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Yamaha MODX

Joel Bouchillon

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Flipflip, I think there is a way to put two instruments in one Part if you can do with fewer 'Elements' for each of the two instruments. If you go into Part Edit, you will find that you can set the key range for each of the up to eight elements within the part. Build each of the two instruments for your split by selecting only four elements (instead of eight) for each instrument and set the key range for each set of four elements to make your split. I hope this makes sense. And, no, I haven"t done this before.


Flipflip, I think there is a way to put two instruments in one Part if you can do with fewer 'Elements' for each of the two instruments. If you go into Part Edit, you will find that you can set the key range for each of the up to eight elements within the part. Build each of the two instruments for your split by selecting only four elements (instead of eight) for each instrument and set the key range for each set of four elements to make your split. I hope this makes sense. And, no, I haven"t done this before.

Not sure if this solves it for him - one thing I do to get multiple 'instruments' from a single Performance, used to do same with Voices in Motif ⦠use AF1 and AF2. I will program half of the Elements to be active with ALL AF OFF, then half to be active with AF1 On (or AF2 On). I programmed a standard latch footswitch to enable me to trigger AF1 with my foot (hands free).


I haven"t used scenes a lot yet. I"m also interested in VB3m - reading great reports on it. I am still loving my MODX, I"ve had it for almost 2 yrs though 1 yr was eaten away by COVID. So glad they came out with the MODX7 - thats the sweet spot for me to be comfortable with a one board rig. Anyone who got the 6, should get the 7 :)

Cheers guys.

Yes, thats a workaround but would probably involve too many compromises.

Yeah, sometimes i do regret not getting the MODX7, BUT, being able to use public transport with my MODX6 on my back and everything other than a stand, in a bag is a real help, as i don"t drive.

For the bands where i don"t need to drive as i get lifts, a MODX7 would be so much nicer, but those bands might not always be there and i know ill need to get myself to rehearsals at some point.

The VB3m is amazing, even more so considering how cheap it is. Even compared to the PC version i also have. It may not do it all, but let"s face it, when your on stage with a band you don"t need 100% authentic (nor will you get it without the real deal). So close that its makes it a no brainier for me.

You can split the keyboard zone on the VB3m, but its not like having a real key split onboard the MODX.

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Posting here hoping someone can help me how to store a performance, this shouldn't be this difficult. I changed one of the velocity parameters in a Live Set performance from Narf Sounds. Hit the Store button and overwrote the performance. Went to a different Live Set performance and switched back to the original that I changed and it's still showing the original velocity parameter without any changes that I made. What am I doing wrong?


Anytime you want to edit a parameter of a performance, you need to go to that performance directly and store it from there. You will also need to "store as new" and give it a new name. You can then hit shift and Live set, and place it in the Live set of choice.



Which NARF sounds live set were you working with?


Gig Rig:Roland Fantom 08 | Roland Jupiter 80






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Posting here hoping someone can help me how to store a performance, this shouldn't be this difficult. I changed one of the velocity parameters in a Live Set performance from Narf Sounds. Hit the Store button and overwrote the performance. Went to a different Live Set performance and switched back to the original that I changed and it's still showing the original velocity parameter without any changes that I made. What am I doing wrong?


Anytime you want to edit a parameter of a performance, you need to go to that performance directly and store it from there. You will also need to "store as new" and give it a new name. You can then hit shift and Live set, and place it in the Live set of choice.



Which NARF sounds live set were you working with?


Thanks, got it figured out. Not sure what set but I was adjusting the velocity switching for the left hand piano part in "Here I Go Again" so it triggers with a lighter touch.


Heard a Journey tribute band from Detroit tonight. Keyboard player was really good but the bass player didn't play the guitar solo counterpoint lines at the end of "Stone In Love", he just rode the root notes the whole time. Ughhh, of course 95 percent of the audience wouldn't know the difference.

'57 Hammond B-3, '60 Hammond A100, Leslie 251, Leslie 330, Leslie 770, Leslie 145, Hammond PR-40

Trek II UC-1A

Alesis QSR






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  • 5 weeks later...
Posting here hoping someone can help me how to store a performance, this shouldn't be this difficult. I changed one of the velocity parameters in a Live Set performance from Narf Sounds. Hit the Store button and overwrote the performance. Went to a different Live Set performance and switched back to the original that I changed and it's still showing the original velocity parameter without any changes that I made. What am I doing wrong?


Anytime you want to edit a parameter of a performance, you need to go to that performance directly and store it from there. You will also need to "store as new" and give it a new name. You can then hit shift and Live set, and place it in the Live set of choice.



Would you mind explaining this process a little bit more?


Essentially, I have a live set for my main corporate/wedding band and I would like to be able to create other live sets for similar bands I fill in with, but don't really want to have to send updated versions of a performance across multiple live sets each time I tweak something besides performance volume.

Studio: Motif XF8 / MacBook Pro / Apollo Twin X / M-Audio BX8a / Plug-ins

Live Rig A: Nord Stage 3 Compact 73 / Prophet Rev2 / Various FX pedals (Eventide, Strymon, Lounsberry, Neo Vent II)

Live Rig B: Yamaha MODX7 / Crumar D9-X / B3-X  (iPad)

Amp: MS KP-610s

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Live sets are just "pointers" aren't they? Meaning, if you save a Performance to a live set slot, then to another live set slot, they both point back to the same single Performance (?) If so, then any changes you make to the Performance should automatically be reflected in every live set that uses it.


If they are separate copies then I'm mistaken. From your experience with seeing the original parameters, it would seem that they are independent (if I understand the issue).


I have a few duplicate Performances like this but haven't tried editing one (and seeing if the others change).

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My understanding is the same as Stokely's.


Each *Performance* is unique (i.e. the sounds in one Performance are not affected by the edits you make in another, even if both include, for example, some of the same factory Parts, because each Performance stores its own unique copy of each of its component Parts).


But you can create multiple Live Set "pointers" to the same Performance... and then, when you edit that Performance, every Live Set slot that contained that Performance will now bring up your edited version (assuming that your edited version was saved such that it overwrote the original version, rather than creating a new version).


Same as what Stokely said, I've not played with this myself, but that's my understanding as well.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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My understanding is the same as Stokely's.


Each *Performance* is unique (i.e. the sounds in one Performance are nor affected by the edits you make in another, even if both include, for example, some of the same factory Parts, because each Performance store its own unique copy of each of its component Parts).


But You can create multiple Live Set "pointers" to the same Performance... and then, when you edit that Performance, every Live Set slot that cntained that Performance will now bring up your edited version (assuming that your edited versions was saved such that it overwrote the original version, rather than creating a new version).


Same as what Stokely said, I've not played with this myself, but that's my understanding as well.


Yeah, that was what I was thinking. The only parameter that would be unique to a Live Set Slot would be volume, unless you had multiple saved versions of the same performance.


However, when I read the conversation I quoted above, it seemed to indicate the opposite

Studio: Motif XF8 / MacBook Pro / Apollo Twin X / M-Audio BX8a / Plug-ins

Live Rig A: Nord Stage 3 Compact 73 / Prophet Rev2 / Various FX pedals (Eventide, Strymon, Lounsberry, Neo Vent II)

Live Rig B: Yamaha MODX7 / Crumar D9-X / B3-X  (iPad)

Amp: MS KP-610s

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all,


Am thinking of downsizing my modx8 to an Modx7. Can"t find a 7 anywhere near me to try out so just wondering if anyone has thoughts on the action? I know it"s won"t be anywhere near the montage 6/7 line and I"m not bothered that I"m coming from a weighted action. It just needs to be solid enough for some piano stuff and other bread and butter sounds. I had a Roland FA07 a couple of years ago and found that capable enough for my needs. Is it anything like that? Am hoping it"s not like the Modx6 action which I tried but found woeful. Just looking for a few comparisons to other keys if anyone has opinions. Many thanks.



Yamaha MODX8, Legend Live.
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Yep the 6 and 7 are same keybed. It's my core gigging board and I love it but I don't do lots of piano based work in my band. Is it the best action ever? No, but it does the job for me.
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Yes, MODX6 and MODX7 share the same keys.


Out of the box, they are quite poor for playing piano, but with velocity curve adjustments, they can substantially improve.


It is pretty different from the FA07. One one hand, the FA07 keys feel "meatier." OTOH, the FA07 keys are notably stiffer as you play toward the rear of the keys, the MODX keys are more consistent.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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I have a MODX7. As Scott says, when I first pulled up the piano and started to play, I thought "no way is this going to work out." I had almost no control over the piano dynamics.


Fast forward some time, and two things made a big difference: adjusting a velocity curve (I believe I set it to be less sensitive) and just learning to play with a really light touch. I was actually very surprised I got to where I am with it!


I also own an older pc361 that has retired to home controller duty, and that fatar tp9 action is a fair bit "weightier" than the MODX7. Same could be said for my old Motif and to a lesser extent the action on my Summit. The MODX7 action is lighter than any of them, it may well be the lightest action I've ever played on a pro keyboard.


Ironically, after reading miden's post above, I'm adding a PC4 to the rig as a one-keyboard gig and just sold a Yamaha with GHS actions :D. For two keyboard gigs, the MODX7 becomes a second jack of all trades but also becomes my "clonewheel" since I have been using B-3X with it very successfully. I find the light action and shallow throw to lend itself very well for organ (if you don't have an actual waterfall action). I'm really looking forward to having piano/rhodes by itself on one keyboard and organ by itself with no need for patch switching or a split--we do a fair number of songs where this is ideal.

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Thanks so much for all the replies. Hmmm that"s a shame it"s the same keybed, I was hoping it might be marginally better. I"m going to have to track one down so before I make a decision. Thanks for all the input, I really appreciate it.
Yamaha MODX8, Legend Live.
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  • 4 months later...

Cory Henry’s new tune below (which incidentally I love) has a nice lead sound - slightly overdriven to the point where at first I thought it was a guitar! Sounds sweet.


The MODX is many things, but intuitive when it comes to creating a sound from scratch it is not - at least in my experience. I can’t find a way to get a little bit of drive on a saw lead without using an effects slot. Also, because of the myriad of options I’m always a little confused using the Moog style boost/filter effect they added. Assigning the effect’s cutoff setting to a knob doesn’t actually do anything - and then what am I supposed to do with the filter on the actual element when using that plug-in effect? 

anyways. I’m experimenting with the drive effects, but haven’t found anything that gets me close to this kind of sweetness yet, but I know the MODX can do it. It’s buried in there somewhere. Anyone know a good way to get a little bit of drive from the lead sound that starts around 2.17? I’m using a basic saw lead from scratch but happy to be told that’s way off. 


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Hammond SKX

Mainstage 3

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I think this might be what you're looking for... 




Check especially the section "In Da Night Boost"


Though also keep in mind, there is a reason people like analog and virtual analog synths... you can't quite get the same places with sample or FM based synthesis. This is an area where competitive boards like FA, Fantom-0, Nautilus, PC4 can have an advantage over MODX (though yes, the VCM Mini Filter and Boost help). If you don't get close enough to what you're after, you might consider taking advantage of the Zone Master functions of the MODX to integrate an external sound source. There are some nice VA apps you can run from an iOS device. Or for lead work, you could also look at real rather than virtual analog in a little Roland SE-02. These are all things that are small enough to fit right on the MODX7.

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Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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55 minutes ago, AnotherScott said:

I think this might be what you're looking for... 




Check especially the section "In Da Night Boost"


Though also keep in mind, there is a reason people like analog and virtual analog synths... you can't quite get the same places with sample or FM based synthesis. This is an area where competitive boards like FA, Fantom-0, Nautilus, PC4 can have an advantage over MODX (though yes, the VCM Mini Filter and Boost help). If you don't get close enough to what you're after, you might consider taking advantage of the Zone Master functions of the MODX to integrate an external sound source. There are some nice VA apps you can run from an iOS device. Or for lead work, you could also look at real rather than virtual analog in a little Roland SE-02. These are all things that are small enough to fit right on the MODX7.

That article was exactly what I was looking for, will have a play around when I’m home tonight. Thanks. 

I’ve used the model-d app with the MODX before and it’s outstanding. Love it. If I can’t get what I want on the MODX I’ll likely get it on that. 

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Hammond SKX

Mainstage 3

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