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Selling Grand Piano: best method and/or tips plz

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I’m likely selling my Yamaha C7 as health problems preclude me from playing. 

From those familiar with the piano market, how should I best go about the sale?

I read that Pianomart.com is a prime place to list pianos. Any experience here with that site? Suggestions for others? General suggestions for selling a grand piano in the current market would be appreciated.



Main gear: Yamaha C7, Kronos 2 88, Moog Sub 37, CK61,  Kurzweil PC2x, Pearl epro, Mac/Logic/AUs

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Chris, I'm really sorry to hear about your health problems and that you are going to sell your fine piano. That is a classic, any year.


I had my Yamaha S6 on Piano Mart but ended up selling it through eBay. A friend who had an account took care of the listing specifics for me. You could also try the other usual suspects- Craigslist and I'm even seeing good pianos now on Face Book Marketplace and Reverb. Someone also sent me a link on FB because he saw a Steinway D, a little older then mine on there.



I asked Pierre Julia, the Los Angeles Fazioli dealer about possibly selling my piano to help fund a brand new smaller Fazioli that he has. He said eBay is where he's had the most movement on higher end pianos. He said I could put up my D on his account and he wouldn't take any commission. The trade in price would be much lower then what I could get selling it privately.


I did put sort of an informal, "testing the waters" type ad on my FB page on my D. I don't have a ton of friends on there but I've gotten a couple inquiries.


It's a tough time to sell even a good piano though unless it's priced very aggressively. And again, the few piano stores still around will only give you 60% tops of what's it worth on a trade and maybe 35-40% on a cash buyout.


I'm seeing pianos on eBay and there is one D, same year as mine, that has been languishing on Reverb for around nine months. It's a store up in Modesto and they keep dropping the price about 20K every few months and still no takers.


My friend in Dallas is still trying to sell his C7. He's had it for sale coming up on a year but I feel it's priced way too high but he won't move off his price.


Heck I'd put it up here on the classifieds, you never know. Good luck on it and again really sorry.


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 2005 NY Steinway D

Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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Steve, I’m in the Winston-Salem area of North Carolina.

6 minutes ago, SteveNathan said:

Where are you located?



Main gear: Yamaha C7, Kronos 2 88, Moog Sub 37, CK61,  Kurzweil PC2x, Pearl epro, Mac/Logic/AUs

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Yeah I was trying to figure out “the” place rather than plan on many places, as you and Dave suggest. I know the price won’t be what I think it’s worth (priceless to me) but here we are. Good thoughts so far!

43 minutes ago, AUSSIEKEYS said:


I agree with Dave might be worth a shot if you're based in US.



Main gear: Yamaha C7, Kronos 2 88, Moog Sub 37, CK61,  Kurzweil PC2x, Pearl epro, Mac/Logic/AUs

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If you're not in a screaming hurry and like to not get weird questions and no shows then test the market here in the classified threads. People here know what it is, they know what they want, and know what they'll pay. Only thing most wont be in your city.


Put a price you think is marketable to proper piano people and see what interest you get for say 2 weeks. If it doesn't sell in that time try one of your local sites as people's ability to pickup or rather get picked up is essential when selling a piano. 


If you put it here first you wont have all the weird question you get on a local marketplace but if you need to address letting go quicker I'd go direct to a local market place and prepare for lots of questions and time wasters.


For instance i sold my Yammie G1 on a local site (in Australia) after 2 separate tries. First time I put it up i got so many questions and not one visit after weeks of it being up.


I even had it listed below half the value of a pretty one as mine had battle scars though still neat as it had history as an ex Redfern RSL Club piano from a Sydney venue that was at the time of its use Australia's Vegas show place of the 60s / 70s. My piano was probably played by many famous overseas people. my dad was the second owner. 


Anyway it didn't sell that time and it was a lot answering questions so I left it a year just 6 months before we were selling up and put the same advert up on the same site to have it sold in a few days to the first caller. Easy peasy this time.


Try here then a local site for easier pickup buyers.


I'll ad this. The lady after paying took a few months to pick up (as was agreed) as she was moving into a new house. But that was to my advantage in that i could still play it especially as she hired me to play an xmas gig for her family on it once it was relocated and tuned. 


And a year and quater later i have a second upcoming gig there on my old piano for a charity gig shes putting on so i still get to play it and may continue with more gigs on it over the years. Now this is a strange twist on a piano sale



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9 hours ago, Dave Ferris said:

Really sorry to hear about your health problems and that you are going to sell your fine piano. That is a classic, any year.


I asked Pierre Julia, the Los Angeles Fazioli dealer about possibly selling my piano to help fund a newer Fazioli that he has. He said eBay is where he's had the most movement on higher end pianos. He said I could put up my D on his account and he wouldn't take any commission. The trade in price would be much lower then what I could get selling it privately.


I did put sort of an informal, "testing the waters" type ad on my FB page on my D. I don't have a ton of friends on there but I've gotten a couple inquirie


I echo Dave, Redknife  - sorry to hear of your health and need sell such a nice instrument, and I wish you the best in finding a buyer!   I think a studio is a really good option as home owners are highly constrained for space, probably more than price for this instrument.


OT:   Dave, I am so happy you took my suggestion and are taking active steps to acquire that Fazioli. (I kid, even though I did immediately tell you to tell Pierre to make you a deal you couldn't refuse, haha).   There is something about a newer world class piano action to sound that you would never be able to restore or achieve with your D.   When you played the F, it was like a new high performance car and now you must have it!   At least that's how I would feel!     I am hoping you are able to get the funds to enable your goal.   I would encourage you to stretch to make it happen.  You only live once!!    I am going through similar machinations with my C7D to a C7X midi to get that incredible improved action and the studio integration.

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J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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I’ll be meeting on Monday with my tuner who takes care of a number of music school pianos and visiting artists in NC.  I’ll ask him about the local market, get thoughts on price. As the comments indicate, I’m anticipating some difficulty getting the piano sold. I’m trying to keep my wife from having to figure this out on her own without resources like y’all. We’ve been happy to select housing that can accommodate a concert grand, but I am concerned it would tie the family down in my absence. Probably a little more detail than I needed to relay, but this is helping me get my mind straight around a selling approach. 


Main gear: Yamaha C7, Kronos 2 88, Moog Sub 37, CK61,  Kurzweil PC2x, Pearl epro, Mac/Logic/AUs

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Hi Rednife,

This may be totally inappropriate, and if so I apologize, but I have been thinking about the future down the road in my own situation. 

You mention that your tuner has connections to music schools in the area.


Depending upon your need for cash, you may want to consider a gift, or partial gift to an educational institution (selling at a discount).

Again, if this is inappropriate for your situation, I apologize.    Just thinking of options from your description.

J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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Another good idea, thx

4 minutes ago, jazzpiano88 said:

Hi Rednife,

This may be totally inappropriate, and if so I apologize, but I have been thinking about the future down the road in my own situation. 

You mention that your tuner has connections to music schools in the area.


Depending upon your need for cash, you may want to consider a gift, or partial gift to an educational institution (selling at a discount).

Again, if this is inappropriate for your situation, I apologize.    Just thinking of options from your description.



Main gear: Yamaha C7, Kronos 2 88, Moog Sub 37, CK61,  Kurzweil PC2x, Pearl epro, Mac/Logic/AUs

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Update. My tuner, Bill, came out for routine tuning and we discussed considerations for sale. He’s been tuning the piano for some 15 yrs.

Here are some points raised in addition to what’s already been posted here :

1) Bill will do an “as-is” appraisal (as opposed to our replacement assessment we used for insurance)

2) He’ll go down his contact list for any potentially interested parties.

3) He suggested Pianomart, particularly noting the free escrow service during the transaction, larger geologic reach and low fee (3%). In addition to the ideas already in the thread above, he noted that many modern churches seek out pianos such as the c7. We talked through the birdseye view of selling options: Consignment, broker including brick and mortar, private sale via internet or word of mouth. 

4) He gave us a number for a guy that cosmetically prepares high end pianos for sale, buffing out small scratches, polishing, etc.

5) After the appraisal, fine touch up, and photos I’ll list the piano. All the options mentioned in the thread will be explored.

Thanks for ongoing input!


Main gear: Yamaha C7, Kronos 2 88, Moog Sub 37, CK61,  Kurzweil PC2x, Pearl epro, Mac/Logic/AUs

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  • 1 month later...

Wrap up: 

The C7 sold quickly. I think the buyer was a word of mouth customer connected by my piano tuner. We used the Pianomart escrow service and it was painless (3% seller fee applies). 
I’m happy it’s going to a good  home and thankful for the time I had with it. I did touch base with Steve’s Nashville tuner and was preparing to list elsewhere. Had it not sold after a period I planned consignment with a known quality broker that reportedly is very good at selling pianos.

Thanks for all the advice as I was researching!

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Main gear: Yamaha C7, Kronos 2 88, Moog Sub 37, CK61,  Kurzweil PC2x, Pearl epro, Mac/Logic/AUs

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Congrats on the sale Chris! Pianos under 30K do move a lot faster, plus it's a C7e. A good year for those. ;)


It's not a good market for 9' concert grands or anything priced around, or over the 100K mark.


Here's three that have been languishing a year, or almost a year.


 Just a tad newer serial # then mine. They've dropped the price twice now in the year it's been listed.



The 7' CF6 in brand new shape where her husband passed away. She listed it last July.



And Pierre's 2017 Fazioli 278 that was Herbie's touring piano before his current one. He put this up last June.








 2005 NY Steinway D

Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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I'm would assume the Yamaha would be great given their incredible high level of consistency in all their CF/SX/CX models, but especially the handmade CF/SX in particular.


The D is another animal. While I feel they are the concert grand that everyone aspires to, they are still hit and miss. You definitely have to play it, they can highly differ, piano to piano. When you have a good one (along with an experienced concert level tech to look after it), a NY or Hamburg, there's nothing like it.


 Moritaka Kina, who's now the head tech for both the LA Phil and SF Symphony said the other day --" We now have a Fazioli and Bosendorfer in our back room for visiting Artists to choose from at Disney Hall, as well as a newer NY & Hamburg D. To me a Steinway D is the closest piano that would be an extension of the human singing voice".


He's super busy but I'm trying to get him over to do some more work on mine this month. Possibly install new hammers but we'll see.


I can  attest to Pierre's 278 being out of this world!

Edit-- The iPhone 14 mics while being surprisingly good for what they are, don't at all do it justice. You have to sit behind this piano to truly experience it.







 2005 NY Steinway D

Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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That's excellent Dave!  Your playing makes that piano sing!


A little off topic but I wonder what's involved with touring with that piano?  The expense must be enormous to ensure they don't ding it up in the course of the amount of transportation (then again I know nothing about the economics at that level).  I guess with insured professional movers, it's a pretty much guarantee it's rarely if ever damaged.   Would Herbie have stayed with that piano, but for the fact he has access to the newer model, or is the newer one a significant improvement due to the wear and use?

J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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Sounding good there, Dave! I had to revisit the song, but only know the stock changes... some nice subs going on there!


25 minutes ago, jazzpiano88 said:

A little off topic but I wonder what's involved with touring with that piano? 


A few years back Herbie played at a jazz club in Portsmouth NH. Check this out:



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Yeah, you are in Piano’s rarefied air with the D and even having a play at the Fazzioli! Different animals to sell.

3 hours ago, Dave Ferris said:

Congrats on the sale Chris! Pianos under 30K do move a lot faster, plus it's a C7e. A good year for those. ;)


It's not a good market for 9' concert grands or anything priced around, or over the 100K mark.


Here's three that have been languishing a year, or almost a year.


 Just a tad newer serial # then mine. They've dropped the price twice now in the year it's been listed.



The 7' CF6 in brand new shape where her husband passed away. She listed it last July.



And Pierre's 2017 Fazioli 278 that was Herbie's touring piano before his current one. He put this up last June.






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Main gear: Yamaha C7, Kronos 2 88, Moog Sub 37, CK61,  Kurzweil PC2x, Pearl epro, Mac/Logic/AUs

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17 hours ago, jazzpiano88 said:

That's excellent Dave!  Your playing makes that piano sing!


A little off topic but I wonder what's involved with touring with that piano?  The expense must be enormous to ensure they don't ding it up in the course of the amount of transportation (then again I know nothing about the economics at that level).  I guess with insured professional movers, it's a pretty much guarantee it's rarely if ever damaged.   Would Herbie have stayed with that piano, but for the fact he has access to the newer model, or is the newer one a significant improvement due to the wear and use?


Thanks! Yes Rob linked a video. Here's a little longer one. I was at Pierre's store when they were sizing the 278 to make sure it fit in that flight case. Pretty wild!


That particular piano is the one in the photos below, a 2020 year of manufacture. It took the place of the 2017 model that I played in the video. I didn't make a video of the 2020 but I actually preferred the tone of the older one.


Regarding the change over-- since Herbie is the most visible non-classical endorser of the brand, Paolo Fazioli, the founder/owner, likes to  get him a new one about every 3 years. But because of the higher demand and their limited production, they pushed him getting another one off to next year.  Yeah, must be nice.



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 2005 NY Steinway D

Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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I read an article I found in a google search saying the owner of that club paid $30K to have the piano moved. I'm assuming that's the total of the shipping and what's depicted in the video - renting a crane and having a crew of what looks like 9 or 10 guys working, not forgetting having to remove and replace a window! This same article said top prices for the tix for Herbie's show there was $300 - I can believe it. I would also believe that the club lost money on his appearance!

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The problem with high end pianos as they are out of the reach financially for most players. My neighbor teaches lessons and is a classically trained viola player. She teaches piano on the side. I was talking to her yesterday, and she got an M or Model O Steinway for 10 grand from a couple that was moving.  It was a great deal but that doesn't happen for most people. 

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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49 minutes ago, Reezekeys said:

I read an article I found in a google search saying the owner of that club paid $30K to have the piano moved. I'm assuming that's the total of the shipping and what's depicted in the video - renting a crane and having a crew of what looks like 9 or 10 guys working, not forgetting having to remove and replace a window! This same article said top prices for the tix for Herbie's show there was $300 - I can believe it. I would also believe that the club lost money on his appearance!


And the other thing- the club has a brand new Steinway B that was fine for people like Fred Hersch to Kenny Barron to Brad Mehldau. Did Herbie really need to put the club through all of that? Sounds like a tad bit of ego was involved on his end. ;)

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 2005 NY Steinway D

Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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On 3/14/2024 at 1:27 PM, Reezekeys said:

I read an article I found in a google search saying the owner of that club paid $30K to have the piano moved. I'm assuming that's the total of the shipping and what's depicted in the video - renting a crane and having a crew of what looks like 9 or 10 guys working, not forgetting having to remove and replace a window! This same article said top prices for the tix for Herbie's show there was $300 - I can believe it. I would also believe that the club lost money on his appearance!


Plus all piano movers must maintain a climate controlled environment.  That was a big cost in moving my piano but worth it when I was astounded that it sounded perfect after 3 weeks on the road.


I'm guessing the airliner freight holds can be specified for climate for his international flights.

But you hear so many live outdoor concerts of the best players on Steinways where the unisons are completely whacked and I’m guessing they were perfectly tuned 10 minutes ago and just can’t maintain it in the outdoor climate?

J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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On 3/14/2024 at 2:15 PM, Dave Ferris said:

And the other thing- the club has a brand new Steinway B that was fine for people like Fred Hersch to Kenny Barron to Brad Mehldau. Did Herbie really need to put the club through all of that? Sounds like a tad bit of ego was involved on his end. ;)


Guessing the the contact was a deciding factor.    Would love to hear about the negotiations :)    What if there had been inadequate clearance for Herbie's Piano?  This could have gone down as Herbie's version of the Koln Concert where he was stuck playing on a Kenny Barron piano.  

He’s playing in Milwaukee this month.   Tempted to drive over.   It’s a hall with cheapest tix around $70. 

J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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