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song of the week / new or old

d  halfnote

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I'd point out, as my wont, that we shant (yes, I typed that w/out any apostrophe or trophy of any sort !) that we also cant (another no apostrophic event) judge a cover by the book within....just, y'know, sayin'...carry on, eh?
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Maybe the best song Burton Cummings ever wrote...

Maybe... can't ascribe that from my cursory knowledge of his work but it's at least impressive he sang in a lower register & the song structure does seem diff from most pop tunes....more like a Jim Webb tune.


One of my fave things lately is to chk the tune after the target track so I wondered if this selection...


... might actually be better....GAG YER COUSIN VINNIE W/ A SPOON :freak: don't even bother---past the 0:30 second spot you'll be forever changed in a most negative way.

IN NO WAY, HOWEVER does that reflect on Picker's choice of the best B Cummings tune as he assigned above, in fact it intensifies his commendation !

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I'd point out, as my wont, that we shant (yes, I typed that w/out any apostrophe or trophy of any sort !) that we also cant (another no apostrophic event) judge a cover by the book within....just, y'know, sayin'...carry on, eh?


I disagree...cant without the apostrophe has a different meaning. Can't with the apostrophe is the contraction for can not...(which is the way I meant it).

Take care, Larryz
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@ Picker, the Strat sound he's getting out of that toilet seat are as important as Mark Knopfler's on Sultans of Swing IMHO. That's not the one I saw him playing on stage, so he gets that sound out of other Strats as well...can't judge a book by it's cover... :cool:

Hey, I MEANT it, I love the looks of that thing!


Me too! :thu:

Take care, Larryz
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I'd point out, as my wont, that we shant (yes, I typed that w/out any apostrophe or trophy of any sort !) that we also cant (another no apostrophic event) judge a cover by the book within....just, y'know, sayin'...carry on, eh?


I disagree...cant without the apostrophe has a different meaning. Can't with the apostrophe is the contraction for can not...(which is the way I meant it).



Are you thinking of the word "kant" ?

Ah, now my friends at M-W.com are confirming yer suggestion...



In a strange hangoverish matter, however, how is it that I never noticed the oddnicity of Isaak's nose as evidenced in this vid...?


(look at the man behind the curtain, not at me :D )


BTW & FWIW, if just where y' wonder where I stand, it would take abt 75K (who's that "Parrotville" schmuck ?) to equal 1 C.I.


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Just wondering what y'like or find interesting abt that track...

I also wonder that no one seems motivated to comment on any interest they have abt the music posted by others.


Just like the style it's played in and the subject matter. We were all "stoners" when it came out and it kinda hit home. ;)


Just liking the sound of it. Sometimes(most, I'd say) it's really only all that simple.



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Just wondering what y'like or find interesting abt that track...

I also wonder that no one seems motivated to comment on any interest they have abt the music posted by others.


Just like the style it's played in and the subject matter. We were all "stoners" when it came out and it kinda hit home. ;)


Just liking the sound of it. Sometimes(most, I'd say) it's really only all that simple.


whatever yer intent was, that doesn't explain anything nor does it even specify whatever example is under discussion.......


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Hard to figure out some people. On one hand, the man gripes because I :blah::blah::blah: too much, and then pisses and moans if I don't :blah::blah::blah: ENOUGH! :idk


Yeah, Skip, 'bout that time I was where you were as far as acoustic goes. Was also listenin' to a lot of Cat Stevens then, Danny O'Keefe, Croce and the like. While simultaneously getting into fusion and more jazz. And speaking of Danny....




Nice mix of acoustic smoothness and sparse but effective semi-electric assistance. Would work as well if just him and acoustic guitar. I used to pass my time with the tune, just me and my ol' Epi.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Ya, good call on the timeline and music selection.

Here is a recent earworm-this arrangement has some electric

guitars at the end but see if it jogs some neurons:



Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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I think I like the original better, but then, he has Carly Simon doing backups, and Jeff Skunk Baxter playing electric guitar and pedal steel... [video:youtube]

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Hearing the last half minute or so of THIS being used in a TV commercial for The Dollar Shave Club caused me to dig up my old vinyl and play that scratchy old 49 year old LP relentlessly.


Group was formed a few years more ago in Alpena, MI. We loved 'em here, and though I'm just posting the one song that the TV ad got it's "sample" from, the whole LP is a rich source of DICK WAGNER roots shredding. :)




I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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In light of this week's horrific events, and a further disappointment that I'm missing Marillion's US tour dates this week, I give you two from them that address the need for peace and love. One newer; one older:


Living in Fear


... it's a challenge to change your heart



A Few Words for the Dead


...or you could love




I hope this doesn't get deleted for being too political.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Josh White had long been a favorite "old time" bluesman, I was surprised and delighted that his son, JOSH WHITE JR. would often appear on a local children's TV show called "Hot Fudge"(my kids loved that show) with local folksinger RON CODEN, and sounded pretty good that I went to the local record store and found his album "Sing A Rainbow". I long ago lost track of it and recently when talking to one of my daughters found out SHE had it all along! She promised to "burn" a CD of it for me. Meanwhile, here's a cut from it:


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I listen to the radio a lot, and happened to hear Patti Smith do a great version of George Harrison's "Within You Without You" from Sgt. Pepper, leading me to also check out other versions - Jimmy Herring does a really good guitar instrumental version - he's a very hot fusion guy.

I may buy Patti Smith's "12" which includes that tune.

Forgive me for not including the You Tube clip - I don't know how to do that, though one of you was kind enough to try and explain it, LOL. But those interested can easily hear either version on You Tube.

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@ Eric,


1. go into youtube and call up your song

2. left click on the address on your browser line to highlight

3. right click on it again for drop down menu

4. click on copy

5. come here and type: [video:youtube]right click for drop down menu and hit paste <---don't leave any spaces

6. hit submit (you can type in comments before hitting submit)


d, taught me how to do it! :thu:



Take care, Larryz
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Give it Everything You Got - Joe Bonamassa and Beth Hart


Say what you want about Joe, but he and Beth work sell together. He rocks out the wah pedal here. Great horn section, too; they even give some love to the bass player with a little fuzzed-out solo from Michael Rhodes. And Beth - well, she's doing what the song title says.



"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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I listen to the radio a lot, and happened to hear Patti Smith do a great version of George Harrison's "Within You Without You" from Sgt. Pepper, leading me to also check out other versions - Jimmy Herring does a really good guitar instrumental version - he's a very hot fusion guy.

I may buy Patti Smith's "12" which includes that tune.

Forgive me for not including the You Tube clip - I don't know how to do that, though one of you was kind enough to try and explain it, LOL. But those interested can easily hear either version on You Tube.


Let the facts show that...

[1]Some things are superior to others



& [2]


1. go into youtube and call up your song

2. left click on the address on your browser line to highlight

3. right click on it again for drop down menu

4. click on copy

5. come here and type: [video:youtube]right click for drop down menu and hit paste <---don't leave any spaces

6. hit submit (you can type in comments before hitting submit)


d, taught me how to do it!


& I learned it from the estimable Danzilla.

BTW, the copy/paste action seems easier to me if you use [ctrl + c] to copy highlighted material & [ctrl + v] to insert...but airbody got they own moves.


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Funny, but due to some discussion in an unrelated type forum, I've been listening to this old vinyl all week.....



Mike Bloomfield does some nice help on guitar in this one. ;)



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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