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Like making music in the computer?

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Hey guys. I keep hearing about more and more people wanting to do most of their music right in the computer. With cool things like Reason, Logic, Cubase, DP, Protools and the rest it's getting closer to having that virtual studio cover most of the hardware tools in software now. One of the coolest things I've seen (and as a sound developer I've seen most) is Sampletank. It sounds incredible and it is one of the only true software "romplers" as some like to call it. In other words it is a virtual sound module not too much unlike hardware modules such as the JV or QS series from Roland or Alesis...except that with it being in software it is not limited to small sized samples. That opens up a lot of doors for better quality instruments with realism and expression. There are a lot of specific task plug-ins that emulate analog synths, organs, drum machines, samplers etc. But, this product line is different. It is majorly driven by the sound content put in it and that means that there are a wider variety of usable sounds out of the box with each Sampletank product (including some third party ST modules that I've worked on). It's not the kind of thing you can tweak until the end of time (like Reaktor) but it is nice to have all of those sounds ready to play and the great effect processing to go along with it. Very musically friendly. I am posting here because if you don't know about this, then you should. I don't make Sampletank, but like I said, I am a sound developer who makes sounds in a wide variety of formats ranging from Akai, Emu, Kurzweil, Roland, Yamaha to Sample Cell, REASON, EXS24, HALion and Sampletank. My company, Sonic Reality, recently made a special line of third party Sampletank modules (Sonic Synth and expansionROM discs) and I just got finished making some demo riffs of it so you could hear what a software rompler can sound like (compared to what we are used to hearing in hardware). Sonic Synth comes with Sampletank LE software and the sound content for it is made by my company. If you care to check it out, you can see that it is that much more like a virtual workstation keyboard or PCM based sound module with plenty of pads and acoustic instruments to play (all instruments you can play, no beats- YOU make the beats). That link is this: [url=http://www.sonicreality.com/sonicsynthmore.html]www.sonicreality.com/sonicsynthmore.html[/url] I know that it's not always enjoyed by all when you see a post from someone who makes commercial products. I am not here to spam your head off about it. But, I think that it is somewhat of a cutting edge topic- making music in your computer- and since hardware "romplers" have traditionally been the most popular midi tools for making music...it might be good to know that this exists in software now. Hope you don't mind me mentioning it to you. If you find the whole idea of this interesting (making music all on the computer) then please respond with your thoughts. I'd also be curious to hear what you think of the demo riffs if you care to comment. PS. If you respond to this just claiming it is "spam" then this must mean you are a closed minded troll ;) just kidding.
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[img]http://www.spam.com/assets/hp/GoodGone3_animation.gif[/img] ??? No, I really don't think it qualifies. First of all, it was a tough call - no, he's not promoting his OWN product, but he DOES make a product that works WITH the product he's promoting. SPAM? No - but close... What makes me discount it as SPAM is that Dave has been here for a couple of months now, and he's made over 80 posts. If they had ALL been spamesque, I'm sure I would have noticed the blood on the floor from the feeding frenzy by now. :eek: And personally, I don't have a problem with someone pointing us towards something they think is cool, or their own new website (come on, how many studio websites have you seen posted as "HEY! Check out our new website!"?) OR even their music MP3 site - IF (BIG "IF") they've been polite enough to hang out for a while and contribute a bit and get to know everyone FIRST. Dave, it's now 0'dark-thirty (0300 HRS) and I'm bushed, but I'll check out your links tomorrow and let you know what I think. BTW, Sampletank's not a new concept to me. ;) [img]http://www.freakygamers.com/smilies/s2/contrib/navigator/usa.gif[/img] Phil O'Keefe Sound Sanctuary Recording Riverside CA http://www.ssrstudio.com pokeefe777@ssrstudio.com
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Thanks, Phil. Nice spam picture. Yeah, I figured I'd get a little opposition. It's a shame that's the first thing you guys think of though. Don't be so closed minded. I just worked my butt off to make these little musical riff demos that show off a new tool in the area of trying to do it all on the computer. I'll BET most of you didn't even know that there were 3rd party sound modules like this from sound developers. Our buddies at Spectrasonics also have something cool coming out for your plug-in use but you probably don't want to know anything about that...since some of you obviously know everything you need to know. Oh, and for your information Alndln, this is a lot different than Gigasampler. You think I don't know what I am talking about? Dude, all I freakin' do is sample libraries and we have tons of pro clients that use our sounds in Giga. You think you were clever for saying that comment? Sampletank is VERY different and the way we used it is more like a synth module than a sampler. I guess if you understand the difference between a JV2080 and an Emu E4 then you wouldn't say your little comment there. Listen, this just shows me that some of you are not aware that this exists. If you don't care about having a sound module plug-in (not a sampler but a SOUND MODULE if you understand the difference because both use samples but in a different way) then why come in here and post on this thread? Just to point out that it's spam? Did you not read what I said? I KNOW you "could" look at it this way but BIG DEAL. Get over it. If you were open minded this could be something we could talk about or at least you can learn about a little instead of thinking you know everything. Be mature and intelligent. If you read what I said, this is no freakin' rabbit ears ad! This is a cutting edge topic (how many plug-in sound modules that are anywhere near like a JV, QS, Trinity etc can you name?). I think yelling "Spam" is lazy of you and typical. Come on. Give me a break. I DO post here on here about a lot of things. I know the general rules and vibe of the forum. Does that mean I can't contribute something I thought you guys might want to think about both specifically about something I worked on for your benefit (oh, is that so bad?) or even the idea of making music all on the computer in general? I'd understand if you responded by saying "Well, I don't like pcm type sound modules, I only use physical modeling or Gigasampler". or if you said "I think that it's better to do it all in the computer" or if you said "I prefer to use my rack of modules I invested thousands of dollars in"...anything more intelligent than crying "spam" like you're original for thinking it. Predictable. Now, think outside of the box and offer something more interesting to say about the subject in general. If no one responds to this thread it either means that you are so afraid of what you "think" is spam that you can't be open minded to discuss it. Look, is this promoting what I do? Yeah, I know it does a little. But, if you are into this stuff, this conversation can help you just as much. I've made a lot of products before this and I don't come on here to talk about every rabbit ear I make. But, this particular one is significant in that it fills a nitch in a new need which is to make music all within your computer...things like total recall and NO CABLES and portable studios are all benefits from having something like this (oh, on both Mac and PC platforms instead of just PC like the Giga...and uh, a VST, MAS or RTAS plug-in so you can also run a sequencer/DAW and don't have to dedicate your whole computer to the sampler! Geez. Maybe some can actually listen and learn something ) If this is a forum where people can discuss things they think are cool for others then what is your problem? Look, how many of you use Logic or Cubase? Protools? Digital Performer? That's what I thought! MOST of you, right? (waiting for the geek who says he uses a mini cassette...like as if I am unaware of the childish troll response). If you are a serious musician who uses this stuff then this is a seriously cool thing to do with your host platform...virtual instruments of MANY kinds (not all as similar as you might think). Spare me the typical shallow response and talk if you have something interesting to say about the subject please. I don't care if it has to do with anything I do specifically. Talk about how you use Giga then or REASON or anything else that you feel you can or can't do everything on your computer. That would be interesting, not "spam and eggs, spam and eggs" as if that was humor. Obviously you weren't expecting this kind of response back. I am not some corporate dweeb who is always polite and will let you "scare" me away. You have something INTELLIGENT to say? Come awn! Let's have it then. Don't be lazy. Look, I am probably as close to being on your level as a company rep can get. For one thing I actually play music. I do regular bar gigs and have also played on world tours with artists you probably respect or at least know of. I am just a musician who does sound design for a living. Cut me some slack and you may find that it can be beneficial to hear some of the things I say here. If not then there are plenty of other threads from trolls to slam. So, anyone have something interesting to say?
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Thanks for the info, Dave. Do you know if either SampleTank or the light version support DXi for Cakewalk's Sonar? I know of VST->DirectX wrappers that would let me use the VST plug-in, but I try to keep everything native if possible. Thanks in advance! -Dylan
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[quote]Originally posted by DaKerz: [b]then why come in here and post on this thread? Just to point out that it's spam? Did you not read what I said? I KNOW you "could" look at it this way but BIG DEAL. Get over it. If you were open minded this could be something we could talk about or at least you can learn about a little instead of thinking you know everything. Be mature and intelligent. If you read what I said, this is no freakin' rabbit ears ad! This is a cutting edge topic So, anyone have something interesting to say?[/b][/quote]Hey Dave, No offense, but [i]many[/i] of your posts do have a kind of "...and if you order now..." quality to them. But that said, I can add, as someone in no way associated with your business, that your reputation as a sound designer is tops, and deservedly so. Most everything I've heard that you've done in the way of sounds has always been more than a cut above the rest. Great stuff. And I'm getting your new SampleTank sounds this week.
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[quote] I'll BET most of you didn't even know that there were 3rd party sound modules like this from sound developers [/quote]Man, of course we do... ya know, plenty of us read KvR VST too. This was a pretty obvious attempt at an ad. You want people to check out SampleTank and avoid reactions like this, you're gonna have to be a more subtle viral marketer than THAT. Now go study Advertising Age some more. Anyhoo..being on-topic, SampleTank is pretty swell though expensive and anyone can download zillions of Soundfonts and some sort of player off many sites. Or, you could go to thesoundsite.net and get a 8 CD set of SoundFonts shipped for 50 bucks. And not sound like everybody else who has SampleTank. Love, G. Ratte'
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[quote]Originally posted by gratte: [b] [quote] I'll BET most of you didn't even know that there were 3rd party sound modules like this from sound developers [/quote]Man, of course we do... ya know, plenty of us read KvR VST too. This was a pretty obvious attempt at an ad. You want people to check out SampleTank and avoid reactions like this, you're gonna have to be a more subtle viral marketer than THAT. Now go study Advertising Age some more. Anyhoo..being on-topic, SampleTank is pretty swell though expensive and anyone can download zillions of Soundfonts and some sort of player off many sites. Or, you could go to thesoundsite.net and get a 8 CD set of SoundFonts shipped for 50 bucks. And not sound like everybody else who has SampleTank. Love, G. Ratte'[/b][/quote]Anyone who uses the word "anyhoo" is suspicious if you ask me :) Well, not everyone does go to KVR that is here so... why would I assume that? Here's the thing. I know it's delicate when you talk about something commercial here if you are in anyway involved in it. But, my approach is to be honest and say where I am coming from so it's not some tricky secret company rep that will make you even MORE angry when you find out. I know that some of the things I say have a little bit of borderline spam in it. But, a little Spam with some caviar is not the end of the world. I just don't try to hide it because I think that would be MORE insulting to you. When I have something to say, I just come out and say it. Respect that. If this was so off topic I wouldn't have posted here. This is MUSICPLAYER! For those people that play music it can be an interesting conversation so excuse me if I have something to offer. Thanks for the compliments and respect from the other guys. BTW, steadyB, if you are referring to the KVR posts in our company forum, that is different. That is mainly full of users and prospective users that want to hear about promotions and incentives for getting it. That IS what that forum is about. But, if you've read my posts here you'll find that I talk about so many things that have nothing to do with sound design such as Steely Dan questions, humorous or interesting muso stories, comments on all kinds of things that do not lead to a "if you buy now you get a free set of steak knives". Give me a little credit. I'm not that unreasonable here. The MAIN reason I wanted to post at the moment is because I just finished doing close to 100 demos of various patches from Sonic Synth and I wanted you to hear them so you could see what a software rompler can sound like. I also wanted to bring up the interesting (to me and to MANY I've talked to and I talk to a LOT of people) topic of the desire to make all of your music from within your computer. Yes, I could have been more subtle about mentioning what I do to help this growing need but if I just held back and then let that info rip later you would all flame me for being sneaky about it! You can't win- damned if you do and damned if you don't. But, I've heard from people who are open minded and read these posts (even if they don't post themselves) and DO want to know more about this stuff and welcome someone who might have something interesting to say about it. It's also nice when some have respect for someone from a company who goes to great lengths so people can get a true picture of what their product can sound like. I was attempting to do that with these MP3 demo riffs. Geez. It's just a topic of conversation. You could even just download some and laugh at me because my CP70 demo sounds suspiciously like Gabriel era Genesis or the organs and guitars REEEEK of Dark Side of the Moon. I offer something to think about, something to listen to and I DON'T always talk sales talk here. This post I admit had a little of the promotional vibe to it. I didn't want to hide that out of respect to you guys. Thanks for cutting me some slack and being respectful of my good intentions. :) Now, what do you all think of this, that and the other thing when it comes to attempting to make music ALL inside of the computer? Anyone going this route yet? I haven't myself. I still depend on a mix of my hardware and software tools. But, I did just get a dual gig Mac to see how much I can do just being inside the computer because there are some distinct advantages to it.
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[quote]Originally posted by Dillweed: [b]Thanks for the info, Dave. Do you know if either SampleTank or the light version support DXi for Cakewalk's Sonar? I know of VST->DirectX wrappers that would let me use the VST plug-in, but I try to keep everything native if possible. Thanks in advance! -Dylan[/b][/quote]Actually, I have heard that the DXI - VST adapters work quite well with Sampletank in Sonar. I don't know of any Direct X version in the workds though. RTAS is just about to come out. I can tell you that I have seen a lot of Sonar users happy using it with the DX and VSTi adapters. You might want to download that Sampletank FREE demo and give it a try first to see what you think.
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[b]Actually, I have heard that the DXI - VST adapters work quite well with Sampletank in Sonar. I don't know of any Direct X version in the workds though. RTAS is just about to come out. I can tell you that I have seen a lot of Sonar users happy using it with the DX and VSTi adapters. You might want to download that Sampletank FREE demo and give it a try first to see what you think.[/b] Dave, if they make a RTAS version for PC, they'll sell a gripload of them. For some reason, everything gets done for the Mac version, and very little PC support comes along. Which is too bad. Anyway, it's a common lament from PC users over at the DUC. [img]http://www.freakygamers.com/smilies/s2/contrib/navigator/usa.gif[/img] Phil O'Keefe Sound Sanctuary Recording Riverside CA http://www.ssrstudio.com pokeefe777@ssrstudio.com
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What exactly is a gripload? ;) Yes, the RTAS version will be for Mac and PC. That is one of the reasons we chose to support it as much as we have natively. We can't always do that as a sound developer even though there are a lot of great sample players out there. But, Sampletank not only sounds good but also offers integrated effect programming and some other cool synth programming tools under the hood. Oh, to the comment about the sound fonts from the other post...not the same thing here. For one thing, Sampletank sounds have these complex synth engine and DSP effects that are a part of the sound and the sounds that we did to take advantage of them cannot be done with those 8 discs of Sound Fonts and some cheeseball SF player. I was thinking more along the lines of semi-pro to pros. Not that Sound Fonts can't be good but... whatever, at least you're talking about the subject. Some will get Sound Fonts if that's what they like. Is anyone making music on their computer just using Sounf Fonts? If so, speak up or forever hold your piece (of junk SF player...just kidding!) Oh, and if you were open minded to hear about the third party modules using Sampletank LE then you'd see that you could get something like an expansionROM that has an expandable Sampletank module for less than $80. if Sampletank XL is too expensive for you. As soon as we remember that we don't know everything, there might be something new to learn. Things change all the time in this industry. I am very close to it so that's why I might be able to shed light on some things that you may not have known...like the sound content available or the fact that there are cheaper ways to get into it...or just the philosphical thoughts about making music all in your computer in general that we can discuss...that is unless no one is interested in that which I doubt very highly.
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[quote]Originally posted by DaKerz: [b]Thanks for the compliments and respect from the other guys. BTW, steadyB, if you are referring to the KVR posts in our company forum, that is different. That is mainly full of users and prospective users that want to hear about promotions and incentives for getting it. That IS what that forum is about.[/b][/quote]No, I was more refering to the "Live or Memorex" thread. :p Anyway, I'm just giving you a hard time...relax. If we don't jump on regulars like yourself for mild spamming, then the next thing you know, outsiders will be coming in and posting links that explode more windows than a bad porn site. :eek: (from what I [i]hear[/i]). steadyb :D
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[quote] Sampletank sounds have these complex synth engine and DSP effects [/quote]C'mon, it spits out a sample and some basic effects, what, reverb & chorus and whatever, same stuff you've already got w/any DAW, many times over. [quote] Is anyone making music on their computer just using SoundFonts? If so, speak up or forever hold your piece (of junk SF player...just kidding!) [/quote]Um, no, using HALion. Could be using others. All much better than the SampleTank engine. Forget it, man. "Keep 'em talking! If they're not walking away, it's still a potential sale!! Bring up your product as a potential solution at every opportunity! And don't forget to smile!" A million freaks out there doing your content for free will bury you. There's just not that much to sampling. Nothing personal.
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ummmm... I want to keep this short so I'll just say this: How many pro's do you know are using free soundfonts? NONE. How many are using Sonic Synth/Sampletank? MANY And many of them are prepared to chuck their hardware ROMplers out the window after hearing it. As an owner DaKerz's product I think you guys should be grateful that he came here to tell you about it. It's one of the only ROMplers you will find for $250 that both pros and amateurs use. Free soundfonts will never bury DaKerz. They don't even come close Some of you sound so dumb because you are speaking about things you've never tried If you think it's so easy try making a Sonic Synth for yourself. Oh, and also try getting hired by Madonna to do some sound design and also winning a Keybuy award - DaKerz has done both So if you think free soundfonts are a substitute for quality sample sets made by professionals(and not, "freaks"), keep using them, and I'll see you over at Mp3.com with hundreds of other composers that sound like crap. oh and gratte you have proven to be one of the most ignorant musicians I have ever read on a forum "C'mon, it spits out a sample and some basic effects, what, reverb & chorus and whatever, same stuff you've already got w/any DAW, many times over" I dare you to try Sonic Synth and you will regret saying that.
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[quote]Originally posted by Dillweed: [b]Thanks for the info, Dave. Do you know if either SampleTank or the light version support DXi for Cakewalk's Sonar? I know of VST->DirectX wrappers that would let me use the VST plug-in, but I try to keep everything native if possible. Thanks in advance! -Dylan[/b][/quote]I run it through Sonar using DirectXer 1.3 with no problem. I also use PPG v2 and a few other VSTi with no problem. I hear Halion has a few problems with wrappers but until they improve the filter on that program I prefer not to use it anyway. SampleTank and GigaStudio are very different animals. I picked up GS160 before Christmas and nothing compares to the pianos or orchestra collections available for it. On the other hand, the vintage analog synth collections for GS are very disappointing and SampleTank/SonicSynth does blow them away. I also find it odd that for the high price of admission GS only supplies one decent sample, the GigaPiano. Most users quickly replace this with a purchased piano sample. At least SampleTank gives you a nice collection to start with. Not everyone can go out and spend $5000 on samples. I like instant gratification, not a constant financial drain. Yes, I have been aggravated at times by people pushing their products here and on Tascam’s GigaSampler forum. There was a thread and warning about this on the Keyboard forum. Spam issues aside, SonicSynth is nice and a very good value. To ignore it because you already on Halion or GigaStudio would be a mistake. But then, I also use Reaktor and Tassman side by side. Robert

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Hey, I am a little new to this but I have Protools Digi001. Do any of these plug-ins work with Protools or do I have to get Cubase or something? Also, does the Digi001 work with Cubase? I thought that it was supposed to work with other software besides Protools LE but I read somewhere that it doesn't. I've never used an instrument plug in so how is it compared to real instruments? If it is anything like the effects I have then GREAT! I sold all of my external effects when I got Protools! Can I sell my keyboards now too? :) I wouldn't mind doing my music in the computer because I wouldn't have to convert the sounds out of the digital domain. That has to sound better (I use my Alesis QS8 and it has an ADAT output that goes into the 001 and I think it sounds better that way). Also, if you have an instrument plug-in then does it save what you did when you save the song? If you sequence it I mean. Sorry if these questions are dumb. I do this for a hobby but I want to make records with my band. I mainly play guitar but I write on the keyboard too. I have a G4-400mhz. Is that fast enough to do this stuff? Thanks!
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It sounds like this is what I am looking for! The only question for me is where to get something like this for my Protools LE (just saw that Sampletank and Sonicsynth are for RTAS) or if I should just get Logic and run VST instruments. My question to DaKerz is: If I get Sonicsynth or Sampletank do I have to get just the RTAS version or just the VST version or does it come together in one package? I noticed there is also a version for Digital Performer. Surely these are not all seperate versions right? I hope not. Some programs are and some aren't. I'd just like to know because I am not sure if I am going to stay using Protools LE or if I am going to get a VST sequencer like Cubase or Logic. Oh, I downloaded some of the demos. Nice. My connection speed is slow so I only got through about ten but they sounded just like my old Korg O1W...maybe better because MP3's are compressed too. I'll download some more later. But is there a trial version I can download of Sonicsynth or Sampletank? Oh, to Rabid: I've heard Reaktor is really good but hard to use. I am not a wiz on this stuff. My main instrument is guitar. I just want to write music and produce my band in the computer. We don't have a keyboard player so I do all of the piano parts and some spacey pads. Our music is like U2 meets Radiohead sort of. Anyway, you have a Tascam (?) and Reaktor side by side? But you also have Sampletank and Sonicsynth too? What sequencer are you using for that? Do you have them all running at the same time? Which is the best one? Thanks. J.G. "A wet bird does not fly at night"
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Wow! Phil O" Keefe! Dude, I just went to your studio web site! VERY nice! Sawwweeeet rig! What kind of music do you record there? Do you have just computer stuff or Adats and those old things ;) I saw that you want RTAS versions of this stuff on the PC. I guess that's not out yet? What about for the Mac? Anyone know?
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[quote]Originally posted by Bigglesworth: [b]Oh, to Rabid: I've heard Reaktor is really good but hard to use. I am not a wiz on this stuff. My main instrument is guitar. I just want to write music and produce my band in the computer. We don't have a keyboard player so I do all of the piano parts and some spacey pads. Our music is like U2 meets Radiohead sort of. Anyway, you have a Tascam (?) and Reaktor side by side? But you also have Sampletank and Sonicsynth too? What sequencer are you using for that? Do you have them all running at the same time? Which is the best one? Thanks. J.G.[/b][/quote]Here is what I use on computer, and how I use each program. [b]Sonar[/b] with a VST wrapper for sequencing. Also decent for audio tracks. [b]SoundForge[/b] 5 for editing audio files. [b]Acid 3[/b] to create any time stretch loops. They will import into Sonar. [b]GigaStudio[/b] 160 – Top choice for piano. Also does most of my horns and strings and most of my cymbals. This runs on a second PC. I record the audio to hard drive before applying effects. By not using the GS effects I get a huge amount of polyphony without latency problems. [b]B4[/b] – All organ parts. Runs through Sonar. [b]Battery[/b] – Most drum parts. [b]Pro52[/b] – Some synth parts. Mostly simple background filler. [b]PPGv2[/b] – Same as Pro52, but for digital sounds. This programs runs through my VST-DX wrapper. [b]Reaktor 3[/b] – Can do most anything. Lots of control. Great for pulling in samples and ripping them apart. Heaver CPU load than most other programs. This is not a program for faking pianos or other natural instruments. This is a modular synth that will play samples on the side. [b]Tasman 2[/b] – I have developed a love/hate relationship with this program. Love the sound. Hate the crashes. The most unstable of the bunch and the biggest CPU hog. It is also the best sounding. It comes closer to sounding like a real vintage analog than any other program I have. Sounds qualities range from EML to Moog. I look forward to version 3 which is to be released soon. If I want to fake a real analog synth this is where I go. [b]SonicSynth[/b] – Has fit in as a virtual workstation. While Reaktor and Tassman compare to my Nord Modular or EML-400, OmniSynth more closely compares to my Roland XV-5080. It has a little of everything. The pads are especially good. The sound is better than my Roland, E-mu or Korg workstations. Very good for putting a song together, just as you would a hardware workstation. This is also my first choice when I need to fake a guitar part. SonicSynth uses SampleTankLE as the sound engine. I am happy enough with this program that after I purchase a few expansion ROM’s for it I will eventually upgrade to SampleTankXL. There are quite a few other virtual instruments in my collection but they are not used. The included low end virtual synths or SoundFont players that came with Sonar just cannot compete with the sounds I get from the above setup. Programs like Reason, while fun, have been shoved to the side for more control and better sound. The software I listed is also equivalent in price to one GOOD keyboard such as a Kurzwil 2600. While it is less stable and does not travel, a Kurz or any other instrument cannot compete with the sound capabilities here. Just understand the limits of using software. I have learned something while dealing with a large collection of hardware and software instruments. While in the writing process they need to be set aside. You need to get things down quickly before the inspiration is gone. For this reason I stick to using either my Roland Fantom, or now, SonicSynth when trying to get a song down. Learn your available sounds so that you don’t waste time poking around through hundreds of patches. Get the song down and then start farming out parts to instruments better suited for the song. That is the point where you can start playing around with different patches. Robert Edited for a typo, of course.

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[quote] You think you are making someone happy with your comments [/quote]No, that ain't the point. I'm ragging hard 'cuz you jump in here with an ad, and then you try and pass it off like you're "initiating a conversation." Chump. If I was running this site, I'd have the advertising dept. bill your company. And then you get this "Mr. Tunes" (or is that you?) to jump in with your credentials on 'his' first post! Well he's either your first cousin or a co-worker to know and give a damn. Once again, C-H-U-M-P. If you had even the slightest air of sincerity about your "discussion" I would've politely pointed out that most of us are way-deep into softsynths and to have a go at KvR or The Gas Station. G. Ratte'
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hi, actually that really wasn't my first post, I used to post here a while back but forgot my username and password. Gratte: I'm really sorry man. I went too hard on you. It was late at night when I read your stuff, I was tired and angry. Please forgive me Everyone deserves a fair chance
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Ha. No, Mr. Tunes is not really me with 10 years back on my life! No, he doesn't work for the company either. He's a Sonic Synth user that is really passionate about what he likes and on KVR he is one of the most frequent posters I've seen. As far as the credentials being mentioned...that is almost embrassing and believe me I would not have mentioned working with Madonna as my pride and joy. I just did some sampling for one of her tours. I've worked on plenty of other things that are more creative and musically interesting though. Prestigeous gigs or local bar gigs-it's all music to me. The Key Buy award mention though does at least mean that we are recognized for our sounds. I noticed there are some here who appreciate that, thankfully. Mr. Tunes is actually a nice guy but the tone in your post WAS rather offensive and in some ways he is right. It does show that you really don't get what I was trying to talk about. Seems some can't see the forrest for the trees. All you can think about is that I am here with an ad like I am disguising it as conversation. But, that is where you are wrong. If I was disguising it I wouldn't have been as upfront and deliberate about saying what I said. The truth is that I DO want people to know things when they are happening and I know what I am working with. I didn't make Sampletank, but I've been using it heavily and have come to like it a lot. I have a few complaints about it too, don't get me wrong. BUt, I have HALion and a lot of other things and honestly I think that Sampletank sounds great. It depends on what sounds you put in it. I know a lot of you DO know about Sampletank though. But, this thread wasn't even about what sounds the best. It was about making music all in the computer and started off with something cool that we did in this format- SONIC SYNTH that trust me, MOST people still don't know about because it's not in the stores yet and has only been out for several months. I like this forum a lot and when I finished those MP3 demos I thought that I should post something about making music in the computer and also talk about what I've done to help this be a reality when you need a good rompler as a plug-in. It was something that a lot of people were telling me they were thinking about doing (throwing out their hardware was often jokingly mentioned) and so I figured we could have an intelligent conversation about it and maybe some people would become aware of some of these things that third party developers do. You act like it's just "common knowledge" or something. It isn't and the whole context of it makes for an interesting conversation whether I am involved or not. But, some people take it with a grain of salt that I occassionally promote what I do here. Craig will be the first one to say that I do that in a respectful way that is providing a service more than just just blabbing away saying my products are great. People respect that I AM upfront and disclose who I am and don't try to hide my intentions. Yeah, of course I am going to mention my sounds. So? Afraid of sounds or something? Give me a break. If you don't have anything nice or helpful to say then your opinion is noted. I still think you don't do anyone a service by being so close minded and negative. Relax. This is for making music. Read what Rabid said. Surely you've seen his posts here plenty of times (or do you think Rabid is me too or works for us...Get real, please.) Rabid's set up looks to be like the ideal set up. Specialized plug-ins and something like Sonic Synth to fill in the gaps...like the glue. Rabid's posts are also usually friendly and helpful. It would be nice if there was more of that here. Maybe the negative guys can make some room here for anyone who is actually interested in some progress?
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Okay! So as I shake off this negativity (and being called a "chump" ...what is this? High School?). I noticed there were some quesions...and even the presence of Rog951! Hey dude! Seems that the Roger questions have finally faded away... :) for now, right? So, I noticed there is a bunch of interest in RTAS here. Figures. That is Murphy's Law at it's finest. I am used to it with sample libraries. People are ALWAYS asking for the format version you DON'T have yet. We'll complete and EMU library and someone wants it in Roland! We do Roland and then more people want it in Kurzweil! I am telling you that it's like chasing your tail! Actually, the RTAS support is something that IK Multimedia knows best. It was shown at the NAMM show and I have been told it will be available in March some time. I believe it would be RTAS for both platforms (Mac & PC) and not just direct connect. I am not "the source" though so I am just telling you what I know. Oh, some good news is that I believe it is a free upgrade if you have a way to use the VST or MAS version as well (like if you have Protools AND Logic). I also believe all three versions will be in the same package because even right now the VST and MAS versions are. The Mac and PC version also come together in the same package and if you ask me, that is the way to do it. By the way, don't confuse a "Tascam" with a "Tassman" even though a "Tascam Gigasampler" was mentioned. The Tassman is a cool modular soft synth that has physical modeling and all sorts of stuff. I think it is PC only though as with the Giga. I actually LOVE Giga and wish they would make a Mac version. There are some really cool things about it from a sound developer's perspective. The key triggering is just about the coolest feature ever implemented. I want to support the format JUST to be able to do that!
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[quote]Originally posted by DaKerz: [b]I noticed there were some quesions...and even the presence of Rog951! Hey dude! Seems that the Roger questions have finally faded away... :) for now, right?[/b][/quote]Shhhhhhhh!!! Don't jinx it!!!!! ;)
None more black.
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[quote]Originally posted by rog951: [b] [quote]Originally posted by DaKerz: [b]I noticed there were some quesions...and even the presence of Rog951! Hey dude! Seems that the Roger questions have finally faded away... :) for now, right?[/b][/quote]Shhhhhhhh!!! Don't jinx it!!!!! ;) [/b][/quote]Yeah, it's odd how that just went away after all of that bumping. We'll see. I had to take my little stories off because I didn't want to help it get bumped so Roger would somehow attach that to me. Can you believe the hard time I am getting on this thread? Geez. Good thing I have thick skin.
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