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Kurzweil PC4


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what am I missing by not having a superknob?

Probably the relative ease with which a non-techy user can define it to do things, and the usefulness of it being an endless controller (eliminates the "jump or catch" issue)... but I am not as well-versed in this as I'm sure others would be.


Will this collection be available for the PC4? I guess it's the same version that was made for the Forte?

It's an assumption on my part, that either the same file will work as is, or that Busch will make any minor modification required.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Yamaha's Superknob is super - it lets Montage users have various parameters be controlled by one single controller making real-time sound manipulation a lot more fun. And yes - a K2000 could have done the same thing back in 1990.


Kurzweil has been terrific about compatibility as their keyboards have evolved, anything I've ever done on a K2 instrument can be loaded into a PC3K or Forte, although some tweaking might be needed for the DSP elements. That's one of the reasons that they are so well suited for musical theater, where the life of a show can be much longer than the shelf-life of most keyboards. Who wants to recreate from scratch custom sounds made for a specific orchestration every three years?


The Roland Integra-7 basically has an XV5080 built in, including all the original factory programs. Annoyingly it is not compatible with the newer Fantom series, quite a few of my favorite EDM type waveforms from the Fantom XR are missing from the Integra-7.

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The Roland Integra-7 basically has an XV5080 built in, including all the original factory programs. Annoyingly it is not compatible with the newer Fantom series, quite a few of my favorite EDM type waveforms from the Fantom XR are missing from the Integra-7.

Yes, it seems to be a common misconception that Integra gives you the full historical Roland library. It has a lot of it, but it's missing a lot too.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Just confirmed by Kurzweil in a facebook post... PC4 supports 16 zones. So that's definitely an advantage over MODX which permits only 8 zones (whether internal or external) to be triggered from the keyboard at once. And I expect that PC4 has the usual part vs. MIDI channel independence that people have complained is missing in the Montage/MODX.


Kurz has always been good at MIDI, I assume/hope PC4 will carry this over... good info at https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2240885/Re_Kurzweil_PC3_as_midi_contro -- here we are 9 years later, and Yamaha/Korg/Roland still lag what Kurz was doing 9 years ago, MIDI-wise.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Could someone who knows both VAST and MODX explain to me what Superknob does? On any of my Kurzweils I can have a single controller modify 8-10 parameters per layer, including oscillator DSP (though not the base waveform), pitches, filters, LFOs, envelopes, FUNs, and most effects parameters. So what am I missing by not having a superknob?


The above is not a criticism of Yamaha -- it's just an expression of my personal ignorance.


The superknob allows you to assign up to 128 parameters to a single knob

All other knobs, pedals, sliders.. only 1 parameter..

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When I saw demos of the Montage's Superknob "gimmick", my first thoughts were "the Kronos can do that too!"


Korg workstations are no slouches as MIDI controllers.


Out of curiosity, I just glanced over the Forte manual in the MIDI section. I have an ExpressionMate, and naturally I see a lot of shared DNA. Still, while the Forte has a few nifty options that have no equivalent on the Kronos, and vice versa, I'd hazard a guess that the two are more more than 90% similar in MIDI controller capability.

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When I saw demos of the Montage's Superknob "gimmick", my first thoughts were "the Kronos can do that too!"

but Kronos doesn't have any endless controllers. Other than that, I think it's about relative simplicity. Superknob is more like Morph on a Nord. It's the idea that you can take a single control (let's say foot controller, since that's something the Nord, Yamaha, Kronos, and Kurz all have) and have it do some operation (open a filter on one or more sounds, fade some other sounds in and out, move some drawbars, alter an effect, whatever) then have that same control simultaneously do another such operation, and then another, in order to end up with a single control that does all these things simultaneously. Can Kronos do that? If so, how quickly/easily could you do it? And I guess I'd ask the same question of Tom about the Kurz. If you say it can do it, and it's pretty quick and easy, then I guess the only remaining advantage of the Yamaha implementation is that you have the option of using an endless encoder. (Disclaimer: I've done this kind of thing on the Nord. I haven't done it on the Yamaha. Being Yamaha, it's probably not as easy as on the Nord. ;-) But my understanding is that it's not too bad. I'd also like to hear of other's experiences here.)


Korg workstations are no slouches as MIDI controllers.

I agree. The Kross and Krome function as 16 zone controllers which beats out almost every other low-moderately priced board, few of which exceed 4 zones, if that. I don't remember what it was that I was able to do on the Kurz that I couldn't see how to do on the Kronos, but as you say, each can do some things the other cannot. Kronos has more controls, for one thing, though it looks like PC4 may close that gap a bit.


Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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As you said, the idea is to assign several parameters all to that foot pedal -- pitch changes, filter cutoff, OSC levels, pan, LFO speeds, FX wet/dry or time or feedback, etc.


On the Kronos, its "mod matrix" is called AMS, and most parameters have a freely assignable AMS source. For example, on OSC level, you choose select your AMS source (say footpedal) and its intensity (say -85). Select timbre2, assign its filter cutoff to footpedal, with a positive intensity. Select timbre3 filter cutoff assigned to footpedal also, but use a negative intensity. And so on.


Instant "SuperPedal."

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It's the idea that you can take a single control (let's say foot controller, since that's something the Nord, Yamaha, Kronos, and Kurz all have) and have it do some operation (open a filter on one or more sounds, fade some other sounds in and out, move some drawbars, alter an effect, whatever) then have that same control simultaneously do another such operation, and then another, in order to end up with a single control that does all these things simultaneously. And I guess I'd ask the same question of Tom about the Kurz.


Happily, the answer is yes, from probably the K2000 on up. The reason is that (my wording, not official) most synthesizer architectures push their modulation, but VAST pulls it. Let me elaborate.


With VAST, every modulation destination -- every filter, envelope, LFO, oscillator pitch, volume, DSP sound modulation, and effects parameter -- can "choose" its own modulation source. Most of these modulation destinations can also choose offset and multiplier factors -- they can decide when to pay attention to the modulation source, and how much attention to pay to it.


For example, on a guitar patch I tie envelope sustain level and then overdrive level to the mod wheel; then I tie overall volume (output from the overdrive effect) inversely to the mod wheel, so volume remains more or less constant while the fuzz goes up. I can take it further if I want: I can have a second layer a couple of octaves up, simulating speaker-to-string feedback, also be activated by the mod wheel after it gets 2/3 of the way up. At the same time, perhaps I pull back the chorus effect a little bit to increase a feeling of presence. etc.


...and I have only used one modulation control. I still have 9 sliders, two CC pedals, and at least 5 switches available, each one of which can control between one and ALL the parameters of the program.


This is why I became such a VAST fan -- it provides me with more expressive capabilities than any other synth or sampler I've ever owned.

-Tom Williams

{First Name} {at} AirNetworking {dot} com

PC4-7, PX-5S, AX-Edge, PC361


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I don't remember what it was that I was able to do on the Kurz that I couldn't see how to do on the Kronos, but as you say, each can do some things the other cannot. Kronos has more controls, for one thing, though it looks like PC4 may close that gap a bit.


Someone mentioned that the Kurz can re-channelize MIDI... Kronos can't do that. On both the Forte and the Kronos the knobs, sliders, and buttons are freely assignable, with offsets, but the Kronos doesn't have the ability to set curves on continuous changes.


Forte has one more footpedal and one more footswitch than Kronos.


The Kronos has the addition of 16 audio tracks in its sequencer, but I bet the Forte sequencer is more accessible for live playback of songs/tracks than on the Kronos.


As for a few controller things the Kronos has a leg up on the Forte:

- 18+ assignable buttons, ribbon, vector joystick, 8 virtual pads


- 2 class compliant USB hosts (external plug and play MIDI controllers like Vortex wireless keytar and TEC breath controller)

- 2 audio INs routable to FX, and through VAs like MS-20 and 8-op FM engines

- 6 audio OUTs, along with 16 FX, also serve as tap points for Audio INs

- custom-assigned knobs/sliders/buttons/pads saved as external MIDI controller template (up to 128)


I dig the Forte's switchable OUT/THRU, though I wish it was a true merge like in the ExpressionMate. MIDI merge is so overlooked and under-rated.


I did notice in the manual that the Forte can assign chords to ups to 8 keys. Kronos can do this as well with its virtual pads. This is how I play multitimbral chords and samples with my feet... so this implies I could do the same with a Kurzweil!


I sent an email to Kurzweil support asking if and when a 76 key will be released.

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Quick aside --


Tom, I checked out your link in your signature. Terrestrial wireless internet, eh? Microwave point to point? I began studying for the CCNA wireless but got side-tracked, focused on CCNP Route for now. Seems like there's loads of opportunity in wireless WAN in rural areas, especially in developing infrastructure like in South America.


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As far as music stores go...and speaking primarily of the Guitar Center and Sam Ash closest to my work...the main keyboards left in there are Williams digital pianos, a lot of midi controllers, and a few Yamahas. Korg, Roland and Kurzweil (let alone Nord) are nowhere to be found at the GC.


If you are lucky they will power up; even more lucky if they have audio hooked up to anything.


These particular stores have given up on selling pro keyboards. Granted, I've been in other Guitar Centers and stores through the years that had a much wider selection.

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Thanks, psi and tom, for the info on Kurz MIDI functionality vs. Kronos/other. I wish Yamaha weren't the only one of the three (AFAIK) that has endless encoder rotaries. Jump-or-catch can be a pain.


I think the Kronos thing I couldn't figure was how to have different sliders/knobs simultaneously send commands on different MIDI channels, but I'm pretty sure there's a way, I just didn't dig deep enough to find it.


I guess the only other thing I'm still unsure about is the relative ease. Okay, Kronos, Forte, MODX, Nord Stage can all be set so that an expression pedal simultaneously performs multiple disparate functions on multiple disparate sounds... but how many steps and how much time does it take to set it up, and how long does it take you to figure out how to do it? It could be interesting to come up with some particular multi-function task and see videos of how you would accomplish it on each of these boards. Any volunteers?



Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I think the Kronos thing I couldn't figure was how to have different sliders/knobs simultaneously send commands on different MIDI channels, but I'm pretty sure there's a way, I just didn't dig deep enough to find it.


Go to Global mode/MIDI/External1 tab. You'll see you can assign each of the 8 knobs, 16 buttons, and 9 sliders to any CC on any channel.


Notice the little drop down box at the top lets you save to one of 128 slots, and some are preconfigured.


Before you do anything, one more important thing to note:


The area on the Kronos to the left of the touchscreen display with all the *physical* knobs/buttons/sliders is called the Control Surface. But on the touchscreen, there is a tab called Control Surface which mirrors the physical CS but also includes names and values of what is assigned. This tab is found in Program mode, Sequencer, Set List, and Combi.


Here's why that matters: I'm guessing your goal is to call up a Combi/Multi, and have ready to go a "template" with those pre-assigned knobs etc on certain MIDI channels to control outboard gear for the particular song you're about to play. So what you do is link, say External1 template #57 to Combi 57 Billie Jean. So on the combi's virtual Control Surface, upper right, you'll see you can choose which External1 template to associate with this Combi. Don't forget to update/save.


Final note: the CS has several "banks" of those knobs/buttons/sliders, each bank selectable by the vertical row of buttons just to the left of the buttons/knobs. (Control Assign)


Timbre 1-16: mixer mode where faders are levels,knobs are pans, buttons are mute/solo


Tone Adjust: lets you tweak program parameters to fine tune a combi, like open the filter on your lead. Upper right of virtual CS is where you select which of 16 timbres to tweak. Saved tweak does not overwrite the base program.


EXT: this is the one you want to change your CS into External1 57 Billie Jean.

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Why do you almost never see Kurzweils live?

Why do you almost always see Motifs, Kronos live (apart from the NORD users)


Take a guess


When will Kurzweil wake up???


Because almost no one sells them. I'd probably have one instead of my Motif had a single store in Minnesota had them.


So why does nobody sell them?

Probably because people didn´t buy them (while they were still selling them)...They go in the store, try the Kurz (while there were any) and the Korg, Roland and Yamaha, feeling more impressed with the latter 3....


Kurzweil has always been this "special tool"...where I could do stuff the others couldn't´t...

But as my main instrument...no...


Forte would definitely be there with an updated base rom and updated LFO´s, envelopes, less aliasing


Sigh...maybe the "next" flagship"...


Btw, in Sweden there was no problem buying Kurzweils for a long time....

NEVER saw them in a live rig during 20 years...

Well, between 1998 or so, and until the announcement of the PC3x in 2010, it actually was very hard to buy a Kurzweil in Sweden - I know, cause I asked/researched about it quite many times, during that period - and here in Sweden, it still seem very hard to sell any other keyboard than a Roland, Yamaha or Korg - Nord is the only company that seems to have successfully challenged "the big three" in our country (not too surprising though... :D ), and I think our biggest chain of retailers is to blame for that. The last time I saw them have ads for a Kurzweil, GeneralMusic, Viscount, even Hammond or similar brand, was probably in the mid-'90s...

So I don't think the problem is that Kurzweil is too much of a special tool - I just think it has been too hard to find a Kurzweil to play, anywhere - and Swedes, in general, are too suspicious to dare to buy an (expensive) instrument nobody else they know (of) already owns.

Apart from myself I know of only of 5-6 other people in Sweden who actually has a Kurzweil they still use, and again - this is probably mainly because they did a lot of research of their own, instead of taking "help" from their local store...!

Too much stuff, too little time, too few gigs, should spend more time practicing...!  🙄

main instruments: Nord Stage 3 compact, Yamaha CP88, Kurzweil PC4, Viscount KeyB Legend Live

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Thanks for the tips, psi. Since I was looking to assign the MIDI functions to a particular Combi, it wouldn't have occured to me to look in the Global section (i.e. where you find stuff that affects everything, not just your one particular combi). But I think I get it... you globally create a library of MIDI templates, then you can call up an individual template to use from within a particular combi.


On the Kurz, IIRC, you just edited what you wanted the slider to do right from within the zone parameters of that particular setup/multi (its combi). I guess the Korg approach makes it easier to re-use the same MIDI setup over and over again, though it makes setting up a particular combi to do a particular (previously undefined) thing more complicated.


Hopefully I've got all that right. ;-)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Thanks for the tips, psi. Since I was looking to assign the MIDI functions to a particular Combi, it wouldn't have occured to me to look in the Global section (i.e. where you find stuff that affects everything, not just your one particular combi). But I think I get it... you globally create a library of MIDI templates, then you can call up an individual template to use from within a particular combi.


On the Kurz, IIRC, you just edited what you wanted the slider to do right from within the zone parameters of that particular setup/multi (its combi). I guess the Korg approach makes it easier to re-use the same MIDI setup over and over again, though it makes setting up a particular combi to do a particular (previously undefined) thing more complicated.


Hopefully I've got all that right. ;-)


That's correct.


However, you can also customize the CS just from Combi mode. Just use Tone Adjust as I mentioned at the end of that last novel (caffeine is in full swing atm, lol):


- press Tone Adjust button

- press Control Surface tab onscreen

- choose which of 16 timbres to tweak

- freely assign program parameters to 8/16/9 knobs/buttons/sliders

- save


Of course you can also use those physical controllers live. Push up fader 1 and 2 at the same time to fatten the detune and drive up amp boost. Reshape the filter ADSR in realtime by sculpting faders 5-8.


Press buttons 2 and 3 to pitch up the 2nd VA engine's OSCs 1 and 2 and octave and octave+5th.


Earlier I mentioned the Kronos can't re-channelize MIDI. I forgot about KARMA... it can re-channelize up to 4 channels. KARMA is... VAST... it gets down the machine level code of MIDI with its myriad of templates for intelligent arps, variable musical motifs, random drum fills.


I think KARMA can stand toe to toe with the Expressionmate.


I'm really looking forward to diving into VAST with a PC4 76 key.



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On the Kurz, IIRC, you just edited what you wanted the slider to do right from within the zone parameters of that particular setup/multi (its combi). I guess the Korg approach makes it easier to re-use the same MIDI setup over and over again, though it makes setting up a particular combi to do a particular (previously undefined) thing more complicated.


That's correct.


However, you can also customize the CS just from Combi mode.

And now that I think of it, you can presumably also do the converse and re-use a Kurz set of MIDI assignments over and over, by simply creating some multis/setups that consist of nothing but your favorite MIDI configurations, which you can then repeatedly use as foundational templates for new multis/setups. Though in this case, you'd have to start with the MIDI template first, whereas on the Kronos, you'd also have the option of configuring your sounds first and adding the MIDI template later.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Enough about the Kronos, let's talk Kurzweil. Specifically its various modes of sound creation and shaping.



I imagine the KB3 engine has all the necessaries for organ emulation -- drawbar mode, control of rotary speed, cabinet type, amp drive, etc.



How many "elements" can be stacked per program? Like can you create an 8 velocity brass instrument? How are brass by the way, it's one of my favorite rompler sounds, on Kronos the included brass is aiight, but the only expansion I ever bought was a brass expansion for the section hits and orchestral french horns, but half of that expansion's presets were just re-packaged stock rom. Integra has some good brass with articulations, seems like MODX has even more and better. How are Kurz's brass?



I heard some complain about Kronos distortions. Are Kurz distortions pretty good? How about filter types... are there various emulations? Can you place 2 (or more) filter types in serial/parallel, like say several bandpasses to emulate formants? Some of this I'll go look up in the manual, but things like quality of distortion and filter a manual cannot convey.



As I research more into Kurzweil's evolution, I see there are now 32 "DSP units(?)" that are pretty flexible in configuration. I imagine the quality is really good, correct? Luscious reverbs, thick phasers, spacey choruses. Again, I'll look up the algorithms in the manuals, but subjectively, is FX quality is on par with stand-alone multiFX units?



Mainly curious about ease of use. I imagine the RIFF generators will be very handy for re-creating certain signature phrases and ARPs in cover songs. CC sequencing is not so much my thing, but I wonder if playing in a piano sonata then editing the mistakes is relatively painless. Thanks.

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Well, between 1998 or so, and until the announcement of the PC3x in 2010, it actually was very hard to buy a Kurzweil in Sweden - I know, cause I asked/researched about it quite many times, during that period - and here in Sweden, it still seem very hard to sell any other keyboard than a Roland, Yamaha or Korg - Nord is the only company that seems to have successfully challenged "the big three" in our country (not too surprising though... :D ), and I think our biggest chain of retailers is to blame for that. The last time I saw them have ads for a Kurzweil, GeneralMusic, Viscount, even Hammond or similar brand, was probably in the mid-'90s...

So I don't think the problem is that Kurzweil is too much of a special tool - I just think it has been too hard to find a Kurzweil to play, anywhere - and Swedes, in general, are too suspicious to dare to buy an (expensive) instrument nobody else they know (of) already owns.

Apart from myself I know of only of 5-6 other people in Sweden who actually has a Kurzweil they still use, and again - this is probably mainly because they did a lot of research of their own, instead of taking "help" from their local store...!


Doesn't Kurzweil have a fairly strong presence in England? What about Germany? Hopefully Anderton's or Thomann's will get PC4s so you can audition them.

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I imagine the KB3 engine has all the necessaries for organ emulation -- drawbar mode, control of rotary speed, cabinet type, amp drive, etc.

Yes. The newest implementation I've used is Artis. It's pretty good, and has a lot of adjustments. Among workstation-type boards, without having done specific comparisons but just as an overall impression, I'd put Kurz's organ above Roland or Yamaha, but probably below Korg's CX3... though it depends... I think Kurz' overdrive probably beats the one in Kronos. Could use better key click, and yeah, rotary sim (though it's not bad). The PC4's assignable outs should make it easy to put an external sim on it if you need better.



How many "elements" can be stacked per program?

I'm not sure, but I think it's 32.


How are Kurz's brass?

Forte brass samples start at 8:28 at

- the PC4 doesn't have the full Forte sound set, but I don't think brass would differ, I think both use the Kore64 brass sample set, I don't think Kurz has any newer brass than that. I think these are good, but are probably still not Kurzweil's "forte" at least if being used in a more pop context as opposed to orchestral.


Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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How many "elements" can be stacked per program? Like can you create an 8 velocity brass instrument?


Any program can have up to 32 layers. Each of those layers could conceivably have a velocity switched keymap with up to 8 defined velocity layers. You could stack 16 of those programs in one Setup and define each program's velocity range, so you'll have a tough time running out of potential velocity switching options.


The included brass ROM waveforms are not as rich or detailed as what you would find on the Integra-7, but if you play some factory programs you'll hear what amazing things V.A.S.T can do with those raw materials. You might want to take advantage of the user sample RAM for brass emulation.

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Any program can have up to 32 layers. Each of those layers could conceivably have a velocity switched keymap with up to 8 defined velocity layers.

So a single Program could have up to 256 of what Yamaha calles Elements (with the "restriction" that "only" up to 32 can sound at a time)?


The included brass ROM waveforms are not as rich or detailed as what you would find on the Integra-7

The Integra also incorporates modeling into its supernatural sounds, so it's more than just the waveforms.


But as always, no board (or module) is best at everything.


Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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How many "elements" can be stacked per program? Like can you create an 8 velocity brass instrument?


Any program can have up to 32 layers. Each of those layers could conceivably have a velocity switched keymap with up to 8 defined velocity layers. You could stack 16 of those programs in one Setup and define each program's velocity range, so you'll have a tough time running out of potential velocity switching options.


The included brass ROM waveforms are not as rich or detailed as what you would find on the Integra-7, but if you play some factory programs you'll hear what amazing things V.A.S.T can do with those raw materials. You might want to take advantage of the user sample RAM for brass emulation.


Holy sch-moly thassa lotta velocity!


So the question leads to how you can take limited rom/ram and "shape" those elements to increase your pool such that you have more material for all those velocity switches. -- choose multisample start points... detune/transpose/re-EQ elements... distort/add sine/re-sample...


Being able to import user samples is really where it's at I guess. Probably quicker and more productive to assemble multi-sample elements on a computer then just import the final products as user sample RAM.


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So a single Program could have up to 256 of what Yamaha calles Elements (with the "restriction" that "only" up to 32 can sound at a time)?



That's correct, they weren't kidding when they came up with the "VAST" acronym.


I consider the PC3K and Integra-7 to be two halves of the perfect keyboard rig. Each of those two pieces excels at something the other one lacks. For example the Integra-7 offers a paltry 64 user combis ("Studio Sets") whereas the PC3K can have thousands of Setups in RAM at once. The Integra-7 has the rich detailed acoustic piano and brass lacking in the PC3K ROM, but the PC3K8's strings blow away anything in the Integra-7. The Integra-7s B3 organs just sound better to my ears.


There isn't much that this combination can't do brilliantly.

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So a single Program could have up to 256 of what Yamaha calles Elements (with the "restriction" that "only" up to 32 can sound at a time)?



That's correct, they weren't kidding when they came up with the "VAST" acronym.


I consider the PC3K and Integra-7 to be two halves of the perfect keyboard rig. Each of those two pieces excels at something the other one lacks. For example the Integra-7 offers a paltry 64 user combis ("Studio Sets") whereas the PC3K can have thousands of Setups in RAM at once. The Integra-7 has the rich detailed acoustic piano and brass lacking in the PC3K ROM, but the PC3K8's strings blow away anything in the Integra-7. The Integra-7s B3 organs just sound better to my ears.


There isn't much that this combination can't do brilliantly.


Hey, thanks much for this tip! I just re-visited the organs on my Integra. I never before noticed the articulations... if you play legato, the percussive element doesn't trigger, until you play staccato. And for some reason, my playing seems faster, using the Kronos keybed. Jamming on some dusty Foreplay now...

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I just re-visited the organs on my Integra. I never before noticed the articulations... if you play legato, the percussive element doesn't trigger, until you play staccato.

Yup, that's what a real B3 did, and that's what all the "organ engine" emulations do, including KB3 on the Kurz.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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