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OK...Happy Birthday to...


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Happy Birthday Whitefang, and many more happy and healthy ones as well.


Also to Steve Morse one of my very favorite guitar players. (They are putting together a Dixie Dregs reunion), Those guys together were simply awesome musicians.

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And I'm sure everybody HERE will wanna wish BUDDY GUY a happy 81st birthday today!


Happy Birthday, Buddy! You're EVERYBODY'S "Grandaddy" in this place! ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I grew up in chelsea (on a farm). Both grandfathers, my father, mother and brother and Uncle worked at Jiffy. Jeff lives about a mile from one of my houses and was in my brother and sister in laws class in school. Growing up I did not know him well and just recently learned he is into the music scene as well as the acting. Jim



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That's cool info Jim. Jeff's a cool guy, good actor and I've heard him also sing and play. Does a good job at all of it.


And I grew up on and still use a lot of those Jiffy products. ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT CRAY! My brother and nephew went to one of his concerts and won an autographed Stratocaster! Talk about Luck! You're a great Strat Cat and I want to catch your show some day Robert! :thu:
Take care, Larryz
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Of ALL The Beatles' offspring, the one who MOST closely resembles their DAD! And NOT just in LOOKS! ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY GUY! You are a Great Blues Guy for sure! :thu:


Saw him on the Jersey Shore when he was with Junior Wells It was in a bar upstairs called the Rip Tide in the Schooners Wharf buildings. I sat 10 feet from them and was amazed all night long. Buddy played an ES335 that night. On one tune he shut the whole room full of semi drunk white folks (which I was one of) by turning the volume control down on the 335 and started picking single notes on it un amplified. The whole room went from loud to dead silent and then he eased up the volume little by little playing all by himself, then after a minute or so of that the band came in.


I became a big Buddy Guy admirer that night and still am


Happy Birthday Buddy, and many more happy and healthy ones as well.


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OK, both Buddy's and Dhani's birthdays are past now, but I'll add another story I liked that concerned Buddy, but not really ABOUT him.....


It was back in '68, I believe this took place, and Jimi Hendrix was in Chicago to do a concert, and when showtime was getting close, nobody could FIND him anywhere!


A frantic search began and about an hour or so later he was found sitting in a downtown blues club watching and groovin' on Buddy! Nobody in the place had any idea who that oddly dressed cat WAS. ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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@ DBM and Fang, You're very lucky to have been in that club DBM! My daughter attended a Buddy Guy concert and brought home an autographed polka dot guitar strap for me. It's been about 10 years now and that strap has never been on a guitar! I think the world of Buddy and hope I get to go next time! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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Well, so far it looks like you'll GET that chance. At his age, he doesn't show any signs of slowing down any time soon.


I know what you mean about the strap. Not having anybody's myself, one of my daughter's boyfriends back in the early '90's worked for a local music store that supplied some gear for a venue in Detroit(Chene Park Music Ampitheater) and copped an autograph of B.B. King for me when he was doing a show there and the kid was one of the equipment handlers. Still hangs up framed in my living room! ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I agree buddy guy is a great talent that I only discovered about 3 or 4 years ago. I missed a chance to see him by a few minutes at his Chicago club a couple years ago. I was parked in a place that locked down at I think 10 PM (I did not know that until one of the club workers told me to get my car out or it would be there until morning. Buddy was coming in at about 10. I saw him arrive as I was leaving but decided I had to go back to the Hotel. I should of found another parking place but I had to get up early the next day for business meetings. Jim
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He passed through my town and played at one of my favorite casinos and I missed him. His 2017 tour doesn't show him coming back any time soon (at least a few months). +1 the man is going strong with gigs just about every other night! Hope he'll be able to keep up the good work. I know I couldn't keep up with his tour schedule but will try and catch up with him one of these days! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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I been kinda distracted

& fergot the fact that

On the same day as Ringo Starr

was born another Star


Why we dig him here

[notice that when he did that hokey "fallback" schtick, at which many still sneer, Dhani H is all smiles, lovin' it]



Burnin the house UP w/ Sheryl Crow

[sparks sstart flying at 3:30]




He gon(e), make it funky

gtr solo improv






What he mighta been like sittin 'round the house w/you




Why they dug him airwhere ?

B/c he was COOL & he WORKED

[no gtr content but y'gotta see this to believe it b/c it's unbelievable !]






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If you're referring to PRINCE, his b'day was JUNE 7, and not JULY 7, which is RINGO'S b'day.


And I usually mention those b'days of those who are still with us(for some reason) ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Fang, I think you should include RIP Birthdays too in some cases but that's entirely up to you. I know Elvis gets a massive amount of radio play on January 8th. Caevan always reminds us of Django's Birthday too...With regard to Prince, I guess it's better to get the day right though LOL! So,


HAPPY BELATED BRITHDAY TO PRINCE! I was never a fan of his music except for a song or two. One that I really liked was When Doves Cry. He was truly a guitar master and I really admired his playing as he could hold is own with the best IMHO! :thu:

Take care, Larryz
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If you're referring to PRINCE, his b'day was JUNE 7, and not JULY 7, which is RINGO'S b'day.

Excuse my intrusion.

Yes, I guess I did get the date wrong.

Can only say I've been a bit, um, distracted this past month.

Thank goodness you were able to figure things out!



As I said last year, PRN was prolly the best combination of talent that we've ever seen: composer, singer, multi-instrument talented (still tryna find a clip of him & his fave concert trick of simultaneously playing RH kboard & LH gtr), arranger & producer.

More than 1/2 his finished tracks are only him.


Plus he tripped the light fantastic as a dancer in ways that went beyond his obvious influence from James Brown into an arty choreography that didn't just fill rhythmic space (as in most stage dance) but served as another interpretation of his tunes.

Beside the 1 above, look at this clip




Far as I'm concerned everyday's his BDay.

I'll trade y' 1 PRN for abt seventy-leven of yer random who's-in-the-paper-today picks.


[We now return you to yer regularly scheduled programming]

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Y'know, my centering on b'days of the still living is one of convenience. Usually, and if the person is still active, their birthday might be announced somewhere. But looking up the birthdates of long gone and even some recently gone would take me more time on the ol' desktop than I'm both willing and able to take. But....


Just 'cause I STARTED this thread, don't take that as prohibiting. ANYBODY can contribute! ;) So, if you happen to somehow know if it's Charlie Christian's b'day or something like that, feel free to come here and post it! :)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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@ Fang, I was getting after you to start a Birthday Thread as opposed to starting new threads like the Ringo one and then mentioning several others on the thread that had nothing to do with the Ringo discussion. So, you gave it a shot and I think it's successful. You started the thread less than a month ago and have already had 1,374 views (Charlie was born on July 29th BTW). I think when we want to talk about Prince, Elvis, Ringo, [insert name] we can start a new thread on their birth or death or at anytime day. On this thread I'm glad to see you will allow a few RIP's to be included as you do a good job of keeping us informed on the live ones. Just my 2 cents again LOL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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+1 Every now and then someone throws in a RIP or a Happy Birthday to someone we all know and love that may be OT musically, but it's still cool IMHO! I mean she was the greatest out of tune singer I ever heard and I loved Little Glow Worm on the sax LOL! :thu:
Take care, Larryz
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I thought so too, until I threw out an RIP for some actor I thought just about everybody liked(forget who it was now), and got a lot of flack about it. I won't say by who. But I still see nothng wrong about it.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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