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Yeah Skip, I knew your were well versed in weapons and Wing Chun history. I really never studied the 2 weapons forms but I had seen them on Augustine Fong's video training tapes. I loved the history of the long pole building strength by the polling of boats down the river as seen in the intro in the video above. Augustine was a student under Ho Kam Ming a student of Yip Man at his school. Bruce Lee trained under Yip Man as well. Master Augustine Fong's school is located in Tucson Arizona. If I am remembering correctly, he explains that while these weapons can be used in self defense, they are more like tools for weight training, hand eye coordination, balance, building speed, etc. :cool:


Ya, in China there are weapons like that-spears that are way too long and heavy for practical use but are great for the reasons you mention. I have had trial experiences with several traditional schools in Japan with similar versions of the spear and the wooden sword.

As far as my own little assembly, here`s the long


And the short of it


Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Wing Chun ?

Don't you cats mean Wang Chung ? :rolleyes::facepalm::D


So if you're feeling low / Turn up your radio

But now the music's on, Baby,

Dance---get the feeling not the word

Everybody have fun

Deep in the world tonight / Just let yourself go

Rip it up / Cool down

Rip it up / Get out what's inside of you

Move it down to the ground

Everybody have fun


Yes, the Kung Fu was strong with this group.

Well for whatever it`s worth, I`m officially in for filming on Saturday. The pay has gone up by 50%, but it`s going to be an all-day shoot. I`m still pretty unclear on what it`s about, in fact I don`t even know the location yet. That`s supposed to come along tomorrow-one day before filming. Unbelievable.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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There are 2 different ? here.

#1 Creative outlets: Surfing and fashion design, I just started my first year at Honolulu CC 2 year fashion design program.

#2 Jobs for young people: Babysitting and lifeguard.


Good call on the jobs- missed those.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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Well, I'm guessing it never occured to me because one would have to qualify for that one.


Takes no special qualifications to mow a lawn or wash cars. ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Well, I'm guessing it never occured to me because one would have to qualify for that one.


Takes no special qualifications to mow a lawn or wash cars. ;)



You are right. The Red Cross a class, it is 25 hours and you have to be 15 to take it.

Jennifer S.

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Cool weapons Skip! I recognize all of them but one. The 4th from the left in the long weapons. Looks like a spring of some kind on the end? :cool:


That is the training version of a Japanese Naginata. Many schools have club activities with them, it`s common for students to have them on the way home. They are long, but light and fast-the majority of students are women. I`ve had several classes with the head of the all-Japan federation, Kimura sensei. She got promoted to an even higher position a couple years ago.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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I tried to reply earlier-error problems.

The rattan cane to the right of the Naginata

is neither Chinese nor Japanese. It`s a Sibat, from the Philipines.

There are also several items including a small but very diverse collection of knives, that are not in these photos. Some of them are in the U.S., it could be a while before I get them together.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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I prefer the American self-defense weapons----


Lead pipe;

ball peen hammer;

meat cleaver;

9mm Glock

.44 & .357 cal. Colt




I`m not sure who can claim credit but, if it`s any consolation the Hong Kong Triads also think meat cleavers are a good idea :D

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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I noticed a couple of pairs of kali type sticks from the Philippines to the right of the Broadsword. The Okinawan Sai and the Tonfa pairs too... :cool:


The Philippine pantheon includes several items which I don`t have yet, including the latigo (bullwhip) and sarong. My Okinawan set is also incomplete. I especially like the eku (boat paddle).

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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I noticed a couple of pairs of kali type sticks from the Philippines to the right of the Broadsword. The Okinawan Sai and the Tonfa pairs too... :cool:


The Philippine pantheon includes several items which I don`t have yet, including the latigo (bullwhip) and sarong. My Okinawan set is also incomplete. I especially like the eku (boat paddle).


I was told the Sai was used as a wagon yoke and the tonfa was used for grinding rice. Both were put in play to defend against the Samurai sword in Okinawa...is there any truth to those stories? :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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Just see a big, empty space there, Danny.


What was it supposed to be?




Let me try re-posting:



If you cant see that, its the gun shop scene from the first Terminator movie. :D

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I noticed a couple of pairs of kali type sticks from the Philippines to the right of the Broadsword. The Okinawan Sai and the Tonfa pairs too... :cool:


The Philippine pantheon includes several items which I don`t have yet, including the latigo (bullwhip) and sarong. My Okinawan set is also incomplete. I especially like the eku (boat paddle).


I was told the Sai was used as a wagon yoke and the tonfa was used for grinding rice. Both were put in play to defend against the Samurai sword in Okinawa...is there any truth to those stories? :cool:


In the case of tonfa it`s unlikely. Real shinken (tempered blades) would slice through them eventually. Sai are a better bet, they are similar to jutte-you may have seen them in some U.S. shops since they are nonlethal and make nice souvenirs. Jutte were designed specifically to counter naughty Samurai with swords. There are also tekko-originally horse stirrups, but work fine as brass knuckles. The palm side would be cutting it close-literally-with a sword. But the knuckle side has some clearance and they are used in pairs. All that said-one mistake with a real blade, and the opponent would go home incomplete-if at all. The molding and firing process makes them hard on the outside, but with a flexible core that can bounce back from impacts. It`s a formidable weapon, and training is extremely rigorous.

Tonfa were for threshing-that just means separating the rice from the plant. If the rice needed to be ground to make flour or something, it was on a grindstone-some flour is still made that way, ergo `stone ground` on the label.

............and I can`t wait for the Tokyo Music Instrument Fair this year! :D


Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Aside from music, I am also a partnered streamer on Mixer (I do live streams, a few times a week) and I also dabble in 3D modeling/rendering:







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Thanks Skip, on the Tonfa I was told they were held by the long end and used like a hammer as opposed to holding by the handle and using them like a pool que the way police are trained. One would block the sword at the handle and the sword would get stuck in the wood. The other would hit you over the head like a hammer. Threshing instead of grinding makes sense for that part of the story. It was interesting to me that neither the sai or the tonfa were originally designed as weapons but taken up in self defense. I'll have to check out those horse stirrups (Tekko) for the same reasons...much like the sticks, there is always one around be it a broom, shovel handle, feather duster, etc. or you can just pick up an ashtray back in the day when every one smoked LOL! Thanks again! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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Yes, some of the tonfa kata use the handle to block and strike-now, kata is kata and making the best of a bad situation, that scenario could happen. Ideally, reply to wood with wood, steel with steel, projectiles with projectiles. Best is, be WAY better than your opponent.

Now as for the `right-what caliber are we talking` school of self-defense-depending on where you live, that ain`t happening. My interest in Filipino arts-well there`s a lot of cool stuff but, on an everyday level, I agree with a lot of teachers who say that, good luck walking around with a battle axe. It`s the knife training that is my real interest. In the UK and other areas where firearms are not an option including Japan, your best friend and worst enemy is a knife.

Speaking of flying discs-I`ve been a Frisbee fan since like forever. I have one of the old Master series, as well as a 141 gram one, back from when the weighted series was around. Never got into the team sport thing. It`s more calm and meditative for me.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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+1 In California the only legal self defense weapon is a knife with a blade under 4"s and pepper spray. I carry both. It's hard to walk around with a sword or any long weapon LOL!



My uncle was a Sheriff in a small county in Arizona for several decades. One evening we were sitting in a small Mexican diner eating our burritos with several seedy characters giving us the eye as they all knew who I was sitting with. I said: "Bobby I notice you don't wear a side arm. Don't you worry about some of these guys since they know who you are?" He said no and reached into his front pocket and pulled out his mace and a black jack. "I just spray them in the face with this and lop them up side the head with that, and I've never lost a fight yet." I learned a valuable lesson that night LOL! :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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+1 In California the only legal self defense weapon is a knife with a blade under 4"s and pepper spray. I carry both. It's hard to walk around with a sword or any long weapon LOL!



My uncle was a Sheriff in a small county in Arizona for several decades. One evening we were sitting in a small Mexican diner eating our burritos with several seedy characters giving us the eye as they all knew who I was sitting with. I said: "Bobby I notice you don't wear a side arm. Don't you worry about some of these guys since they know who you are?" He said no and reached into his front pocket and pulled out his mace and a black jack. "I just spray them in the face with this and lop them up side the head with that, and I've never lost a fight yet." I learned a valuable lesson that night LOL! :cool:


I think it`s ridiculous that, several of the items I own would get me in more trouble than a guy walking around with an AR-15. How do I spell stoopid-that`s how.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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From a photo shoot late last month. The photographer works with Getty images, but I signed a release so I have no idea what will happen with it.



Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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