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Now we have a re-branding, from UFO to UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). Personally, I think UTITA (Unidentified Thingies In the Air) has a nicer ring to it...kind of a Latin flavor.


But seriously, at this point, I don't think anyone can doubt there's something out there that exists, and we have no idea what it is. What's intriguing is that any of the proposed explanations seem implausible, at the very least:


Creatures from other planets beyond our solar system - okay, it's not hard to believe there are civilizations that have progressed beyond the automobile as a means of transportation. But if so, then why do they come here, and why have these things been reported for millennia? Are we really that interesting a planet?


Time travellers - they come from the future, but can't interact for fear of changing history. Well, why come here if you're not going to change history? Tourism? Anthropologists?


Hallucinations - mass hysteria isn't new, but video cameras to capture "mass hysteria" are. Besides, think of all the pilots, including commercial aircraft, who have reported UFO sightings. They're never grounded. Shouldn't someone piloting an effing 747 be removed from their gig if they're prone to hallucinations?


The last service center before exiting this galaxy - our oceans are loaded with useful minerals and such. And no one ever explained the cattle mutilation thing. When I lived in New Mexico, every now and then there would be a story about farmer Bob losing 20 head of cattle overnight, blood drained and cuts cauterized with a degree of precision not associated with humans. Maybe it's the alien equivalent of a Big Mac. It was common enough that people just kind of shrugged their shoulders - no one had figured out what was happening and no one was going to figure it out, so it just got filed under "yeah, whatever."


Advanced super-secret army stuff - this seems the most plausible to me (which isn't saying much). Still, the technology seems to be incredibly advanced compared to anything we have now, it's hard to believe there wasn't an intermediate step between rockets and such, and objects that can drop 8,000 feet in a couple seconds, or dive underwater. Also, that doesn't explain sightings from hundreds and thousands of years ago.


So, there's going to be an official report made to Congress in June. My prediction is the report will say:


* There are mechanical objects doing things we can't explain.

* We have no clue what they are.

* If they wanted to do bad things, there's really nothing we could do to stop it.

* Have a nice day.

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It's fascinating that this seems to be becoming more prevalent. It's possible sightings haven't actually increased but pilots are becoming less reluctant to disclose it now. Perhaps we are a "rest stop" on the galactic freeway or probably more plausible is experimental aircraft. If we actually knew what types of experiments were happening at the most secret levels I'm sure we'd all vomit.
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...or probably more plausible is experimental aircraft. If we actually knew what types of experiments were happening at the most secret levels I'm sure we'd all vomit.


I have a feeling whatever these are aren't manned, at least not with humanoid bipeds, because I'm not sure the human body can take the acceleration forces these things sometimes exhibit. It's probably a lot easier to squirt a drone-like thing into space, under remote control.


I have a friend who saw a strange, triangular-shaped object flying low over his house. He had no doubts he had seen a mechanical object, of unknown origin, doing things normal planes don't do. Several years later, the Stealth B2 bomber was unveiled...and that's what he had seen.

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Creatures from other planets beyond our solar system - okay, it's not hard to believe there are civilizations that have progressed beyond the automobile as a means of transportation. But if so, then why do they come here, and why have these things been reported for millennia? Are we really that interesting a planet?


Maybe we have better looking females? Or better fast food? Could be they like to watch those vintage Japanese Sci Fi series (Rodak was pretty cool!!!).


Or, they are hardened criminals who were exiled from their galaxy, hence all the anal probe stories?


I dunno, I was walking up a dirt road on one side of a canyon in the foothills in Mendocino county with a friend and a large, silent ball of light came over the hills off yonder, cruised through the canyon and suddenly went zipping off to somewhere else. We both looked at each other and said "Did you just see that?" And, we did both see it, whatever it was.

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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The earth is rotating, and at the same time is orbiting around the sun. The sun is moving with the rest of the stars as the galaxy rotates. The Milky Way is moving around in the local cluster, some day destined to crash into Andromeda which is twice the size. And the local cluster is being pushed along as the universe expands. Yet, every time travel story or show I have seen allows the traveler to appear right where they want to be in the future or the past. In reality, you travel in time you get left behind, and end up stranded in open space if you are lucky. Unlucky and you are swallowed up by a star or appear in the path of a fast moving comet.

This post edited for speling.

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I like UFO better, and it doesn't mean 'flying saucer' to me but simply an unidentified flying object.


Many years ago, I was walking on a beach with my first wife and two friends about 2:00 AM. This was before the coastline in Florida was overdeveloped and the stretch we were on was I would guess 20 miles or more of complete undeveloped beach. It was back in the days when the light solution was so slight we could still see the Milky Way.


From the south we saw a bright light flying, I'd guess about 50 feet high, following the shoreline to the north. We thought it was a small plane as it was not uncommon for pilots to buzz the shore back then.


When it got closer we didn't hear any engine or prop sound, didn't see the red and green running lights and couldn't see any shape at all, just an elongated bright light. Even when it passed overhead there was no sound and no shape, just a bright white light, 'fat cigar' shaped. It was probably flying about 10mph, and we followed it with our eyes.


Then about a mile north of us, it suddenly shot to the east. I would say turned, but it didn't turn, it just changed direction and took about a half second to from the shoreline to over the eastern horizon.


I still have contact with my former wife, and the girl that was with us (I don't know what happened to her then boyfriend) and we jokingly call it the big @$$-UFO.


I have no idea what it was.



Bob "Notes" Norton

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There are tangential aspects to this that are interesting.



1) it *appears* that this was compartmentalized in such a way that congress was not aware of it. At what level in government were people made aware of it? But more importantly...


2) it shows that that the U.S. government is *horizontal*, not pyramidal. The black projects are compartmentalized away from government *completely*. Not only that, but there are at least 2 layers of "government" that are invisible; a functional bureaucratic layer and one that apparently has super-jurisdiction over the U.S. military. They're not CIA, they're not NSA, they're not any listed intel agency; they're a black project that apparently has some mandate that allows them to move freely above all in the U.S..


3) the fact that they've chosen to release things slowly kind of warns me that this may actually be Something Paradigm Shifting. If it was to distract they could do it in a more salacious fashion. The Fravour incident has gone completely under the radar for the past year. This has the feel of easing us into something.


4) If any world government had breakthrough technology to do what is demonstrated in the videos, we'd already know about it and be vassals of their state.


5) The universe is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we *can* think.


With completely legit people in different branches of the government saying this is the tip of a massive iceberg, and that it was obviously only Need To Know, is quite scary. There seems to be cognitive dissonance going on; tv announcers talking about the story that they now know is verified as if it's not real, government officials feigning indifference, Scientific Authorities such as a Neil Tyson acting coy that it's nothing, is kind of worrisome as well.


But the most peculiar thing I've seen about it so far I saw a few days ago. There was an interview with the director of SETI where he was uncategorical about stating "it's not aliens, because it can't be" while at the same time saying "I believe there is extraterrestrial life". Which is a seemingly discongruent position to have, BUT in the context that this is the person that is supposedly in charge of *finding evidence of ET life*, it means something else. Without a doubt to me, it means *this person is charged with disarming this subject*. It means SETI was a distraction.


Because nobody that legitimately would be in charge of searching for an ET signal would simultaneously have the closed mindset of "despite this evidence it can't be real". It's a dichotomy.


If this is the case, then there are two main scenarios I can imagine, enhanced by my hordes of sci-fi book filled mind:


a) it's not "aliens". It's extra-dimensional things.

b) it's time travelers.


"Hahahah, Chip is talking about time travel!!"



Cognitive dissonance: *you know we now have verifiable proof of technology way beyond human knowledge*. Everything is on the table now, and people should be thinking this way. Of those scenarios I can think of many scary things I don't want to really consider too closely. Quantum research is yielding so many new revelations that I'm pretty sure there isn't a single person that is on top of all of it right now; the Standard Model is out, not to mention any "public school basis conventional view of the universe". Whether that means actual, literal/tangible "alternate universes" or that the Nick Bostrom view is true (which is scarily halfway proven scientifically now... uhg), this could be phenomenon related to that. In which case, I can imagine many reasons why aspects of the government would have to keep such things silent.


Time travel? 10 different ways of theoretically doing it. Feynman diagrams take into account particles going in temporally backwards directions; quantum paradoxes are seemingly showing the necessity to accept the reality. Just as quantum teleportation is being shown to be scalable not just in informative translation but in particle arrangement, there are hints of the same in time travel. There are mind blowing things being done in quantum research right now. But, if this is the case, what then?


Are the grey our DNA mutated selves from the future, back at this particular time for a reason?

Are the grey actually trans-a.i. civilization?


Just fun, right?


But it's interesting that the "government" is taking this "we're not saying it's UFOs, but it's UFOs" angle. Because obviously the evidence says otherwise, and while psychologically there are reasons for them to not admit it, if there is no *directive* to play it down, then they wouldn't be commenting/trying hard to change the wording. Which indicates to me that there is a directive involved beyond the old "we can't let the world know!" angle. Which is worrisome. It's not a psyop, because nobody is benefitting from it - and if it was, and you had so many people at different branches of the government involved, that too would be worrisome.


I think there will be at least 2 more leaks before the "information release". If these leaks are more and more dramatic (as certain people have alluded to; "we have video of a craft less than 50 feet away from a plane"), I'm going to be scared: because it won't be the Chinese or Russians, and *they really seem to not know*.



I personally hate that it seems to be yet another upheaval of "normal reality" that is occupying my thinking. The strangest of which *people seem to know but don't care*. Which maybe indicates the real psy-op is modern events that are so "loud" they blot out news of literal aliens....

It *feels* like they're trying to dilute it.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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The idea of external dimensions not visible to us is intriguing. Our eyes only see about an octave of light, perhaps things exist on other wavelengths. People do see ghosts (I saw something that, in retrospect, had the most likely explanation of being a ghost), while others see the results of ghosts, but not ghost themselves. But that doesn't provide any answers, it just provides more quetsions...like how do things jump dimensions? What kind of technology exists in other dimensions? Why are UFOs come in so many different types?
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Because obviously the evidence says otherwise, and while psychologically there are reasons for them to not admit it, if there is no *directive* to play it down, then they wouldn't be commenting/trying hard to change the wording. Which indicates to me that there is a directive involved beyond the old "we can't let the world know!" angle.


It may simply be embarrassment. "Yeah, we've spent a ton o' bucks on defense, and talked about how great our military is. But frankly, if these things decide to mess with us, there's nothing we can do." And hubris enters into it, too. Look how long it took for people to accept that the entire universe didn't rotate around the earth. "We're the king of world! Well, except maybe we're not."

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Our eyes only see about an octave of light, perhaps things exist on other wavelengths.



Auger decay controlled via modulated attosecond lasers, setting the frequency of leptons/fermions/hadrons could be the key to every thing.


/ comedian

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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It may simply be embarrassment. "Yeah, we've spent a ton o' bucks on defense, and talked about how great our military is. [/size]


That might be a stance presented by a Pentagon official to the POTUS, or some such dynamic. In this case they know info is going to be released and they're taking a position of "we don't know what it is" when if they took *no position at all* the Big Question could then be turned to a strategic advantage. "They're not saying anything because it's ours".


Because I'm certain they would have thought of that angle, and they're choosing not to take it (or rather, perhaps that's the angle they *had* been taking all this time), their position seems in line with that of showing their cards. They don't want to show their cards for some reason. They don't know if it's aliens, Chinese or Russians, UNLESS it's a scenario that has forced their hand the whole time (which has scary implications). Either they've concealed their hand out of fear of revealing a tactical disadvantage relative to Russia/China, or there is a functional/dangerous reason.


Do they think Russia/China knows more? I don't buy the "they fear Russia/China has this technology" aspect, because if so neither would be behaving like they're still in competition with the U.S.. They're both still pursuing weapons advancement that wouldn't be needed.


Contrarily, the U.S. has been stumbling forward with weapons technology, including not caring about spending trillions on systems that don't work; so maybe there's that to consider. Why has DOD been so incompetent in the past 20 years with research and development, while DARPA seems to be trundling along just fine with more "human centric" projects (crowd control systems, robotic crowd control systems, UAV crowd observation/control/weapon systems, ...). China is about to bust out with a massive multi-carrier per-year program, Russia is fielding their hypersonic systems - they're not banking on Tic Tac technology they don't have.


But maybe we do?


One thing that is curious that the "emotional" aspect of the reveal appears to be one of "resignation", All second-person confirmations have the same kind of verbiage, "UAP", "we don't know what it is", "we have tons of footage/evidence", "a long time". It's verbiage that seems to fall in line with the Bob Lazar narrative, which has to be taken more seriously now. If this is to bury a black project program of this magnitude - this technology is bigger than the Manhattan Project in implications - maybe this is the angle.


Regardless the implications are profound, knowing the existence of the technology. But strange that people are ignoring it....

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Part of this discussion is to wonder how good the best RADAR-ish detection technology that the US military has. I focus on the US military because it is the biggest world power whose population is reluctant to lose large number of lives in combat. This means the US military strength is incredibly dependent on having more advanced technology than potential opponents. In the air battles against Iraq, not a single F-117 (Stealth plane) was lost, and it established air supremacy so complete that Iraq flew some of its combat planes and landed them in their former enemy Iran. This was a true act of desperation by the Iraqi Air Force. The F-117 was incredibly complex, and very expensive per plane, but it did its job.


The study of WWII shows the British had types of RADAR that the Germans did not even think were possible, so the British were detecting things the Germans did not even know were detectable. I am not just talking about the use of RADAR during the aerial Battle of Britain during 1940, but also the anti-submarine warfare carried on by British and American planes during later years of WWII. The British understood very well the importance of not letting the Germans know exactly what detection technology they had - or to at least delay the Germans' knowledge of this, for as long as possible. Once the Germans knew how that technology worked, they would be able to develop practices and then technology, to help defeat that detection technology.


Fast forward to today: If the US military has some new detection technology today, not RADAR but something more sophisticated, and UFOs from other solar systems were visiting our planet, and the advanced detection capability of the US military could detect them, it would be very important for the US military to not reveal to the rest of the world just how good its newest detection capability was. There would be a very small number of people who would know of such a system. And for sure, the US military would not care at all about helping to resolve people's intellectual curiosity about whether UFOs from other solar systems are visiting our planet.

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There's this inverse relationship between solid data and intellectual creativity in developing "explanations".


I tend to the mundane as the most likely thing when it comes to the observation of unexplained phenomena.


Society already traffics in way too many invented scenarios - the "whatever" reaction cuts both ways.


On a trip to Marfa, we really did see the famed Marfa Lights. So far, no one has a solid explanation, but plenty of "I think it's....." things to say. I just say, "we saw them, don't know what they are, won't begin to guess, but the odds are that the explanation is far, far less sexy than all the sci-fi speculations."


Notice how the usual menu of extra-terrestrial or dimensional or spooky-spiritual explanations are kind of the same few ideas recycled over and over to paper over blank spaces in our understanding of things? I feel that, in general, people slip from the imaginable to the plausible to the possible to the probable way too easily.


There's enough weirdness in the known for me.



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I tend to the mundane as the most likely thing when it comes to the observation of unexplained phenomena.


I guess it depends on how you define "mundane." If a natural phenomenon is responsible for something, it can be pretty impressive (e.g., St. Elmo's Fire).


Here's an example. There's a place in Mexico where strange lights appear on a regular basis. For years, this was one of those "no one has any idea what this is" kind of things. Eventually, scientists discovered that the area was sitting on a giant bunch of piezo-electric rocks. When there was any kind of seismic activity, even activity so low as to not be perceived as an "earthquake," the piezo rocks generated electricity that produced light. To me, that's just as interesting as any other possible explanation.


The issue with the UAP thing is no one has any idea what they are. No one has a definitive theory, and all the theories have gaping holes - the operative word in UAP is "unidentified." I tend to think, though, that whatever explanation turns out to be true will be far from mundane!

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The important thing about the Pentagon "UAP" thing is that it puts *everything* back on the table. *We now know UFOs are real*, and one can no longer dismiss accounts simply on the basis of it being improbable.


The South Africa school account, Bob Lazar, et al - one has to consider these as not being apocryphal out of turn.



/ what can you do if you can manipulate valence levels/fermion states with modulated attosecond laser in your immediate vicinity?

// crazy

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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