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OT: Favorite Dylan Lyric


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Here's a fun game: recite your favorite Bob Dylan lyric. I think I got this idea from a series I was streaming. I'm going with:


You never turned around to see the frowns

On the jugglers and the clowns when they all did tricks for you

You never understood that it ain't no good

You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you

You used to ride on a chrome horse with your diplomat

Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat

Ain't it hard when you discovered that

He really wasn't where it's at

After he took from you everything he could steal

J.S. Bach Well Tempered Klavier

The collected works of Scott Joplin

Ray Charles Genius plus Soul

Charlie Parker Omnibook

Stevie Wonder Songs in the Key of Life

Weather Report Mr. Gone


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I see you got a new boyfriend

No I've never seen him before

Yeah I saw you making love to him

You forgot to close the garage door

You might think he loves you for your money

But I know what he really loves you for

It's your brand new leopardskin pillbox hat

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely

But you know you only used to get juiced in it

And nobody's ever taught you how to live out on the street

And now you're gonna have to get used to it


Since I modified it and turned it in as my homework in senior English I might as well use it again. I got away with murder in Senior English in school, I was terrible in English and had to do something to pass it. We got lucky and our teacher had to suddenly leave for the semester and we got a fresh out of college guy to teach. I was so into Dylan I just wrote all my stuff in a Dylan style including no periods or other grammar and etc that Dylan picked up from poet CC ??? The student teacher told me he was so impressed with my writing he took it to his old professor to show him he had a young genius as a student. I kinda felt bad for what I was pulling on that young teacher, but figured if I pass senior English that was priority one.

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I once recited this to someone, who completely embodied the mean of the entire song, let alone this lyric:


I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes

And just for that one moment I could be you

Yes, I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes

You'd know what a drag it is to see you


Other than that, the only song by Dylan I really enjoy listening to is "Tangled Up In Blue"

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What looks large from a distance,

Close up ain"t never that big.

Nord Stage 3 HA88, Nord Stage 3 Compact, Casio CT-S1, Radial Key Largo, Westone AM Pro 30, Rolls PM55P, K&M 18880 + 18881, Bose S1 Pro, JBL 305p MKII, Zoom Q2n-4K

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They said what's up is down, they said what isn't is

They put ideas in his head he thought were his

He was a clean-cut kid

But they made a killer out of him,

That's what they did


(Best version was by Linda Gail Lewis who plays a mean piano, like her brother Jerry Lee.)

Kurzweil PC4, Expressive E Osmose, UNO Synth Pro, Hammond B-3X on iPad, Rhodes Mark II Stage 73, ART 710-A MK4s

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Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind....


(I was gonna say

"There must be some way out of here"

Said the joker to the thief

"There's too much confusion

I can't get no relief..."


But that's a Hendrix song.....right?)

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I have more than one favorite Dylan lyric.


Grandpa died last week and now he's buried in the rocks

Everybody still talks about how badly they were shocked

But me, I expected it to happen, I knew he'd lost control

When he built a fire on Main Street and shot it full of holes

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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Your dancing boy in his Chinese suit

I spoke to him, I took his flute

No, I wasn't very cute to him, was I

But I did it because he lied

Because he took you for a ride

Because time is on his side and

Because I...

It took a chunk of my life to get here and I am still not sure where "here" is.
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The bridge at midnight trembles

The country doctor rambles

Bankers" nieces seek perfection

Expecting all the gifts that wise men bring

The wind howls like a hammer

The night blows cold and rainy

My love she"s like some raven

At my window with a broken wing

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And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind

Down the foggy ruins of time

Far past the frozen leaves

The haunted frightened trees

Out to the windy beach

Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky

With one hand waving free

Silhouetted by the sea

Circled by the circus sands

With all memory and fate

Driven deep beneath the waves

Let me forget about today until tomorrow

"I like rock and roll, man, I don't like much else."  John Lennon 1970

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And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind

Down the foggy ruins of time

Far past the frozen leaves

The haunted frightened trees

Out to the windy beach

Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky

With one hand waving free

Silhouetted by the sea

Circled by the circus sands

With all memory and fate

Driven deep beneath the waves

Let me forget about today until tomorrow


So good it's ridiculous.

U1 | NP | NS3 | NE3 HP | K10
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Tweeter and the Monkey Man were hard up for cash

They stayed up all night selling cocaine and hash

To an undercover cop who had a sister named Jan

For reasons unexplained she loved the Monkey Man


Tweeter was a boy scout before she went to Vietnam

And found out the hard way nobody gives a damn

They knew that they found freedom just across the Jersey Line

So they hopped into a stolen car, took Highway 99


And the walls came down, all the way to hell

Never saw them when they're standing, never saw them when they fell


The undercover cop never liked the Monkey Man

Even back in childhood he wanted to see him in the can

Jan got married at fourteen to a racketeer named Bill

She made secret calls to the Monkey Man from a mansion on the hill


It was out on Thunder Road, Tweeter at the wheel

They crashed into paradise, they could hear them tires squeal

The undercover cop pulled up and said "Everyone of you's a liar

If you don't surrender now, it's gonna go down to the wire"


And the walls came down, all the way to hell

Never saw them when they're standing, never saw them when they fell


An ambulance rolled up, a state trooper close behind

Tweeter took his gun away and messed up his mind

The undercover cop was left tied up to a tree

Near the souvenir stand by the old abandoned factory


Next day the undercover cop was hot in pursuit

He was taking the whole thing personal, he didn't care about the loot

Jan had told him many times it was you to me who taught

In Jersey anything's legal as long as you don't get caught


And the walls came down, all the way to hell

Never saw them when they're standing, never saw them when they fell


Someplace by Rahway Prison they ran out of gas

The undercover cop had cornered them said "Boy, you didn't think that this could last"

Jan jumped out of the bed, said "There's someplace I gotta go"

She took a gun out of the drawer and said "It's best if you don't know"


The undercover cop was found face down in a field

The monkey man was on the river bridge using Tweeter as a shield

Jan said to the Monkey Man, "I'm not fooled by Tweeter's curl

I knew him long before he ever became a Jersey girl"


And the walls came down, all the way to hell

Never saw them when they're standing, never saw them when they fell


Now the town of Jersey City is quieting down again

I'm sitting in a gambling club called the Lion's Den

The TV set been blown up, every bit of it is gone

Ever since the nightly news show that the Monkey Man was on


I guess I'll go to Florida and get myself some sun

There ain't no more opportunity here, everything's been done

Sometime I think of Tweeter, sometime I think of Jan

Sometime I don't think about nothing but the Monkey Man


And the walls came down, all the way to hell

Never saw them when they're standing, never saw them when they fell


And the walls came down, all the way to hell

Never saw them when they're standing, never saw them when they fell

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And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind

Down the foggy ruins of time

Far past the frozen leaves

The haunted frightened trees

Out to the windy beach

Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow

Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky

With one hand waving free

Silhouetted by the sea

Circled by the circus sands

With all memory and fate

Driven deep beneath the waves

Let me forget about today until tomorrow


Thanks for posting this one. This has got to be one of the most mind-blowing lyrics in all of music.

J.S. Bach Well Tempered Klavier

The collected works of Scott Joplin

Ray Charles Genius plus Soul

Charlie Parker Omnibook

Stevie Wonder Songs in the Key of Life

Weather Report Mr. Gone


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They sat together in the park

As the evening sky grew dark

She looked at him and he felt a spark

Tingle to his bones

'Twas then he felt alone

And wished that he'd gone straight

And watched out for a simple twist of fate


(I know, I"m a romantic)

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