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Gear Theft Thwarted by Clever Band

Scott Fraser

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Sorry, but I did not laugh at this.  I own four Epiphone guitars, and I happen to like them all.  Also, as a retail business owner, I spend a lot of time trying to prevent thieves from stealing from me, so I don't think stealing someone's hard earned stuff is funny.  Although the shoplifters are a big pain, I also occasionally run into times where a U.S. Customs officer decides to steal something that I import from China, such as a box of fifty switchblade knives (bye $2,500 in sales), or stainless steel mugs, or other stuff.  And when I used to be an Ebay Power Seller, I had more packages stolen from Russia and Israel than the entire rest of the world combined.

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I don't find gear theft funny, either, BUT . . . it should be noted that The Hard Times is a site much like The Onion, devoted to made-up, parody news stories. No one interviews would-be burglars complaining about gear they didn't bother to steal!?!

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"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I'm not a Peavy or Behringer fan but they do have their good points.  Peavey has always been a good road warrior amp for traveling bands.  They take a licking and keep on ticking.  When Behringer PA's break down they are so cheap in price that you can afford to buy a new replacement and avoid taking them to the shop.  Epiphone guitars are the best deals on the market IMHO. Easy to play, sound great and cost less.  They make great starter guitars and I always recommend them for beginners and experienced players as well.  +1 I don't think thieves really care about the brands they steal and therefor I too am a little skeptical of the article...😎

Take care, Larryz
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17 minutes ago, Scott Fraser said:

Of course actual, criminal gear theft isn't funny. This article is satire, the rock band equivalent of a banjo joke. 


"What is perfect pitch?"

"Perfect pitch is when you toss a banjo into the dumpster, it hits an accordion and they both break."

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I appreciate the humor in this Hard Times satire. Of course, I'm not advocating gear theft -- or any other type of theft -- but a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor is always welcome.


Full disclosure part 1: my main gigging amp for the past 10 years has been a Peavey Classic 50 4x10...and I have the chiropractic bills to prove it. It is worth the suffering. This amp's clean sound is wonderful, and it's a great pedal platform, IMHO.


Full disclosure part 2: my current favorite electric guitar is a 2021 Epiphone Crestwood. This guitar is a ton of fun, especially for the affordable price!


The Hard Times gag reminded me of another joke. A banjo player is driving to a gig and stops at a 7-11 to get a drink. He leaves his banjo on the passenger seat, thinking "I'll only be gone for a minute." As he's leaving the store to return to his car, he sees that his windshield is smashed out. In a panic, he runs back to his car -- terrified that his beloved banjo has been stolen. When he gets to his car, what does he find? Someone has put two more banjos onto the passenger seat. [Disclaimer: no banjos were harmed in the making of this joke. I apologize to any banjo players who might be offended.]

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I think a little added explanation might help.  Last July five guys were working at my house, tearing apart the kitchen and upstairs main bathroom.  One of those guys went into the spare bedroom, opened the closet, noticed my floor safe and the fact that I did not have the door locked, and he helped himself to over $6,000 in cash.  I made a police report, a police detective interviewed all five guys who all said they did not steal anything, and now my lawyer and I are trying to see if the company's insurance will reimburse me for my loss.  So if I seemed to be a bit humorless, now you know why.

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On 3/14/2022 at 6:44 PM, Scott Fraser said:

One of my jobs in college was working as a stage hand and lighting and sound tech in the Theater in the Student Union, that got a lot of touring Broadway productions coming through... I remember one of the first of those productions I worked (14 hour work day, 10 of those Union pay rate!!!) was a touring production of the play "Into The Woods," and I was mic-ing up the orchestra pit with a coworker, who a young goofball dork, and the two guitarists and bassists were setting up and playing around, and one guy had a Squier Strat, the other had an Epiphone Les Paul, the bassist had a Squier Jazz Bass, and they all were using those GK microamps that mounted on Mic Stands right behind their chairs and had line outs, they all had these custom-made tube preamp boxes... anyway, the goofball co-worker said something like "Squiers and Epiphones? Man, I have a Gibson SG!" And I looked at him like he was an annoying dork and and they all looked at me and winked and one of them said "Wow... well, man, I hope I can work my way up to one of those one day!" and he started talking about his dad buying it for him or something... he walked off and they started laughing and said "you play, right?" and I said "yeah... and I know you guys are New York City pros and probably have a bunch of incredible vintage guitars... ." "Yep, but we're not putting them under a bus or in a semi trailer in winter and heading across the country... good pickups and set ups in these things work just fine" and they started running down the drool-worthy list of things they each had... '57 Strats, '58-60 Sunburst Les Paul Standards... I think the bassist had the most guitars... one of them said he knew a luthier who worked forever cloning the famous guitars of people so they could leave the real things safe at home and tour with the replicas, and he had a couple he'd used for years, but he liked them too much to worry about losing them and they had started to get expensive and sought after, themselves.

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