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Anyone heard of this guy Rick Beato?

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I, and probably many of us would for sure be happy to share our favourite YouTubers here frequently too, though I'm pretty sure not everyone would be equally happy about that...

"You live every day. You only die once."


Where is Major Tom?

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PC3, HX3 w. B4D, 61SLMkII, SL73, Prologue 16, KingKORG, Opsix, MPC Key 37, DM12D, Argon8m, EX5R, Toraiz AS-1, IK Uno, Toraiz SP-16, Erica LXR-02, QY-700, SQ64, Beatstep Pro

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21 hours ago, HammondDave said:

Hmmm… so how do you explain clicking on this thread?

Click on this thread? He started it! LOL 


And I understand it, it was Math’s form of expressing his frustration (bemusement? Something else) with the growing trend of posting each new Beato video. Am I putting wrong words in your defense, Math?


I’ve been quiet on this subject, as I am not bothered by Rick’s style, and I have really enjoyed his pivot into interviews (in general… I really thought it bordered on cruel to make Jarrett sit through a performance of his in the state he now is in, but then realized Jarrett certainly allowed it to happen, and to be released). And I don’t get why some get so bothered by the postings… no one forces us to click on a thread. I ignore plenty, based on their titles. Setting up a rule that Beato threads must be in S.S.S. seems strange to me: we can’t handle seeing that name here? Regardless of instrument, aren’t they all about music? Our common interest? At most, I can see asking for an OT if needed.





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1 hour ago, jerrythek said:

Click on this thread? He started it! LOL 


And I understand it, it was Math’s form of expressing his frustration (bemusement? Something else) with the growing trend of posting each new Beato video. Am I putting wrong words in your defense, Math?


I’ve been quiet on this subject, as I am not bothered by Rick’s style, and I have really enjoyed his pivot into interviews (in general… I really thought it bordered on cruel to make Jarrett sit through a performance of his in the state he now is in, but then realized Jarrett certainly allowed it to happen, and to be released). And I don’t get why some get so bothered by the postings… no one forces us to click on a thread. I ignore plenty, based on their titles. Setting up a rule that Beato threads must be in S.S.S. seems strange to me: we can’t handle seeing that name here? Regardless of instrument, aren’t they all about music? Our common interest? At most, I can see asking for an OT if needed.





You nailed it. I opened the site one day and something like 5 posts were Beato-related. My initial post was pure joke, but then I thought, if it’s really going to be the case that someone posts whatever new video he makes each time he makes one, maybe a good option would simply be a master thread to post his videos in. 

I am not sure how everyone else views the forum, but in my “Fluid” view, there is no difference at all what Forum something is in, as long as it’s one you’ve selected. It’s all part of the same feed. If you’ve ever spent any time looking at SSS, it’s the same posters (largely), just not keyboard-related, and 100% a great fit for a Beato master thread.  But even a master thread in KC would be better than a new Beato thread every four hours.


It’s not Beato-specific, it’s just the sheer volume of threads that get posted about his videos. The only thing they have in common is the personality producing the vids. So why not just give folks an option that lets you post as many of his releases as you want and then, indeed, if someone isn’t interested they would simply never click the thread. To me that is the opposite of “canceling” something, it’s elevating it to the level of a sort of meta-subject and giving it its own discussion chain, just like NFL/MLB or other “only one thing in common” sub-threads.


He does produce a lot of click-bait—he’s a master at it, a master-baiter if you will—so it’s not like we won’t see his videos if no one posts them here. A master thread seems like an obvious solution to me. As for whether it’s SSS or KC—to me that’s all just smoke on the water, which is another of the hip new songs he posted about this past year.



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Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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9 minutes ago, MathOfInsects said:

a master-baiter if you will


I won't

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Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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5 hours ago, Adan said:


I appreciate your thoughtful post. I'm never in those "combative areas" so can't speak to what happens there, but even in more civilized forums like this people will sometimes post a video and above write something like "see, I'm right that blues is just another form of classical music," or whatever. Now let's say that doesn't sound right to me and I want to offer a counterpoint, I have to watch a 12 minute video?


That doesn't work for me as a form of dialogue. If i see your words on the screen, I can quickly digest them or decide to skip over them. Clicking on a video is a commitment to sit there for 12 minutes, which typically includes some inane commercials. That's 12 minutes i could have been practicing on the keyboard that's next to the computer precisely so I can jump on it whenever I have a minute.


Also, at least with Beato, I don't get the sense that a lot of people are thinking to themselves "I have a thesis so let's see how I can support it . . . ah, this Beato video is perfect!" The sense I get is that it's more like "hey, I can be the guy to post the latest Beato video!" Not quite a van der Poel moment.


I'm generally not in favor of heavy handed moderating, and I doubt MPN has an AI Bot set up to detect certain thread titles and move them to another subforum, so even if Anderton did move a few threads it would be like castles in the sand.


I'll do me, you do you, and maybe we'll meet in the next Moog/Hammond/Taylor Swift thread.



22 hours ago, Adan said:

like delegating the work to someone else

I have been on this forum for a long time. I have also seen a lot of negative change in the etiquette of critique where some members show contempt and disrespect to others.


Now we have members who are requesting that we cancel certain topics. How about learning how to be mature enough to respect contrarian beliefs, without resorting to immature nicknames? But I guess this is what has become of our national discourse. 

The minute the moderators succumb to these bullies and cancel certain musical artists just because these members are unable to control their trigger happy clicks, and can’t respect that other members find this relevant content musically interesting and educational, that is the moment that Keyboard Corner loses me. 


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'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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2 hours ago, HammondDave said:


Now we have members who are requesting that we cancel certain topics.

"Cancel" is one of those words that, because it is never being used literally, therefore means whatever anyone wants it to mean.


Two ideas were put on the table in this discussion. One was to move a limited number of existing threads to SSS, on the theory that the generality of that forum is a better match for the broader focus of Beato videos. This suggestion was made by the notorious MPN subversive Craig Anderton, and a few of us thought it had merit. If that's canceling then, ok, I guess we're guilty as charged.


The other suggestion, which came from MOI, was to start a Beato thread in the same spirit as other perpetual living-document threads such as the MLB, NFL, "Let's Hear It," or "Dig My Rig." As MOI pointed out, this is actually the opposite of canceling. It's also just practical, as the thread then serves as a useful archive. This is obviously a DIY solution, and I think if anyone is to start it, it should be a Beato booster.


As threats to freedom of expression go, this is pretty milquetoast stuff.


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Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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How about labeling the thread with the trigger warning: “If You Hate Beato, Please Do Not Read”. We could shorten it to: “IYHBPDNR”.  Works for me. 

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'55 and '59 B3's; Leslies 147, 122, 21H; MODX 7+; NUMA Piano X 88; Motif XS7; Mellotrons M300 and M400’s; Wurlitzer 206; Gibson G101; Vox Continental; Mojo 61; Launchkey 88 Mk III; Korg Module; B3X; Model D6; Moog Model D

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12 hours ago, nursers said:

Just wondering if there's confusion as to where 'the other forum' (SSS) is? It's right here on the same website: https://forums.musicplayer.com/


I've never understood why people don't have that URL bookmarked. KC still appears at the top but you never know, you might actually enjoy SSS, or Ken's excellent photography forum, or even the collaboration and podcasting forums. Try it, you might like it.....





4 hours ago, HammondDave said:

The minute the moderators succumb to these bullies and cancel certain musical artists just because these members are unable to control their trigger happy clicks, and can’t respect that other members find this relevant content musically interesting and educational, that is the moment that Keyboard Corner loses me. 


No worries at all, brother. 😎





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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On 7/4/2024 at 7:07 AM, Adan said:

I appreciate your thoughtful post. I'm never in those "combative areas" so can't speak to what happens there, but even in more civilized forums like this people will sometimes post a video and above write something like "see, I'm right that blues is just another form of classical music," or whatever. Now let's say that doesn't sound right to me and I want to offer a counterpoint, I have to watch a 12 minute video?


Yes, I can see that we all have different levels of experience with internet combativeness. I don't seek it out myself. 


However, I am part of an international forum which similarly to KC has an uplifting focus: Education. When a war broke out in Europe, people began to take differing positions and they began to explain less and less about their positions. Instead, they would post a picture or a video. It often attacked a known figure in the "other" camp. Why take the personal risk of explaining how you feel when bigger media guns can speak more loudly for you? This habit has moderated a bit in that community. Visiting it is a more pleasant experience now.


The KC community has always kept a wise focus on music. I am grateful to dB for setting that tone at the outset. It's been an enriching century so far! First KC enabled my growth in sound design and later my ability to lead a band. Not to mention the power of the friendships I have found. Over this period of time I've found it's the variety of individual voices here that is important to me. As we speak more intentionally, I believe we will be able to hear each other better. And isn't listening the super power? It's a bit like playing music in a band.

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On 7/4/2024 at 4:19 PM, MathOfInsects said:

a master-baiter if you will

Egad! That just gave me a flashback to thalo.net… anybody remember that guy and their forums? 

He considered himself a "master-baiter"… 

"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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On 7/4/2024 at 7:29 PM, Tusker said:


Yes, I can see that we all have different levels of experience with internet combativeness. I don't seek it out myself. 


However, I am part of an international forum which similarly to KC has an uplifting focus: Education. When a war broke out in Europe, people began to take differing positions and they began to explain less and less about their positions. Instead, they would post a picture or a video. It often attacked a known figure in the "other" camp. Why take the personal risk of explaining how you feel when bigger media guns can speak more loudly for you? This habit has moderated a bit in that community. Visiting it is a more pleasant experience now.


I’ve found the discussion here more interesting and intriguing than vitriolic, even if the odd user may have felt somewhat offended by someone's tone here and there. I don’t share that perception. 

I also consider pretty much any of Beato's stuff posted here on-topic and relevant to the interests of group members here. I’m not sure it needs to be confined to a single thread, because that necessarily makes the subject Beato himself, and I’d much rather read about and discuss the points he raises, which are invariably interesting and worthy of discussion, even if I don’t agree with him. 

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"The Angels of Libra are in the European vanguard of the [retro soul] movement" (Bill Buckley, Soul and Jazz and Funk)

The Drawbars | off jazz organ trio

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On 6/30/2024 at 5:19 PM, HammondDave said:

Yeah, I heard of him. He is one of the 1% of musicians who actually make a living from this crazy business. Something we should all support. 


We would all instead be YouTube entrepreneurs with music as the bait for sensationalism, and all music forums would become swamped with heated conversations about us, our persona, our halo, instead of interesting music related topics, and we would all become filthy rich!

"You live every day. You only die once."


Where is Major Tom?

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PC3, HX3 w. B4D, 61SLMkII, SL73, Prologue 16, KingKORG, Opsix, MPC Key 37, DM12D, Argon8m, EX5R, Toraiz AS-1, IK Uno, Toraiz SP-16, Erica LXR-02, QY-700, SQ64, Beatstep Pro

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7 minutes ago, CrossRhodes said:

Ironically, the thread about too many Beato threads is becoming one of the most active Beato threads.


Great, all the engagement we're stealing from his channel!



"You live every day. You only die once."


Where is Major Tom?

- - - - -

PC3, HX3 w. B4D, 61SLMkII, SL73, Prologue 16, KingKORG, Opsix, MPC Key 37, DM12D, Argon8m, EX5R, Toraiz AS-1, IK Uno, Toraiz SP-16, Erica LXR-02, QY-700, SQ64, Beatstep Pro

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5 hours ago, analogika said:


I’ve found the discussion here more interesting and intriguing than vitriolic, even if the odd user may have felt somewhat offended by someone's tone here and there. I don’t share that perception. 

I accept your perspective bro. I don’t think there is vitriol either. Maybe some hurt feelings. 

Will accept my perspective? My perspective is that we all will have different perspectives because we are human. I also believe there is a natural temptation to allow a picture or a video to do the talking for us. Which are inevitably blunt instruments for communication.


All this within the context of my desiring to see and discuss Beato videos at KC.

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