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Appear on Kingdom of Rock Podcast?


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Hi all...


I'm posting again, because I'm kinda surprised that NO ONE took me up on my previous offer to appear on the Kingdom of Rock video livecast on COVID-19 AND THE MUSIC INDUSTRY.


It's a great opportunity to share knowledge, hope, disgust, and strategies with the larger music community at large, as well as a nice way to get you in front of potential fans.


Check out the link to see past episodes:






If you want to appear, please email me at gpeditor@gmail.com, and I'll see if I can get you "on the air" so to speak.


BTW: Episodes to date have included STEVE VAI, MICHAEL SWEET, ELLIOT EASTON, JOHNNY A, JORDAN RUDESS, and on and on and on.


Cheers and Be Safe,


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I had no idea about this-and I'm not sure I have anything to say either, except how so far all my plans have been cancelled.

I"m trying to stay positive but it's hard.

I also have to get a mic and webcam setup in place.

Once that's done I may be knocking on the door.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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  • 3 weeks later...
Alrighty then-

Webcams and mics are sold out all over town.

Prices on Amazon have-what's a nice word-escalated.


It's called profiteering during a national emergency. That's the nicest term I can come up with.

At least in Los Angeles, any price hike above 10% during a declared emergency, unless reflected all they way back up the supply chain, is considered a crime. Our city attorney has not been shy about prosecuting the practice the last 2 months.

Scott Fraser
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