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Why did you choose your current Displayed Name.

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How or why did you choose the name that you use on the message board? Some names are a bit obvious (Mr. Anderton) but some have me very curious. Here is my story. One day a girlfriend walked up to my computer terminal at school while I was doing some system maintenance. What she saw one the screen was something like RAB id=14326 nic=...... "Hey. RABid" she laughed as she pointed to my initials on the screen. So that is how I got my name. RAB + id = Rabid. Robert

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It was given to me by God. I already told this story but I'll do it again. Me and my best friends were working for a guy doing some carpentry work or something and he started calling me Steverino. They thought that was funny and it mutated into Steveawewe and then Steveawewus and then just Wewus. There was a large group of people who thought that was my last name. Steve Wewus. Sounds natural doesn't it. So there it is. I became fond of the nickname and lived up to it's connotations. You can call me Steve if you're more comfortable with that.
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sactog was originaly my Unreal Tournament name (when i play online)....the name itself is simply sacto (short for Sacramento) and 'g' my first initial, (Greg). i got that idea from a freind of mine that turned me on to the game in the first place....his online handle was 'friscot' - frisco (short for San Fransisco) and 't' for his first initial, (Tim).. i originaly did it as a joke, but the name stuck and i have been using it ever since..
0096 2251 2110 8105
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Magpel = shorthand for The Magnificent Glass Pelican, the audio theater group I've been a writer/producer for for about 10 years. [url=http://www.mp3.com/magpel]Magpel[/url] If I had to do it all over again, I'd be John. Self-branding is a dangerous thing..
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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CMDN is the initials for my band's name (CottonMouth D.N.) I just figured CMDN was kinda easy to remember... and lots of people refer to my band by those initials anyway.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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franknputer is actually a play on the name Frank N. Puter, which is the name I gave my first computer - mainly because of the ridiculous amount of stuff installed in it. I have since passed the name on to my 2nd box, technically franknputer II, an orange translucent box with dual Celerons that runs BeOS R5 Pro. :D
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... because my name is Gustavo and my band's name is TraX. It's in my AIM Screen Name, in ICQ, in the MSN Service, my Yahoo, HotMail and MusicPlayer.com's e-mails. ... just don't ask me why in the world did I choose such a cheesie name for my band :D

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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1. You are what you do (music, for one). 2. I play two MM basses. 3. What I do is ... I play (music, er MusicMan basses). 4. As for the musical ... I like that a sheister can "get away" with something by doing a thing he knew nothing about (teaching music) ... and actually succeeding. Which leads me to the first point ... (you are what you do).
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Basically my real name... William Frederick Turner. Always figured anything you do related to your music even lurking and learning on the internet, do it by the monicker you want to be associated with.

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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I changed from displaying my full name, Dylan Walters, to Dillweed only cuz I thought using my real name was a bit boring. My friends have called me a handful of nick names since I can remember including Dillweed, Dillhole, Dill, Dill Pickle, the D-man....you get the idea :D .
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Valkyrie Sound: Name of my audio services company [url=http://www.vsoundinc.com]www.vsoundinc.com[/url] I used this screename at Tascam for a long time before coming here.... the boys at Tascam started calling me "Valky" for short.... it stuck.... :D Ms. Valky

Valkyrie Sound:




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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b]That's cool DickWeed. :D damn, I've been waiting a long time to say that.[/b][/quote]Ha! I walked right into that one. But do me a favor, if your gonna make fun of my name, at least call me Dildo instead :D . Tedster, you got it right the first time :freak: !
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Because Guitar Man is too cheesy! I wasn't even sure it was a real word and when I looked it up, I liked the second (non-musical) definition of it, too (although my riffs aren't always clever or inventive). From dictionary.com: riff Pronunciation Key (rf) n. 1. Music. A short rhythmic phrase, especially one that is repeated in improvisation. 2. A clever or inventive commentary or remark: “Those little riffs that had seemed to have such sparkle over drinks... look all too embarrassing in cold print” (John Richardson). intr.v. Music riffed, riff·ing, riffs To play or make riffs.

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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my nickname is coren, i got it out of a book series called the deathgate cycle by margeret weis and tracy hickman, and added 5555 cause 5 is my frav number and i though coren was taken. my real name is mike.
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For some reason at work I have got a reputation as a person to ask about obscure things, personal advice, politics, the meaning of life and the nature of the universe. One of my co-workers started sending people to "ask the oracle" - it just kind of stuck. As I live and work in or around San Francisco, I became SFOracle.
Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong: James Bryce
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It's just a nickname I acquired as a kid. No connotation whatsoever, yet it somehow stuck lol

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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[quote]Originally posted by coyote: [b]It's just a nickname I acquired as a kid. No connotation whatsoever, yet it somehow stuck lol[/b][/quote]Just as long as you're not constantly blowing yourself up with "Acme Rocket Skates" and such... :D :D :D
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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There's a part of me that can get a bit emotional regarding social/political issues. I stuck myself with this moniker as a way of lightening up about it. I have mellowed over the years though; and sometimes I toy with dropping the name [b]soapbox[/b] and instead go with my real name, [b]Geoff Grace[/b].

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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[quote][i]Originally posted by Rabid:[/i] So that is how I got my name. RAB + id = Rabid.[/quote][b]Robert[/b], I wondered about that. I assumed that your moniker came from the southern tradition of letting the first-born (in your case, perhaps a nephew or a niece) dub you with a nickname in his or her first attempts to pronounce your real name. Thus, "Grandma" becomes "Mamaw" and "Robert" would become "Rabid." :D So, are your initials R.A.B.?

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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