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OT: I just got the vaccine. Ask me anything.


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Personally, unlike what she said above about Measles not being endemic to the US any longer, I doubt that will happen with covid. Too many people won't get the vaccines, so we'll likely be stuck with some form of it. It may be less dangerous, hopefully.


The polio vaccine came out when I was a kid. It was inconceivable back then for parents to not get their children vaccinated, but it is so different now with some insistent that the vaccine is worse than the disease.


Covid reminds me of polio in that the vast majority of people who got it were either asymptomatic or had mild symptoms and completely recovered - but there were a few who had devastating consequences from it. To me it's just crazy to not protect yourself, but I personally know people who think the whole thing is overblown and won't.


So yeah... when 1/3 of the country says that they aren't going to get the vaccine, Covid will be with us for awhile.

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Science keeps progressing, faster than ever. Vaccines can now be developed in one year instead of four. But at the same time, if there was an index for the average person's understanding of science, that index would show steady regression. Polio vs Covid being a good example. I don't see any reason to think this regression will be reversed. Irrationality has always been more attractive than rationality, but historically communities formed around irrational ideas were harder to create and sustain. Today's information infrastructure makes it easy to form communities based around a specific irrational set of ideas. Back when the polio vaccine was introduced, you would have had a very hard time finding a community of people who thought taking the vaccine was a bad idea. Now, communities like that are a click away. Once people identify with a community, they rarely leave. The implication for humanity gives me the blues.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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Just thinking out loud here: To the degree that customized news feeds has ameliorated our ability to think critically and objectively - destroying our general sense of there being a set of objective facts - we are in a bad way. I think (or am perhaps wistfully wishing) that in an era before the algorithm, we generally thought there was an agreed-upon narrative about the place we lived. This provided a social platform for a common set of values, a sense of culture, and a sense of being "us".


A lot of that's disappearing (or has disappeared). I don't think the algorithm serving up individual, customized and tailored news feeds to each of us is the only fault - or even the primary fault - but it certainly has accelerated the problem.


We are tribal, we don't trust, we don't believe. And we are therefore naturally suspicious, fearing that "someone" has been pulling the wool over our eyes for a long time.


A casualty in all of this is the deliberate choice to be kind to one another. It is difficult to think of others when we are neither content nor feel safe. It is near impossible when we believe the meta-narrative suggests we are threatened or doomed.


Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Still patiently waiting for vaccine availability out here in the Bay Area, for my aged mom, and then for me as an educator and the ones I love.

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Educators should be at the top of the list to get the vaccine(s), behind only health care workers. Most of them that I know are not exactly highly-paid, they work their butts off and right now they have little choice but be in the firing line.


There's at least one giant super bowl party going on on my street, yay...perhaps it's outside (it's mild weather in FL right now) with everyone masked up, though I kinda doubt it. Probably going to see a spike in the coming week or two.

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Educators should be at the top of the list to get the vaccine(s), behind only health care workers. Most of them that I know are not exactly highly-paid, they work their butts off and right now they have little choice but be in the firing line.

I agree. But all of them that I know are highly compensated in that they make a competitive wage, are tenured (guaranteed job for life), and have a gigantic pension including paid health benefits for life. This is true for nearly all public sector jobs that are unionized.

I tell my kids.... If you can't be an Engineer, Lawyer, Accountant, Dr, or Nurse, at least get a job with the Federal Government, preferably either the Post Office or the General Accounting Office.

J  a  z  z   P i a n o 8 8


Yamaha C7D

Montage M8x | CP300 | CP4 | SK1-73 | OB6 | Seven

K8.2 | 3300 | CPSv.3

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I get my second dose of the Moderna vaccine on Tuesday morning. No real side effects from the first one other than a sore arm for a day. Will let you all know how it goes.
Montage 7, Mojo 61, PC-3, XK-3c Pro, Kronos 88, Hammond SK-1, Motif XF- 7, Hammond SK-2, Roland FR-1, FR-18, Hammond B3 - Blond, Hammond BV -Cherry
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KeyMoe, make the most of that mutated RNA, and keep checking for that extra arm.


Mine was useful today -- I can now play those 10ths in stride piano with my (two) little left hands, and on drums I have invented the paradididle. Good times.

-Tom Williams

{First Name} {at} AirNetworking {dot} com

PC4-7, PX-5S, AX-Edge, PC361


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  • 1 month later...

I recently became eligible (over 60,) for vaccine and began researching how to sign up. After three days (I know not a great sample size,) I began to think I could win the lottery more easily than securing an appointment, which I was attempting at local CVSs. Either all were taken or I was able to fill a form out but they always chimed back they were full. There was nothing else to do but try another time, and I always ended up starting over. A friend on FB, a mother, who I worked with at a job was posting she had joined this group who was helping people get appointments. I contacted her last night and this morning she got back to me with an appointment. FB friends, I guess, is more than a narcissistic vehicle (just kidding.)


Two things I'll add:


1. I bet most people here could of designed a better way to set up appointments then currently at CVS.


2. My friend told me at Midnight than 3AM to 4AM best times to find appointments.

AvantGrand N2 | ES520 | Gallien-Krueger MK & MP | https://soundcloud.com/pete36251

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CVS Pharmacies are a joke. Stay away, far far away.


My Mom called our local Rite Aid last week and got her vaccine (the Johnson & Johnson one which is safer IMO) two days later.

'57 Hammond B-3, '60 Hammond A100, Leslie 251, Leslie 330, Leslie 770, Leslie 145, Hammond PR-40

Trek II UC-1A

Alesis QSR






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In NY, 60+ became eligible about two weeks ago. I immediately went to the state web site to schedule, and the first appointment less than 200 miles from me was May 9. Then, on nextdoor.com I saw a post saying a local Rite-Aid was taking appointments for 60+. Odd because the Rite-Aid website said only first responders and teachers were accepted there. I called anyway. This was Friday March 12 and I was shocked to get an appointment for the following Tuesday! The pharmacy was empty - nobody in front of me or behind me to get a shot. Anyway, I'm one week post-1st shot (Moderna) and my second is scheduled there for April 13.
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Got my first shot last week and in and out in less than 30 minutes and have appointment for second shot. I have KP insurance and they were sending email and letters with updates for past few months. Got notification that they increased the eligibility so I logged on and got a date a month away. Some friends were impatient and went to CVS and lots of available dates and times. I opted to stay with my insurance company's setup and just wait. So one down, one to go.


I noticed in the fine print of the paperwork that they notify the state who got vaccinated. I wonder if that is what airlines will use when they require vaccination to fly???

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Florida is so wild west that it went from "nobody knows" to "everybody's getting vaccinated" (that actually wants to) seemingly overnight.


I got the first Pfizer shot and it was a super-smooth process, never left my car and the only wait I had was 15 minutes afterward in the "make sure you don't keel over" parking lot by the EMT. I work at a University so we got ours a bit before everyone else, although now it's anyone over 40. I got mine through the county, others from FEMA sites.


I have my 2nd shot set up for Mar. 30 and two gigs (the first outdoors) in the last part of April. As far as I'm concerned, I'll be "back to normal", though I'll still wear a mask out of consideration (though it won't be doing much considering I'm growing a beard).


My mom is 77 and hasn't gotten one yet, and I'm starting to wonder if she will. First she said she wanted the J&J because it was only one shot, now she says she's concerned about blood clotting. I've tried to convince her to get the first one she can, as to me the risk to her from covid is higher than any known vaccine risk, but she's in no hurry at all. As time passes, knowing the stuff she hears and reads on "social" media and cable "news", I suspect she may not get it at all as she believes some of the goofy conspiracy nonsense. My coworker talks about Bill Gates wanted to depopulate the world by supporting vaccines, I'm like "I gotta go" before the loony tunes rubs off on me.

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Even though educators have officially been eligible since February in California, San Diego was a few weeks behind the state. I became eligible through the university three weeks ago. I spent two and a half days not finding an appointment, which sounds short when I type it but felt eternal, and then happened to be on the site when a slot opened up.




Couldn't have been easier. The longest part of the process was the 15-minute wait afterward to make sure the 5G implanted correctly.


My next shot is Tuesday. I am rolling the dice a bit, since the kids and I go away on Wednesday, but I wanted to be sure I got the appointment, and that one was pre-reserved for me by virtue of getting the first shot. I plan to go to bed early that night and hope to sleep mostly through any effects I might feel.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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I had the Moderna and shoulder was a bit sore, but only when I rolled on my right side in bed. I felt a little tired and dull headache, but that has all cleared up. So next shot is on Tax Day and should go as fast as first. KP setup at the local fairgrounds and extremely well organized from parking to questions and card, to shot and the 15 minute wait. So glad I got the process started.
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#1 last Thursday, Pfizer no after affects

Triton Extreme 76, Kawai ES3, GEM-RPX, HX3/Drawbar control, MSI Z97

MPower/4790K, Lynx Aurora 8/MADI/AES16e, OP-X PRO, Ptec, Komplete.

Ashley MX-206. future MOTU M64 RME Digiface Dante for Mon./net

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I'm 64 with numerous health issues that put me in the high risk


I had been trying to book an appointment through Publix, CVS, & Walgreens to no avail


Then I got an email from the local organization that has multiple hospitals and doctor's offices, and are very familiar with my health issues, indicating that they had gotten a supply of Moderna, and was inviting me to get the shot.


The next day I got a text with the link to set up an appointment.


I am scheduled to get my Second shot Monday


I was very impressed with the way they did it. My appointment for the first shot was for 820 AM, and by 830 I was sitting in the observation area.


I hope the second goes as smoothly

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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The wife and I got our second Pfizer shot Sat morning. I immediately turned off the GPS on my phone (with the tracking chip fully installed and now operational, the GPS is redundant)....only side effect was that for 6 or 7 hours I had aquired the ability to bend spoons with the power of my mind, but by Sunday morning it was gone.....
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This whole process is incredibly, and predictably, random.


Through an on-line health care portal we enrolled in through our family doctor, my wife and I received "invitations" to make an appointment for the vaccine about 2 weeks ago. I immediately followed the links and found a health care facility that was a 5 minute drive away. Got an appointment for a Moderna shot there the very next day.


Maybe this particular facility just happened to start taking appointments then. No idea.


Anyway, I had no side-effects, not even a sore shoulder. The shingles vaccine I received earlier in the year, on the other hand, made my arm sore and I felt feverish for a day.

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I immediately turned off the GPS on my phone (with the tracking chip fully installed and now operational, the GPS is redundant



...only side effect was that for 6 or 7 hours I had aquired the ability to bend spoons with the power of my mind, but by Sunday morning it was gone.....

Only spoons? :idk:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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My 1st shot is tomorrow; Moderna. My wife works in public health, so she had her series of shots (the same product) between early Feb and early March. Said the 1st shot of Moderna produced mild arm soreness and mild headache, then the second one amplified the effects some - including fatigue and a mild flu-like feeling; slept about 10 hours after that, and felt fine the next day.


Damn, I was hoping that a third arm and super-powers would be more common...could use both for my upcoming church mass gigs..

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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I just got my first dose of Pfizer this morning and aside from VERY MILD arm soreness, I've been feeling fine. Second dose is supposed to be more impactful.


My adult daughters are in health care and were vaccinated months ago. One had Pfizer with zero side effects from either shot and the other had Moderna with a full day of crap from the second shot (fever, fatigue, flu-like stuff) and then it passed. Based on this subjective data, yet close to home, I picked Pfizer. I also picked a date for my second shot that will allow me space in case I do have side effects.


It's great to be moving from a year of fear and uncertainty to a year of optimism and hope!

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This thread has jumped the shark, and I mean that in only the best way. You can basically sign up for a shot, claim you have a qualifying condition, and no one's going to question you about it, because getting needles into arms is what matters. Within a few weeks, every adult in every state will be officially eligible.


It's difficult to fathom what an unprecedented scientific and logistical achievement this vaccination program represents. Lest anyone think that's a political statement, I'd point out that in the US it was accomplished during the transition between political parties that, some would have us believe, are supposed to disagree about everything.

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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I immediately turned off the GPS on my phone (with the tracking chip fully installed and now operational, the GPS is redundant



...only side effect was that for 6 or 7 hours I had aquired the ability to bend spoons with the power of my mind, but by Sunday morning it was gone.....

Only spoons? :idk:




To be fair, for some unknown reason it was all I tried.....guess I was really out of it.....I think I was really just fixated on that Matrix scene......

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I was frankly shocked at how quickly the vaccine became available. I had intentionally steered very clear of trying to get vaccinated in favor of a longer list of older folks or more at risk folks. That has happened very quickly and the gates are opening up for most anyone, at least in Virginia. I originally thought it would be at least fall or later before my turn. There are a ton of people focused on this, from the scientists working on the vaccines, to the pharmaceutical companies, the machines behind the scenes to get these things rolled out, lots of logistics and volunteers to deliver and administer...the list goes on.
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I got my second Pfizer shot over a month ago, and for me it was the one that packed a wallop. I had redness and swelling that extended down my side and aggravated some moles - to the point I had them looked at by a physician. I guess it's ok - and there were a few other things I needed addressed so it wasn't a wasted trip.


I live outside Portland, and rollout is going much better than in PDX. It seems that smaller health departments serving smaller populations have an advantage - which is a relief. I just assumed we would get short changed by the big metro areas.


I'm gigging again - to enormous crowds. And it's not just me, it's everywhere. You've got stimulus money, tax refunds, and freedom to go out again all working in a way I've never experienced before. It's truly breathtaking, and I'm happy for the rooms - which need all the help they can get after what they've been through.


I feel invincible :laugh: and our county is in the lowest risk category (strings of days with no cases at all - then maybe one or two here and there) so I'm good with it. But I know that this could all go away in the blink of an eye, so we'll just have to see how spring goes.

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The wife and I got our second Pfizer shot Sat morning. I immediately turned off the GPS on my phone (with the tracking chip fully installed and now operational, the GPS is redundant)....only side effect was that for 6 or 7 hours I had aquired the ability to bend spoons with the power of my mind, but by Sunday morning it was gone.....
Well I farted and blew the back of my recliner off, is that supposed to be a side affect.

Triton Extreme 76, Kawai ES3, GEM-RPX, HX3/Drawbar control, MSI Z97

MPower/4790K, Lynx Aurora 8/MADI/AES16e, OP-X PRO, Ptec, Komplete.

Ashley MX-206. future MOTU M64 RME Digiface Dante for Mon./net

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Hardly noticed any effects from my second Pfizer shot, and had a mildly grungy day and sore shoulder for my first. My wife had muscle cramps across her shoulders and back for a couple hours after the second.


Although I quit my regularly gigging band last year, I have my first gig with some old buddies on May 1. Looking forward to it.




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