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The Ballad Of Corrupt Congressman Tom DeLay

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AW, crap! Here we go again.


That's actually 3 choruses of the same refrain, not multiple verses as you pride yourself.

& it won't become a classic anything since it's likely never to be seen/heard anywhere but here.


Is this the only place you can showcase yer material, Johann?

I am as close as possible to your political stance, so don't misconstrue this but you really need to find an outlet that will provide you with a real sense of how people respond to your compositions.

Otherwise yer just chasing 'round in a circle & may as well be writing them in a private journal.

As it is, you must be getting some sense of how yer alienating people who might otherwise agree with you...

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OK, Pally, here's how real writers get things done:


So, there you've heard my story

Three verses all the same

I'll end it there & spare ya

anymore would just be lame.


See? All wrapped up, in cadence (& I threw in an internal rhyme for free!) & now we can all move on!

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

MJRN, thanks for sharing. How about YOU adding to the composition or making it better?

Collaboration usually assumes that more than one party is interested, and it is also commonly a joint suggestion. All you are doing Johnny is foisting your somewhat strange idea of songwriting on other people. And as MJRN said, you alienate most people in the process.
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No Guts, No Air Medal.

Gotta break a few eggs to make an omlette.


If all I ever worried about was "alienating people" I would have no principles or intregity.


In my book, some people may need to be sent into space and turned into aliens.


Here, we are working on a protest song about a very corrupt congressman who is a "leader," a man under a cloud of Criminal Indictment. Where's the outrage? Where's the press?


And ya know, I'll bet Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Peter Paul and Mary all heard similar complaints by old war mongers when they protested the Viet Nam War.


Make a contribution to the effort or please don't respond. Show us you can Stand Up!

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So, I see you, like most mania-driven people, totally ignored what I posted as a wrap up of your little ditty...bugged that I did better?

Trust me it wasn't hard.


You make claims for free speech but unfortunately have nothing to say that's not already parroting others.


As far as your intregrity & pride in alienating others, you are just alienating those who in other situations would agree with you & even help you. What service does that for your causes?


Do you even realize how close you are to maybe cutting off your own legs?

Keep gratuitous political crap over on the Pol Forum & leave this as a place for the exploration of creative issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, sounds like MJRN cannot write a serious protest song against the Bush Regime. Have you ever listened to Bob Dylan? Ever listen to the lyrics to any old blues songs? Robert Johnson? How about Woody Guthrie? Do you know who he is? Have you ever listened to any folk music? Did you ever listen to the song "Joe Hill." Have you ever listened to any songs about struggles of the unions? Songs about how the corporate owners of mines would send in the Pinkerton goon squads and murder the protesting workers by mowing them down with machine guns. Does any of this ring any kind of bell inside you?


MJRN, go ahead. I dare you. Start your own thread and write a serious protest song against the Bush Regime. You are not too afraid to start your own thread and write an Anti-Bush Regime Song, are you? Go ahead and do it, I dare you.

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