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Selling on Reverb?


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I am an occasional Reverb buyer and seller. I used to be prolific on eBay, slowly selling all kinds of gear and things like Keyboard Magazines and albums. Then I went dormant on eBay and some hacker stole my eBay ID and caused a bunch of hassle. I quit eBay for ten years and have only recently gone back as an occasional buyer of small things.


Reverb has worked well for me. I usually sell smaller things, like rack mount synths or Roland Boutiques, which are in demand and are easy to ship. Similar to other posters, I would usually post a very competitive price on the lower end, simply to make a quick transaction occur.


Over the years, I've become increasingly slow/lazy at selling things I'm no longer using. At one point, I had a very strong point of view about my keyboard gear - "if it's not making money for itself on a gig, it needs to be sold." In latter years, I have cared less about this and so I've collected more things and have a few items packed away that in reality should be sold. However, they are now part of my history and so I have some sentimental attachment to them. Whether I should be nostalgically holding onto things like a Yamaha S90, Nord Electro 2, a few Motion Sound amps, etc. is an entirely different question.


I also use local things like eBay marketplace and occasionally Craigslist. What I've found is the level of effort required to list the item, interact with interested buyers, tire-kickers, and ultimately sell the things is usually more time than I care to spend. Lately, I've been practically giving things away, such as old Anvil rack cases that I used at one time and no longer need. Rather than taking up more space in my gear closet or spending effort to list and sell them on the cheap, I just give them to a couple of good dudes that are sound engineers and this creates such happiness for them.

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I'd like to sell some stuff, and maybe just maybe think about a rig upgrade with the proceeds...but man the thought of it gives me hives.


Selling locally, I'd rather beat my toes with a hammer than get bombarded with fraudsters, stood up, lowballed etc that you get from Craigslist. More than once I've been *at the place agreed to* and the buyer has called me to negotiate a lower price.


Reverb is much better except for the dang shipping part.

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. annoyed by that fact but it doesn't change it.


We will never agree and neither of us is wrong. Math of Insects nailed it 100%.

I never implied or said you cant make money if you don't spend it. Also, you are playing a game by bending words. And, Math didn't nail it. I was not speaking to Sunk Cost and you up to that point were not speaking to investment. I understood you could not cover every possible thing you do in a few posts. I only addressed what was contained here in this thread.


I am interested in the discussion and I do find it annoying when people twist words and their meanings to suit themselves dishonoring their actual definitions. But thanks this was fun and I am done.

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. annoyed by that fact but it doesn't change it.


We will never agree and neither of us is wrong. Math of Insects nailed it 100%.

I never implied or said you cant make money if you don't spend it. Also, you are playing a game by bending words. And, Math didn't nail it. I was not speaking to Sunk Cost and you up to that point were not speaking to investment. I understood you could not cover every possible thing you do in a few posts. I only addressed what was contained here in this thread.


I am interested in the discussion and I do find it annoying when people twist words and their meanings to suit themselves dishonoring their actual definitions. But thanks this was fun and I am done.



The guitar in my avatar is a 1986 Gibson ES335 Studio model. I paid $400 for it in 1988 and played hundreds upon hundreds of gigs with it. I played as many or more with a Tele or a Strat and gave the Gibson a break.

It has more than earned back the cost and helped me make money, a great tool. I still own it.

I have a K&M mic stand I bought in the early 80's, a red one (I have 2 of them). One or the other of them has been at nearly every gig I've played since, that would be over 2,000 gigs by now. It has more than paid for itself and helped me to make money. I still own both of them and they both work perfectly and are in constant use.

2+ years ago I walking into a thrift store and there was a Roland Cube 40gx in like new condition for $40. I bought it. The following week I found the footswitch for it at the same thrift store for $7. I've used those two items at dozens of gigs, they've earned their keep and maybe a little more. I still have them and use them.


That's 3 solid examples of me making money with essential tools of my trade. I have more. I made money by buying, literally.

Your statement that you must sell an item to make money on it simply does not hold water. I am sure there are many of us on MPN who have gear that has helped them to make money.


You most definitely do not have to sell an item to make money on it. A mechanic can say the same about their wrenches, a carpenter about their saws.


I am not "twisting" words. I am telling you the truth.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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KP Buddy,


While we are here are you going to serve beverages with the fish? :)





Well, o0Ampy0o old friend, I guess if you can't prove that the only way to make money from something you buy is to sell it the last resort is to take a cheap shot. Well done...

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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To swing this back to Reverb. I buy and sell Eurorack modulesâ¦at least two a week. It"s almost like a separate hobby from music. I use a variety of services.


I"ve been ripped off three times in the 8 years or so I"ve used Reverb, and every time, the customer service people resolved my issue within a week. That"s amazing considering I"ve been ripped off of EBay BY Ebay before.


One of those Reverb incidents was after the Etsy buyout. I have a bunch of items for sale right now. The fee does seem high, but so is the level of service (in my experience).

"For instance" is not proof.


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The fee does seem high, but so is the level of service (in my experience).
I like nice things and take care of them. I typically buy new. I worry that some buttface will decide they do not want something and insist on a return perhaps juicing it with a claim it is damaged or that I misrepresented the condition after they damage it. Even if unintentional, how they handle it when in their possession worries me. I am feeling better about Reverb. The fee does not bother me knowing the protection and service is high. While this does not address all of my concerns I am feeling better about there being a viable platform to utilize which reduces the list.
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...I guess if you can't prove...

Red Herring 101: No matter how you push a matter which doesn't matter it still doesn't matter because it's not the matter.


OK, I do know what a red herring is, if the word is strictly black and white then maybe you got me although it is my contention that what I posted DOES matter. Plus, I thought you were gone 2 posts ago? :)


I'll put my Mr. Obvious hat on and explain why my post about equipment being a tool for earning money is relevant.


I paid $40 for a Roland Cube. If I counted $2 each time from the $75-100 I made each time on just 20 of the gigs I played with that amp as covering the cost of my tools, the amp is paid for.

I played quite a few more than 20 gigs with that amp and $2 per gig is pretty low but we'll let that go for now.


Let's say I post that amp on Reverb for $1 and it sells immediately. Did I lose $39? Or did I make an additional $1 since the amp has long since paid for itself? Simple math problem.


How many on MPN are in the same boat? I don't know but I suspect there are many. It is a factor in the buy/sell/profit ratio that should be considered if one is selling on Reverb (or anywhere). That is, if one keeps track of costs and earnings.


In that context, I consider your Red Herring to be a Straw Man Argument... :laugh:

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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This is like watching someone argue in Finnish. Like, you can tell they are disagreeing, but haven't got the slightest idea what it's about until the one or unchanged English words slip through. "[wordwordword]Newyorkyankehs[wordwordword]!!!" "[wordwordword]BaustuneRedsouks[wordwordword]!!!"

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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This is like watching someone argue in Finnish. Like, you can tell they are disagreeing, but haven't got the slightest idea what it's about until the one or unchanged English words slip through. "[wordwordword]Newyorkyankehs[wordwordword]!!!" "[wordwordword]BaustuneRedsouks[wordwordword]!!!"

When someone keeps pushing an irrelevant point they hope no one can or will follow along. This way people will only see them making their point out of context so the irrelevance is not apparent.


It is done by politicians all the time.


Another "Donald" was famous for answering questions with "I think what you are really asking is...." then he would proceed to take up a lot of time talking about something that had nothing to do with anything.


It's all about dodging accountability for something said, actions taken or not taken, for not knowing when they are expected to know or not wanting to admit they are wrong.

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Write the best description that you can. Include a Youtube video. People like that especially when selling vintage stuff which is almost all of my stuff.

"Danny, ci manchi a tutti. La E-Street Band non e' la stessa senza di te. Riposa in pace, fratello"






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Anyone care to share their Reverb Shop? I think even if it's empty we can follow each other.



"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I am likely going to put my MOXF8 on sale...will *gulp* try Craigslist first though I might have less pain if I just flagellate myself daily with a cat o nine tales in penance for my sins.


I need to check with my work to see if they still do the shipping for staff thing, that will take some sting out of selling non-locally (which I'm 95% will happen, I have no optimism for selling locally).


It certainly does look like a good time to be selling though, looking at sold listings on reverb.

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