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HallowE'en gtr kix

d  halfnote

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:idk / top link works






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:idk can't get the orig







That's enough from me----whatchcu got ?


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Sorry I'm late, but I'm surprised THIS one didn't make the cut:






Or this one:






I mean c'MON! "All Along The Watchtower"? For HALLOWEEN? :crazy:


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I mean c'MON! "All Along The Watchtower"? For HALLOWEEN? :crazy:


All one need do is listen to the spooky re-arrangement, esp the gtr lines, & consider there lyrics ["Outside in the distance a wildcat did gro: two riders were approaching & the wind began to howl"] to recognize the connection.


Not surprised you missed it.

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If I may play referee here:


1) The lyrical content IS a bit of a stretch of a Hallowe'en reference. Just because it's in a minor key doesn't always mean it's spooky enough for one to "get it".

2) However, if you had referenced that above the video link, it might have been taken into consideration by the viewer. Just vomiting up a lot of Youtube links with no context doesn't make a very valid argument/statement/post.


Personally, I don't click on them as it appears to be a link for the sake of posting something. With the new blocking of video information from Youtube, one doesn't always know what it is, let alone why it's germane. Giving some exposition as to what the link is and how it fits the topic would be helpful.


Now carry on, my wayward sons.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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Valid suggestion, Danz, but sometimes stuff just seems obvious & one expects a bit of vision from musos.

When everything need be spoonfed... :idk


BTW, it's not the kery of the track that imparts it's spookiness but the specific lines JH played.

Are they not scarily dread-laden ?


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"seems obvious" to one person is another man's "WTF", I guess.


Scarily dread-laden? the slide section has some dread, but not in what I would consider horror/scary/frightening way, which is what is usually associated with Hallowe'en. I don't normally think of it that way (more mournful, to me) until you point it out, which again 1) I think is a stretch (just my opinion), and 2) context and exposition are what bring that point to the surface.


But, hey; I'm just one guy, trying to make his way through a ghost-town of a forum, hoping not to be bit by a fang and left for half-dead. Waiting for the revenants of the past forumites to return and haunt this place anew. Now THAT's scary.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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+1 Danzilla, commentary is needed when posting YT videos as I pass many by too without it! In my post on Spooky, it has some very nice "gtr kix" in it, to include a double lead at the end. Also, in the lyrics the guy proposed on "HollowE'en", so I figured I nailed it on the topic LOL! :evil:
Take care, Larryz
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My only issue with "Watchtower" in relation to Halloween is that I long think of supernatural imposition connected with it. You know...Pagan ritual, witchcraft, Satanic inference, ghosts, goblins and that sort of thing. Nothing in the tune puts me to mind of any of that and I never thought of any of Jimi's guitar work in it as in that vein. However, and maybe to Dan's chagrin, another one missed.....



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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