this?


Dude: In my 9th grade English class, we were required to 'dissect' a song's lyrics and make a presentation in front of our classmates explaining the structure/meaining/etc... I picked 'Here I Go Again' by Whitesnake, and even predicted that I would replace Rudy Sarzo as their bassist!





Rob Miller

Philadelphia, PA


Rob Miller

Philadelphia, PA


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I knew this topic was going to be good! Well, some of my favorite music for driving is Mrs. Miller. For those of you who haven't experienced her artistry, check out this!



Very good when stuck in traffic!

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Dude, looks like Eddie gets pleasure out of being guilty. But it is a good way of getting rid of a drummer with a poor sense of timing... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif

I wonder what his solution would be for off key singers ? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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Guilty pleasures, eh? I hope that no one from the Family Channel is reading this. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


1) Bangles videos

2) Carly Simon album covers

3) Rhonda Smith string ads in BP

Honorable Mention) Till Tuesday


Oh, yeah, and how about four Laklands, all with pet names?

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Wise Man,

I am intimately familiar with Mr. Taylor! As a matter of fact, I have a band called The Friends Of Shooby Taylor. We do mostly Korn-inspired Thelonius Monk covers. Shraw!


I'd love to hear Shooby AND Mr.s Miller do "Endless Love".


Look for Eilert Pilarm, Sweden's best Elvis Impersonator. More great music.

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I buy most of my groceries at Shop 'n Kart, where they hire a lot of 'alternative' types and they let them play their own tapes over the store PA. Sometimes, you'll hear The Clash, then next week it'll be Mozart. The other night, it was early '80s new wave... and I was enjoying it more than I should have.


At least I haven't fuelled my early '80s nostalgia with CD purchases... yet.

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Mr. Friedland:


Now you're talking! I think the whole "outsider music" genre (to use the phrase coined by Irwin Chusid, who wrote the book on the subject -- http://www.keyofz.com) is my very favorite guilty pleasure -- the guilt mostly comes from not being certain if, say, the Shaggs would appreciate the fact that I'm laughing so hard at what they've obviously put so much effort into. Mrs. Miller is actually a little controversial in the outsider music fan community, mostly because it appears that she was in on the joke as opposed to, say, the legendary Cherry Sisters, who had no idea why their audiences would laugh and throw veggies. Then you have weirdos like Jandek, who absolutely aren't funny at all, but whose music I find alternately unlistenable and beautiful.


Check out http://www.incorrectmusic.com, if you haven't already. Lots of information, links, and RealAudio.

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o.k. gang, when was the last time you listened to "Hot August Night", Neil Diamond has one of the most together bands i have ever listened to. his live shows are amazing. there, i said it and i don't care who knows!



diamondville junkie



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Oh yeah!! Hot August Night!! Man, it's been too long since I've listened to that one! I should dust off my record player and slap that on. That and maybe my copy of Pac Man Fever! hahahahahaaaaaaaa!


I still have my copy of Kiss' Rock & Roll Over on vinyl WITH the sticker! You wanna talk cheese? Somewhere I have the CD single for "All that she wants." I got it 'cuz it reminds me of my trip to Greece back in '93.


C'mon! Put up yer dukes! Put 'em uuuup! Put 'em uuuup!

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Hoo boy... I got two guilty pleasures:


#1 is Motorhead. The early stuff like Ace of Spades, No Sleep..., Overkill. Raaaahhhhrrrrr!!!! Love it. Saw them live on the Isle of Man during Bike Week, with the original lineup: Lemmy, Philthy and Fast Eddie. Also have the leather-bound LP.


#2 is Devo. Everything they ever recorded. Geek funk, man.


...now I'll go take cover!

- Christian

Budapest, Hungary


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I'm a big fan of "outsider music". Things like that makes me smile no matter what is going on. www.incorrectmusic.com is awesome, check out "Hot In The Airport" or "Candy Pants". Great stuff.


I love playing The Shaggs for some of my students, the shifting expressions on their faces - from interest, to bewilderment, to shock, to disgust, to horror! It makes my day to know I've exposed someone to timeless music like that!


I hear there's a big Hollywood production of a Shaggs bio in the works.

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Hey Christian! Motorhead rules bro! I ever show you my shots of Lemmy when I met him earlier this year?




I forgot my earplugs for the show and I was in the photo pit at the foot of the stage smakdab in front of Lemmy's Marshall stack. I think it took about a week for the ringing to go away but I wouldn't trade it for a second!

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Hey Jeremy, in retrospect Grand Funk sounds a lot better to me now than I gave them credit for during their heyday.


My guilty pleasure was watching and actually enjoying the Yanni concert that was playing on PBS several years ago during one of PBS's pledge drives. The black girl who plays the improvised solos on violin is IMHO an incredible musician. In one of the pieces I remember her and another violinists "swapping licks". It was great showmanship. I remember being impressed by the electric bassist.

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I forgot my earplugs for the show and I was in the photo pit at the foot of the stage smakdab in front of Lemmy's Marshall stack. I think it took about a week for the ringing to go away but I wouldn't trade it for a second![/b]


I wanna take Cory home to meet Mama......... she Looks deliciously wholesome..


Mo with a Woody

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