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drastic drop in record sales this year

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has anyone seen the alarming numbers for record sales for this year when compared to this time last year? I think singles sales have dropped by about 20% and album sales by something like 15% I remember when there were jobs for switchboard operators and when the train driver job .Now they are all but extinct. Is this going to happen to the audio industry was a sought after job. I dare not project this trend to 10 years. Something(s) need to be done. I also think that Brittney needs to get lost.
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[quote]Originally posted by clock: [b]has anyone seen the alarming numbers for record sales for this year when compared to this time last year? I think singles sales have dropped by about 20% and album sales by something like 15% I remember when there were jobs for switchboard operators and when the train driver job .Now they are all but extinct. Is this going to happen to the audio industry was a sought after job. I dare not project this trend to 10 years. Something(s) need to be done. I also think that Brittney needs to get lost.[/b][/quote]I thought it was more like a 5% taper in album sales.
No matter how good something is, there will always be someone blasting away on a forum somewhere about how much they hate it.
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Well, maybe if there was something out there worth buying, I'd buy it! New Rush album in May. That may be the only CD I buy [b]ALL YEAR[/b]. Since I have over 500 CD's, I would say that that represents a drastic reduction in the sales that the majors could have had from me. But hey, I'm sure Shtney and N'Suck will have new and improved CD's out :eek: They're getting exactly what they deserve IMO.
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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They had a big anti CD burning thing going on round my way recently,(Burn and get burnt)even had ads on TV.Kids have been copying CDs right down to the artwork etc and then hocking them off for 25% less than retail .I'm not sure how much effect its had on CD sales.
I once had a quasi-religious experience..then I realised I'd turned up the volume.
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Fuck 'em. Yesterday, I had to get the new N'Sync tune, a tune by some crap pop singer (forgotten her name already!) and some piece of crap by X-ecutioners ready for radio play. Unfortunately, this meant I actually had to listen to this rubbish. All three tracks were crap songs (I had to listen to the N'Sync a few times to even work out where the chorus was) and the production was shitty. On top of that, I edited the tracks down to 3 minutes, speeded them up, added more bass and treble and widened the stereo image. I did this because it's my job and that's what I get paid for but the result, once they've had more bass and treble and tons of compression (as if they weren't compressed enough to begin with) upon leaving the broadcast chain, will be music only a partially-deaf thirteen year old would buy. Partially-deaf thirteen year olds don't buy enough music to stop music sales falling.
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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[quote] [b]I had to get the new N'Sync tune, a tune by some crap pop singer (forgotten her name already!) and some piece of crap by X-ecutioners ready for radio play. ...that's my job[/b] [/quote]Are all commercial releases re-mastered at radio stations prior to airplay and if so why? Would I be correct in assuming that jazz and classical stations would not do this?
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[quote]Originally posted by lrossmusic: [b] [quote] [b]I had to get the new N'Sync tune, a tune by some crap pop singer (forgotten her name already!) and some piece of crap by X-ecutioners ready for radio play. ...that's my job[/b] [/quote]Are all commercial releases re-mastered at radio stations prior to airplay and if so why? Would I be correct in assuming that jazz and classical stations would not do this?[/b][/quote]Many are remastered in order to fit in with the sound of the station. Kids apparently hate mids but love lots of bass and treble ... I doubt there's any concrete rationale behind it, just just the way it's done. It's about a tune making maximum impact - EQ, compression and other processing improves the impact the tune makes at the expense of the music sound 'good'- to my ears, at least. Classical and Jazz stations will have compression and EQ in the signal chain but I doubt they prep the songs prior to transmission.
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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What an eye opener! I had no idea songs got remastered to fit tastes--I don't listen to much radio outside of my car (and have an incredibly crappy car stereo). I always thought the songs were remastered for some technical / signal processing reason--but this all makes sense. Learn something every day.
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[quote]Originally posted by clock: [b]has anyone seen the alarming numbers for record sales for this year when compared to this time last year? I think singles sales have dropped by about 20% and album sales by something like 15% [/b][/quote]Maybe the quality of pop music in general is really getting worse. I am biassed here of course, but I remember when I was a kid, Bee Gees and Electric Light Orchestra are a lot better than N'Sync, no?
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I haven't bought much music in quite a few years. I do encourage my 15 year old daughter to buy music, and I strongly encourage her to buy music from local / regional / underground bands before buying anything from a major.
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Don't worry, there are plenty of people who hated the Bee Gees. But I agree that the current bulk of commercial releases are nothing but crap, and this could account for a sales drop. Mainstream pop is so over-produced it makes me sick, but you need to give the 12 year olds what they want.
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It's worse than you think. 2001 was the first year ever that recordable media -- CD-R, CD-RW, cassette and so on -- outsold recorded music. Boggles the mind, huh? Anyone want to think through the implications of that little tidbit? - Jeff
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[quote]2001 was the first year ever that recordable media -- CD-R, CD-RW, cassette and so on -- outsold recorded music.[/quote]When considering this do be sure to weigh in the fact that availability and prices on CDRs, Burners and consumer CD recorders have changed drastically this year.
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Sorry for you guys who make your living in that industry, but speaking in the bluest collar sense.....boo hoo. Make CD's affordable, concerts affordable. I saw Paul McCartney's concert ticket prices and was pretty pissed that a profit margin is STILL in his vocabulary, as rich as his old ass is. I mean damn.....$100 to $200 for cheap seats????? Come on!!!!!!
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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[quote]Originally posted by Jeff, TASCAM Guy: [b]It's worse than you think. 2001 was the first year ever that recordable media -- CD-R, CD-RW, cassette and so on -- outsold recorded music. Boggles the mind, huh? Anyone want to think through the implications of that little tidbit? - Jeff[/b][/quote]I'd like to see where they got that conclusion. It sounds incredibly suspect. Are they talking about units sold, or dollar figures? What products are they comparing - all CDR and R/W media or just "music" CD-Rs? If we are talking about pure numbers of recordable media, I would have expected that these sales would have surpassed music sales several years ago... Who did they get their numbers from? Every report the RIAA has issued on music sales for the last three years have been intentionally misleading. They issued reports in both '99 and 2000 claiming that sales were down because of music piracy, when in fact sales and profits up significantly both years. Possibly irrelevant anecdote: I have bought 10 CDs (that I can remember right now) since Jan 1, 2002. Only one was put out by a record label that is a member of the RIAA, and that one was released in 1993. This buying pattern has nothing to do with my disdain for the RIAA - I didn't actively avoid any major label acts. They just aren't putting any music that I am interested in right now.
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[quote]Originally posted by strat0124: [b]Sorry for you guys who make your living in that industry, but speaking in the bluest collar sense.....boo hoo. Make CD's affordable, concerts affordable. I saw Paul McCartney's concert ticket prices and was pretty pissed that a profit margin is STILL in his vocabulary, as rich as his old ass is. I mean damn.....$100 to $200 for cheap seats????? Come on!!!!!![/b][/quote]Amen on the CD prices. How many of you [b]haven't[/b] noticed that DVD's are now commonly cheaper than CD's. They cost more to make, on average. (Studios typically spend $50,000 to $250,000 to remaster a movie for DVD. That's not counting advertising and promotion.) The piece price is much higher, also. I know for a fact that the $10 and $15 DVDs are making a ton of money for the publishers. Every major studio is increasing it's DVD mastering production this year... Meanwhile, record companies are releasing fewer and fewer CD's, signing fewer new artists and spending millions (literally) of dollars lobbying Congress to bail them out of the mess they made.
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i think it's bullshit....They sold a lot of CD's and since it's evident that they spend no cash on securing talented acts, and all of it on 2 zillion dollar flash video's, maybe their saying that are broke, will make them cut down on the videos they make these poor untalented people pay for out of their supposed royalties....Watch VH1 Countdown and you will see the state of the Music industry...Hack, non musician, non talanted flash in the pan...that is the general quality...I hope it all goes to shit and we have to start from scratch because I for one do not need bullshit shoved down my throat by clueless accountants..I CARE and have a serious PASSION for Music and i'll find the talented artists without their help..Heck, i have been doing it anyway.

Sean Michael Mormelo


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Amen brother.. Why should we pay for their marketing and promotional extravagances, only to receive over-produced shit? I want music, thank you. Regarding the supposed recordable media outselling recorded music stats, does that take into account the fact that people also burn CD's to back up data to port it to and from the office? What about pirated movies, or software? Much of this has nothing to do with music at all.
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I will do a little dance on a Major records lables grave when they die. About time actually. Its just like any other business. If you put out a product that nobody likes, you go out of buisness. The consumers are saying they want more choices, not just some repacked pop BS from 10 years ago. Boy bands, girl bands, Poop, uh i mean pop superstars... The majors always do this, when something (a band/group/solo artist) is hot, the majors try to find anyone that is remotely similar and floods the market with it. This will make room for more indie labels. The pedulumn swings the other way now, at least i hope. rawk sdf
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Anyone remember cassettes? This can't be the *first* year in which recordable media outsold prerecorded albums, can it? Okay, maybe CD-Rs, but that's a different thing. Anyway, no big tears from me about the drop in sales. They were riding on back catalogue sales for quite awhile after the LP/CD changeover as people restocked their collections. Don't think that's going to happen with 5.1. . . . Best, --JES
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