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Thank you to all the sound designers...


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Just wanted to say thank you to anyone out there who is a sound designer, or who works in sound/music tech. I am really feeling not being able to play my piano every day, play live shows etc. The silver lining to all this quarantining has been a long overdue opportunity to get better acquainted with my digital side.


Ivory 2 and my mac have really helped fill the void quite nicely...it is absolutely incredible where music technology is now at....it is something I took for granted until now.


To all the designers and people working in music technology out there, thank you! :like:

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The Ivory instruments are the stomping grounds of brother Joe Ierardi, along with a few other talented guys (shout out to Geoff Gee). I've known Joe since he worked on the early Kurzweil stuff. If you think what he did with Ivory is great, try making a playable piano out of a 1MB monophonic keymap...without a decent filter.


I wrote programs for the 1000 series when I worked for Kurz back in the 80s, and I got to try that again with a larger (8MB) piano when I was programming the Alesis stuff - also no resonance filtering with the Quadrasynth or QS series. Gave me new respect for what those before me had to work with.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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There is an absolutely incredible keyboard museum in Calgary which I will start another thread about...I had the opportunity to have a private tour a few years back...I basically got to play every iconic keyboard of the 20th century in one sitting...mind blowing. My takeaway from that day was how incredibly realistic I remember that first generation Kurzweil piano sounded...


I remember playing it and saying to myself 'this is really not that far off from what I"m going to be playing on stage later tonight...' and this was four years ago. That is really amazing Dave...I am awestruck by your craftsmanship, and all of the other unsung heroes out there.


I don"t remember the model, I just remember it being billed as the first Kurzweil piano. 1981 or something like that...if someone knows or has a pic, please post!

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As you may know, Stevie Wonder's request to Ray Kurzweil for Ray to make him a keyboard with a believable piano sound was the thing that started the company. There was nothing like it when it came out - the only thing close were the samplers like the Emu stuff, but you had to load disks. Not with the K250 - you could load and change sounds instantly; plus, the samplers didn't sound anywhere near as good...largely because of the sound design (and the engine too, of course). :cool:


I was working at Daddy's in Boston (across the street from the Berklee School of Music) when that came out in the mid-80s. I sold the daylights out of those things - that's how I ended up working for Kurzweil. The fact that they were headquartered in Waltham MA just outside of Boston helped, for sure.


Interesting side note - the only guy in the US who was selling more of those at the time than me was this guy in Fort Wayne, Indiana named Chuck Surack, who was selling them out of his laundry room, and was also doing sound design for them. As many of you may know, he went on to start Sweewater, which seems to have worked out well for him. Chuck and I remain friends to this day - he's a total gear geek at heart.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Haha, I know that Daddy"s! I spent more time there than I did in class! :blush: (Berklee, 1999)


K250, that was the model, and I do remember the Stevie story behind it now that you mention it..very cool, as is the story behind Sweetwater, I had no idea!

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Haha, I know that Daddy"s! I spent more time there than I did in class! :blush: (Berklee, 1999)

That big keyboard room all the way to the left of the store? That was built in an attempt to contain me, sonically speaking. Sorta worked, I guess... :rocker::D


The K250 lived in the front attached to that room, window along with the Emulator II and one heck of a sound system. :)


Supreme's Pizza, baby. You know you went there...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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What I would do for a slice right now....on a student budget it got me through 2 meals a day. What was the name of that amazing vinyl record shop just around the corner at Mass Ave and Boylston? So much of my jazz vinyl came from there...I miss Boston.
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Ivory by itself, solo, may still be my favorite VST. The pianos are gorgeous.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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Totally...I"ve just been using the standalone. I figured out a crude way how to sync it with photobooth. I just take the outs from my steinberg UR 22 and patch them back into the inputs. Then I take a headphone out of the UR 22 into the inputs on my old yamaha P200. Set audio in/outs appropriately on the mac, and just hit record on photobooth.


Once I have a movie file, I input that file into Logic, normalize it, and then bounce a movie back out.


If I tilt the angle on my macbook just right, you can"t tell really if it"s a keyboard or a piano. Works for me...I am going to post a new one with this method in a bit...

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There is an absolutely incredible keyboard museum in Calgary which I will start another thread about...I had the opportunity to have a private tour a few years back...I basically got to play every iconic keyboard of the 20th century in one sitting...mind blowing.


When my daughter moved to Calgary to further her education she worked as a tour guide at Cantos, and when she was married a few years later, the reception was in the concert room there. She asked me to play piano for the first dance and I had my pick of maybe three available grands. I got asked to sit in with the band and ended up playing the whole gig.


Very cool museum! I played Elton John's spinet â Holy Moses :D


Here for the gear.

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There is an absolutely incredible keyboard museum in Calgary which I will start another thread about...I had the opportunity to have a private tour a few years back...I basically got to play every iconic keyboard of the 20th century in one sitting...mind blowing.


When my daughter moved to Calgary to further her education she worked as a tour guide at Cantos, and when she was married a few years later, the reception was in the concert room there. She asked me to play piano for the first dance and I had my pick of maybe three available grands. I got asked to sit in with the band and ended up playing the whole gig.


Very cool museum! I played Elton John's spinet â Holy Moses :D


ya, I remember playing 'your song' on that spinet and getting the chills...

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I think for this particular camera angle I"ll stick to 'performers perspective..' If/when I do a livestream with my girlfriend filming from afar, I"ll set it to audience...thanks for the tip! As you can tell, I haven"t dug too deeply into Ivory, but I look forward to it!


That clip I just posted on the 'post your music' thread is the yamaha C7, 'hard rock' preset btw, which I quite like for the rock vibe!

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Are you using Ivory set for performer or audience perspective?




I don"t know! haha, let me check...


performer....maybe I should be switching to audience? i.e. if this is for videos?

There's no rule - use the one you think sounds better. No one else will know there was another option... :idk:


I was asking because given your description of the project I was curious which you'd choose. I dig that parameter - it was a very thoughtful (and fun) addition. Probably originated from The Olden Days when they had to do programming with a mono sample and would make the sound noticeably pan from left to right as you played up the keybed to make the program "stereo"...which, of course, a real piano doesn't really do... :rolleyes:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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It"s that kind of thought/detail that blows me away...very cool.


Sticking with 'performer" btw. The great thing about the P200 is using the audio inputs. With the two 30W speakers it"s like having an 'upgraded' P200/CP300 with ivory pianos! As soon as I start using separate monitors, mixers, etc., it becomes just a bit more cluttered/less organic than I like. Heck, with the P200, I don"t even need a desk, everything just sits neatly on top.




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