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OT: "About Your Avatar or User Name..."

Old No7

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Nobody ever has to guess too hard at mine!


But the backstory on mine is that you couldn't drink beers while on stage, but back in my band at UMass:

 * We always had a bottle of Jack on the Hammond during gigs

 * There was a large JACK decal on the Leslie 147//145 (147 amp in a 145 cabinet)

 * And I started collecting black & white JD magazine ads (with over 400 different ones)

 * The Distillery named me as a "Tennessee Squire" and I was given Plot 642E in the hollow

 * Fast forward to today, and OLD NO7 is my license plate and "Old No7" is my username on many forums.


What's YOUR story ? ? ?


Old No7


Leslie 147-145.JPG

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Yamaha MODX6 * Hammond SK Pro 73 * Roland Fantom-08 * Crumar Mojo Pedals * Mackie Thump 12As * Tascam DP-24SD * JBL 305 MkIIs

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Not much of a story, really.  Mine came from playing World of Warcraft (and other games).  I'd generally pick some ugly brute of a monster character and then name them something that sounded like some gentleman in England in the 1800s.  "Stokely" kind of became the one most used :)   The original Stokely was an undead rogue with half a jaw.   I have another username I like better and regret not using it, but not going to (try to) change it at this point.  

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My user name was a nickname given to me by a sax player back when I attended/worked at the music school.    I don't use pictures in my avatar because of a facial deformation, so I use picture/graphic that I think are cool.   


FWIW   I stopped using my name or variations of my name back in my computer tech support early days.  I worked for a big developer tools company who actually insisted we use our real names.   The company was big, but we were located in a small town, which some customers took advantage of that called telephone information and got our home telephone numbers. Yup you guessed it they would call us at home asking support questions.  So we complained to the company and they changed the policy on for online user names.      I've been online since the 80's even before there was a web (www) so have seen a lot of BS that has made me very cautious.  

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My avatar changes once in a while, but at different time's it's been my first dog who passed young from cancer, a live gig shot, or currently a darkened stage view from my salsa band's concert in December (featuring a lovely house-provided KC amp lol).


As far as my name, I joined the forum (and some others) when I was a teenager and had just purchased my first pro-level board after years of saving. That board was a Yamaha Motif XF8, which I was able to do a lot on with a little programming. When I was a little kid people used to nickname me "Mighty Max", so I threw the Motif in there. Which created "Mighty Motif Max". Would I still use the same name now? Not necessarily, but this is far from the worst username I had. :laugh:

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Yamaha: Motif XF8, MODX7, YS200, CVP-305, CLP-130, YPG-235, PSR-295, PSS-470 | Roland: Fantom 7, JV-1000

Kurzweil: PC3-76| Hammond: SK Pro 73 | Korg: Triton LE 76, N1R, X5DR | Emu: Proteus/1 | Casio: CT-370 | Novation: Launchkey 37 MK3 | Technics: WSA1R

Former: Emu Proformance Plus & Mo'Phatt, Korg Krome 61, Roland Fantom XR & JV-1010, Yamaha MX61, Behringer CAT, Kurzweil PC4 (88)

Assorted electric & acoustic guitars and electric basses | Roland TD-17 KVX | Alesis SamplePad Pro | Assorted organs, accordions, other instruments

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Lindaru came from a Star Trek forum in the late nineties I had belonged to.  I needed an extra-terrestrial sounding name, so I did Linda+Ruth-th (my first and middle names).  The avatar started in 2015 when I teamed up with a fellow comedian I had done cable access comedy with on a Portland, Oregon, television station.  The head-phones on the smiley are because that was how I always was with my husband in the next room, trying to keep him from being disturbed while I either played music on my key-boards or listened and/or watched things on line, or produced our comedy shows on Spreaker.  Smiley for comedy, head-phones for being respectful to hubby who passed in January 2021 (RIP).  I just keep doing things with my head-phones on to this day even though there is no one in the next room to disturb except maybe some crickets.  🤣  Our Spreaker comedy is Awesome Insanity Surfers, so I am also known as that or just Insanity Surfers in other on line locations.


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When i joined up I was new to the internet itself. And this was the first website i signed up to.


 So being not used to this naming stuff I concocted a simple name to denote where i was from. Simple but boring. Basically it was lets just think of something quickly so I can get on.


I didnt realise it would be a lasting testament to you until a few years later when i found out about utube i found someone else had copied my name or by coincidence had come up with it too being that my name is a too obvious choice.


At time i thought copied because i had been posting quite a bit back then even though i can disapear for years before reappearing.


They were posting up some of their playing that was beginnerish and I so wanted to change my name so as not to be associated with that playing. But i havent seen them since then but not that ive looked recently.


The Avatar i did put thought into and took a photo in front of my then current duos backdrop to show off my two wood synths stacked on each other. Wanted to show my P5 could be stacked directly on the actual top of the Korg (much rarer than the P5). Just enough real estate to do it.


I added the Avatar later having just let the random blank head up that denoted I was a dude.


Being still then newish to the  internet i heard about people stealing photos to fake sell keyboards so I put skelly in with his hand over the P5 so as no one could rippoff this photo. I was internet scared.


I remember getting one backhand comment of "scary" off someone as they wouldnt realise i was using skelly as a watermark to protect my photo.


I got one comment from Dave Bryce simply asking was that a Korg Lambda underneath. I thought that was interesting that Dave recognised the korg instantly as no one else has  (well at least not in comments). That was cool someone recognised a reasonably by then obscure keyboard. (Both now gone to survive)


Coincidentally I wanted to also use this photo for my duo in a Halloween promo as well we'd be doing hence why its in front of the duos backdrop.


Halloween gigs back then were a very rare thing in Aussie as we never cellebrated Halloween although as kids we'd stick glued to TV watching the Brady Bunch or Happy Days' Halloween antics.


Hence skelly was the only Halloweenish thing I had handy as we dont have old Halloween decorations items hanging around like we have leftover xmas tinsel. But i was a skelly person anyway this guy used to lie under the back window of my Sunbeam Rapier i drove everyday back then


Yeah we missed out as kids in Aussie without Halloween



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Before internet, bands changing their names all the time was a way to amuse ourselves.

When the internet came to pass, I was naturally suspicious about actually being me and used a variety of aliases. 


Then, a few months before I joined MPN, I had an idea for a project "band" and needed a name. The project was to play on Weds evenings when everybody is available, have friends who can play come and fake our way through a buttload of one and two chord songs without any rehearsal. I did have lyric cheat sheets for myself and other singers. 


Through reading online, I found out that Kuru Kuru is a disease in New Guinea and other south Pacific islands. There is a ceremony when your elders pass on, you place them on a cot in your dwelling, decorate them with flowers and honor them for 10 to 12 days. Then, you crack open their skull and eat the brains to absorb the spirit of the deceased. At that point it is not unusual for the brain matter to have prions, which can cause Jakob-Crutchfield or "Mad Cow Disease". In New Guinea they call this disease Kuru Kuru. So in honor of this disturbing information I became Kuru Prionz. 


I felt that the band needed a name as well and research showed that sheep in the British Isles would get a similar disorder to mad cow disease where they would lean against a fence and walk while leaning, eventually scraping the wool, hide and flesh off on the wall. This was called "having the Scrapies". 


We played 2 gigs as Kuru Prionz and The Scrapies. It was fun and nobody seemed to have any idea what it meant. 

And now I am here... 😇

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It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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My story? My mother chose to imbibe copious amounts of Jose Cuervo while I was still in utero and then she weaned me on limes.


I'm Auntie Emm's well-meaning but slow nephew who had to stay in B&W Inbred, Kansas while that b*tch Dorothy got high with Munchkins. I got back at her by putting a bass bin under her bed and using a Minimoog to play the 'brown note' at 3 a.m. Not everything that's Wrong is necessarily Unjust. 🥳

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"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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3 hours ago, MathOfInsects said:

My name is Mat Hofinsects.


"At Black Angus, your name is PEACHES!" ~ Patton Oswald

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"Well, the 60s were fun, but now I'm payin' for it."
        ~ Stan Lee, "Ant-Man and the Wasp"

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I dialed into the bizarre World Wide Web sometime in the 90s. A place of both strange names and common names ending in many digits.  I chose Elmer J. Fudd and my signature on forums read, “I am Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire.  I own a mansion and a yacht” referencing an iconic Loonie Tunes episode.  What I found was a barrage of frustration by those unfamiliar with the cartoon who felt I was bragging and didn’t need to tell them how wealthy I was.  🙂  

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Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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33 minutes ago, nadroj said:

sdrawkcab eman. 

Avatar: ddur luap ekil osla I. syek deyalp eh erehw sdeirf fo edosipe na saw erehT. ratava ym ti edam. 


Hah ...I always remember you as the "AIRkeyboard" guy


I know that's some sitcom guy (probably famous) but i can't put my finger on what sitcom as we didnt get as many US sitcoms over here 


I think he has the name of Joey??? Every sitcom seems to have a Joey on it?


I try to work it out everytime you post hee hee


Oh just read your thing backwards


"Made it my avatar. There was an episode of frieds where he played keys. I also like paul rudd"


So is this someone called Paul Rudd?


I did a google now and i know that guy ive enjoyed some of his stuff..obviously this shot is a very young version of the photos i can find . God im hopeless with names. Truley.


Anyway your avatar always stuck out Jordan


nadroJ tuo kcuts syawla ratava ruor yawynA



edit:  i can see its on the Friends set now (we are bombarderd with 2 sessions everynight around dinner)


..whoo thats a weight off my feeble mind finally. Its definately not the character i thought it was who was in a band on the show  (played keyboards or was it guitar) on another sitcom that we rarely saw.  A shmaltsy sitcom. More for the 17 to 20 year old demography.

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hmm…1980’s, 1990’s keys, keys, keys…

KX88, Motif 8, Motif ES8, Motif XS8, Kronos 88.

I rest my case.


Yamaha: Montage M8x| Spectrasonics: Omnisphere, Keyscape | uhe: Diva, Hive2, Zebra2| Roland: Cloud Pro | Arturia: V Collection

NI: Komplete 14 | VPS: Avenger | Cherry: GX80 | G-Force: OB-E | Korg: Triton, MS-20



Yamaha: Motif XS8, Motif ES8, Motif8, KX-88, TX7 | ASM: Hydrasynth Deluxe| Roland: RD-2000, D50, MKS-20| Korg: Kronos 88, T3, MS-20

Oberheim: OB8, OBXa, Modular 8 Voice | Rhodes: Dyno-My-Piano| Crumar: T2


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In high school, I discovered that I could forge Tom Williams's signature exactly.  Since I look just like him, it was an easy fit.


More to the point, I resolved back in the early days of the internet to be non-anonymous as much as possible.


I had my picture for my avatar, but that got lost in the move to the new hosting service.  Since it's almost 10 years since I took that picture, I haven't felt a need to re-upload it.  Eventually I'll try to let y'all see what I look like currently. 

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-Tom Williams

{First Name} {at} AirNetworking {dot} com

PC4-7, PX-5S, AX-Edge, PC361


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I've had this username on various forums since sometime in the 90's after I bought my A100 and Franken-Leslie 147 (147 amp in a 710 cab with the A100 spring reverb routed to the 6x9s). I was so excited about having a Hammond organ that I just had to find a good unique username to use online that was related to Hammonds. I tried a bunch of searches and kept coming up with usernames that were used in one place or another. Since I was playing a lot of funk/R&B/blues, I came up with 'funkyhammond' and was surprised to find that it didn't come up in any searches. So it stuck.

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