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alrighty then...POSTHUMOUS birthdays...


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Actually both of them are in my DNA. My mom loved the Sons Of The Pioneers. She only played one song on the guitar and it was Cool Water in D. The Ventures helped pioneere my intro into the guitar world and playing in my 1st gigging band back in '65 - '69. The boys and I still get together... :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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Sometimes I learn something that suprises me. I never would have guessed Janis was born before Dolly. I have to reset that impression. Kind of like when I realized one of my first wifes uncles was younger than me after always thinking for no good reason that he was older. Jim
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Maybe Dolly's appearance and appeal to an older generation of listeners maybe? That'd be my guess.


As for your wife's Uncle, the fact he IS an uncle probably helped with that impression. That kind of thing can get confusing and in today's "extended" family atmosphere, THIS song doesn't sound so much as a "novelty".---





I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I've got to mention, due to his huge influence on many over the decades, probably for over a century, that today marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of HUDDIE LEDBETTER(aka: LEADBELLY). Blues/folk-blues singer/songwriter and 12-string master.


Friend and inspiration to many of our contemporary "heroes", his life too, is an inspiration. And although interesting to watch, the 1976 biopic "LEADBELLY" really does him no justice.


But, we can't let this pass without a listen... ;)


Probably his best known and most covered tune...



This one shows his playing skills...



But this might be more familiar..;)



And I hope I didn't go thru the trouble of posting these for nothing.




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NO love for LEADBELLY, eh?

So, how about RICHIE HAVENS who would have been just a youthful 77 today if he'd stuck around?


How about his softer side(and this maybe should be in "covers)




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Looks like I'm beating O'Shite in mentioning DJANGO REINHARDT'S 108th anniversary of his birth. ;)


But it's also country singer/songwriter JOHNNY RUSSELL'S birthday, and he'd be 78 if still among us. Noted for many tunes done by many greats, and particularly "Act Naturally" for Buck Owens and later The Beatles.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Yeah, where is Caevan when we need him? He always reminded us to keep Django in mind on his birthday. This video will show us why we admire him so much. It tells of his ability to play better than all others with such a handicap in his fretting hand...he his the King of Improvisation IMHO!




Here's to you Django! :like:

Take care, Larryz
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Today would have been SAM COOKE's 81st.


Now, who didn't dig Sam back in the "day"?

Well, many did...but for some, can you spell "I-D-I-O-C-Y" ?


... BUT there's, unfortunately, also the name that refuses to name itself...





For those that might think Mr Cook (correct, pre-fame spelling) was just another of them, dig this...

general human alert



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& for the orig "band of gypsies"...


Here's DR sticking it in Hitler's eye & ear

w/ a v beautiful tune :love:

...just so, y'know, pop music ala The Beatles didn't just happen when there were Beatles (TK, John ! :D )

Nuages = "clouds"



BTW, here's an interesting look at DR's playing w/ his crippled hand...(can you guess what he might've been like before his injury ?!)



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Sadly, most of Django's pre-injury playing was as accompanyist on either guitar or "banjo-guitar" for French "stars" like MAURICE ALEXANDER, MAURICE CHAUMEL and VICTOR MARCEAU, and he can be heard doing rhythm work on this old recording c. 1928:




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Today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of ELMORE JAMES.

Bluesman once known as "The King of slide" mostly noted for his version of THIS---







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IF anyone pays any attention to this thread, I'll say that here's a guy that needs some "props", maybe not as a guitarist(though he did play) but as IMHO, one of the greatest voices in rock---


STEVE MARRIOTT, who would have been just 71 today, and obviously then left us WAY too young.


We first heard from him here--



And then he a few years later got HERE( note: others might go for the low hanging fruit like "30 days" or "Doctor", but this is my favorite from HP, and shows Steve's vocal power well)



But really, ALL that HP stuff kicked ass! ;)


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Bluesman JESSE THOMAS's 107th birthday is today.

Along with JOHNNY "GUITAR" WATSON's 83rd;

And ARTHUR KANE fom The New York Dolls 69th.


Let's hear from a couple--- Jesse first---



Now Johnny---



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Reggae master BOB MARLEY would have been 73 today. Not a big reggae fan here, but he did have a huge impact on both the genre and music and musicians in general, so it's worth noting his birthday.


GORDON DOWNIE of Tragically Hip just missed becoming 54;


And folkster KATE McGARRIGLE would have been 72.


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I always wondered what some of those "Kings" felt about it all. I know Bob Dylan always thought that "Voice of a generation" tag many gave him was kind of ridiculous.


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Today marks the 104th anniversary of the birth of bluesman( and a favorite of mine) JOSH WHITE. Who's well known for this tune (where I believe somebody took the name from ;) ):



It also would have been GENE VINCENT's 83rd birthday, and...





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Today marks the 81st anniversary of guitarist MAGIC SAM's birth.


And also the 71st anniversary of TIM BUCKLEY'S birth.


Tim, near the end, developed a unique vocal style, And his (probably) most heralded LP, "Greeting From LA", featured enough songs so heavily laced with sexual content that CREEM magazine's DAVE MARSH dubbed the music, "F***K-Rock". ;) couple examples:






And a bit from Sam....




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Today is the 102nd anniversary of the birth of BILL DOGGETT, who wrote the seminal tune "Honky Tonk", which gave us the familiar "riff" that was many a "boomer's" first guitar riff. And one that's been used with countless variations in countless rock'n'roll tunes.



It's also what would have been SONNY BONO's 83rd birthday


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The following not only share a birthday, but garnered great musical reputations while still alive, and left us way too early....


J. GEILS(John Warren) would have been 72 today.

WALTER BECKER would have been 68;

RANDY CALIFORNIA(Wolfe) would be 67;


KURT COBAIN just 51.


Now, I long thought Randy was a few YEARS older than me(possibly my brother's age, 4 years older) NOT just FIVE MONTHS! :o


That means he was only 16 when Spirit released their debut LP!


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